General Discussion

General DiscussionVery lucky player looking for other lucky players to party with.

Very lucky player looking for other lucky players to party with. in General Discussion
Pandamonium(You Died)

    I have 53.5% winrate, and essentially zero skill I just always get good team or bad enemies. Looking for other people like that so we can stack up luck and get 95% winrate.

    waku waku

      play with me


        95% win rate is quite the goal. Good luck!

        Pandamonium(You Died)

          ^Just need 5 lucky people, simple stats.


            If you say so mister.

            Pandamonium(You Died)

              Bro its obvious that very high=high=normal
              So its not about skill, all about luck
              I should pick ogre magi every game to practice luck


                only 53.5% with that luck ?
                with 5 ppl with same luck you can go for about 65% at max

                but u're right,
                lucky > good

                dookie daddy

                  If you are serious about wanting people to play with I am up for some games.

                  Pandamonium(You Died)

                    ^If you play well and are adequate feel free to add me.
                    But ur not very lucky, should improve that.

                    Feeder Chan

                      I use to be lucky but Valve caught on ; ;.


                        gotta say, u are very lucky

                        Player 103543943

                          i am lucky but i play in aus server...

                          Pandamonium(You Died)

                            Thank you. Hopefully I can find other no skill lucky players to prove that VOLVE MM SO BAD.
                            Or eventually I might figure out that winrate has something to do with how well you play, but thats just silly, because everyone knows
                            very high=high=norma
                            God damn it mate
                            I also heard AUS server is more lucky than EU/NA so I might switch to there anyways.

                            Този коментар е бил редактиран
                            one and half gun

                              i have family and friends in aus, the top 1% players in aus always meet each other in AP so they queue in USW to avoid it, it's that bad


                                anybody know a good movie ? i need one to sleep tonight

                                Pandamonium(You Died)

                                  ^lucky guy, added