Straight away IG win a 4-2 trade in the jungle before the game starts.
Alch isn't getting much CS and died again. The old SD + leshrac combo is still strong, add a cost efficient whirling axe from troll IG is able to play very aggressively.
Good game. lots of action.
Averaging more than 2 kills per minute before the 9 minute mark! Glad to not see a farm fest.
Edit 2:
I don't want to spoil more of the game. Still more than 2 kills per minute just under 12minutes in. Definitely above usual amount of action for the Chinese scene.
Rage + Battle Trance...LS is extremely powerful.
And yes, IG really looks like they have a plan and are just going to execute it in your face.
lol...godz is like "battle trance? what's that?" 3 hyper stones on the whole team? meh. That's not worth Rubic stealing, he needs splurfs.
(Lumi) says "I think you need to stand up and leave." 'battle trance dota, best dota"
Godz says "are you insane?"
Wasnt that lumi?
And yeah, battle trance is waaay too good, basicaly you can just place rage on ls and get chunks of towers or raxes, nothing really can be done about it.
Yeah it was Lumi....maybe I will be fully awake for game 2.
Tongfu picks OD, Rubic, Clock, Gyro, Tide
IG picks Vis, Weaver, Lion, Beast, Troll
damn, I'll try to watch game 2 but it's kind of hard with my work :(
i would really like to see what they are up to and how are the others going to counter, if they can
Game 3 up next. Will Tongfu admit they can't handle the Trolling and ban it?
Tongfu picks Vis, DS, AM, Mag, CM
IG picks LS, Chen, DK, NP, SD
YYF have been playing lots of troll ever since it has been released. His armlet toggling is insane when I last played against him
5 man gank on him turned out to be chasing him from our base to river before we could kill him :/ he actually has an Armlet in ALL of his Troll games.
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As many of you know the top Chinese teams have traded around a lot of players. This Sina Cup is the first tournament where the new teams face off officially. Both of these teams won 2-0 over LGD.CN. Now they face each other. LGD.CN attempted Elder Titan games against both teams but was unable to make it work.
Game 1 draft
IG picks LS, Puck, SD, Lesh, Troll
Tongfu picks Vis, Alch, Rubic, Beast, TA