General Discussion

General DiscussionVery High

Very High in General Discussion
╰_╯ GeneraL ♕★♥

    I gave this account to my friend -->
    It is in Very High bracket, and after him losing almost 86 games, and winning only 30, he is still in Very High bracket and is currently suffering from a lose streak from which he can't get out of

    Is his MMR not dropping?
    Or the system doesn't drop it that fast
    He belongs to Normal Bracket (My Current account was his)
    I can't get into Very High bracket, and he can't get out of Very High bracket

    What does the system needs more than losing 3x times than winning to understand that u don't belong to that bracket?

    The interesting thing is that a smurf with 10 games can be in Very High bracket, and I can't manage to get into Very High or at least High bracket after a long and huge winning streak..

    one and half gun

      forced 50% =)

      ╰_╯ GeneraL ♕★♥

        He is 47% now, from 55%
        That a forced 40% and not 50% :/

        one and half gun

          looks like valve got something to explain =)

          ╰_╯ GeneraL ♕★♥

            Now I got convinced that the MMR system is retarded :/


              Probably matchmaking thinks he is throwing, lol.


                10 games, lol i got into very high after 1

                ╰_╯ GeneraL ♕★♥

                  Not my point, I mean, I won maybe 18 games with 1 lose in between
                  And I am still in Normal bracket, playing with friends that drag u down might be a factor, but not that HUGE !!


                    Your actually in high

                    ╰_╯ GeneraL ♕★♥

                      That last game was with like 3 guys who are in high bracket


                        Oh, fair enough


                          Obviously the system will not alter your rating that much when it has stabilized. It will probably take a bit more for your friend to drop down.

                          ╰_╯ GeneraL ♕★♥

                            86 games aren't enough O.o


                              Looks like he is already playing some of the games in High so what are you complaining about?

                              ╰_╯ GeneraL ♕★♥

                                The games where he was in high bracket are with some friend of his who is in normal bracket


                                  I think MM system is fucked up, and they hide the issue by not letting us see the MM algorithm and the MMR itself.




                                      actually it takes 2/3 games to get into vh with smurf account


                                        also on HELLO account i drop from very high to high after 14-18losses in a row


                                          kärkkilainen Why you turn off your matchmaking history 2 mounths ago? :) Or you just don`t playing at that acc... ?

                                          YangSimp per sofia xdd

                                            How to see if you're in high or very high? Sorry for stupid question, I just want to know.


                                              1G0L M4ST3R STIKAZZIII:

                                              here are 2 ways:

                                              - Open Dota 2
                                              - Go to Watch menu
                                              - Go to recent games
                                              - Filter your name and a skill bracket

                                              - Go to
                                              - Enter your steam ID (you need your statistics set to be public)


                                                Why not just have him make a new account so he can start from scratch?

                                                ╰_╯ GeneraL ♕★♥

                                         is so dam inaccurate, it says I got 500 games?
                                                  And I got 900
                                                  on some other account, I had 470 games maybe, and pubstats gives me 585

                                                  Btw, I got into High bracket, and games started to become much more shitty
                                                  Normal bracket is much better than High bracket, in Normal bracket, if u are owning a bit, ur team mates would let u farm if u ask them to let u.
                                                  But in High bracket, u get a fucking NP who thinks he is so damn gd, and starts spamming ulti for no gd reason (maybe his reason was to farm 4 more creeps !!)
                                                  U ask him to not do that and to save it for teamfights, he won't ever get convinced about the idea, where as in Normal bracket, he would just obey u, because he thinks u r Dendi, and if ur nickname is Na`Vi.Dendi, he might actually get fooled by it.

                                                  It happens to be that Normal bracket players do obey u if u r playing well
                                                  And on the other hand, 50% of the players would not get convinced wut u r saying is right..
                                                  Like trying to let NP save his ult only for teamfights,
                                                  Maybe someday u will be in the place of this guy -->


                                                    Omg dat prophet ulti fucking sick.

                                                    ╰_╯ GeneraL ♕★♥

                                                      I am trying to share that video to the whole world, maybe that would convice some of them to keep the ult rdy for team fights and not just spamspamspam farmfarmfarm

                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                        There are times in pubs I use my ulti as furion to push the lanes to give better map control and I get some random noob tell me "OMG STOP USING UR ULTI ON CREEPS SAVE IT FOR TEAM FIGHTS" Pubs /= TI3


                                                          At one point Kungfupanda does get an 8 game losing streak and goes down into High bracket for 2 games at the end. However, then he wins some and goes back to Very High.


                                                            system doesn't work