if you want to troll you can go elsewhere. i am asking nice and politely
bump :d
Bro you need a larger hero pool. You can't just hate playing certain heroes if you really want a team. Gl with your search though.
Tbh my heropool is sufficient for the roles i play as my personal no-goes match mostly the roles(mid) i dont play.
I just distinguish between the heroes i enjoy play. I just want to emphasize which heroes i enjoy play because if i look for certain threads which say "LF Support: Needs to be able to play visage chen ench" sth like that you catch my drift.
But atleast somekind of reply which i still thank for
If anyone wants to checkout my recent cm games for further reference
But having to play those heroes you listed will affect your gameplay won't it? You will be like "Dude why did it have to be Wisp?"
https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/564393_640373385979487_498128086_n.jpg nice paint skills
anyways i dont have that feeling unless its a hero i havent touched since its introduction.
Also I train heroes on demand cause its not necessarily a freetiem activity but somewhat of the job. And usually teams go in tournaments something they have practiced and not new stuff and of course a captain doesnt use weak parts of a player but uses what he excels at.
(I mean ive seen bulldog 95% of the games on furion or sylla and if that doesnt goes with cw,bh or ds. And in comparison i have gotten great feedback from the heroes i excel at and if a captain can get a go to hero of a player why not)
not sure if trolling or just kidding :D
tns ?
cant find you, you can add me http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198093478629
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Hej, i am a 20 year old student and I play dota since 6.59c. As the title suggests I'm looking for a team which wants to compete in tournaments and is doing great already in tournaments. As I said I want to join an already existing team. I'd like the team to have a matchmakingrating of ~4,8k or more. As I am open im going to tell you my flaws and benefits. I mostly achieve great results with the heroes I like and I dont mind playing them all the time however I have heroes which I just dont enjoy playing and therefor dont achieve as good results in comparison to others.
The heroes I adore to play are:
Broodmother, Naga Siren, Skywrath Mage and Visage
The heroes I don't care about are heroes such as:
My personal no-go:
^^So this are basically my guidelines of playing certain heroes
To my experience I've played hundreds of organized cm games. The role I am the least experienced is the Mid role however, however I am equally good in the other roles
If you want to have more insight of what player you might recruit you can check my twitch-channel and check our my recent highlights http://www.twitch.tv/iwin4poland/profile
or statistics