General Discussion

General Discussion[feedback] Plus account improvements

[feedback] Plus account improvements in General Discussion

    just bought a plus account today and there was a couple of things that i feel that are missing. So wanted to make a small list in hope of getting it implemented.

    -need an explanation for the graph. X is obviously time, but what is the Y graph? in kda it is obvious, but in lasthits i get confused.
    - want an option to divide the statistics into catagories as carry and support. This can be difficult but it would atleast give a better picture in lasthit and gold/experience trends as these vary alot pertaining to what role u played.
    - just more options in general such as only kills, only assists, game time, wards bought, etc.

    -played with
    - want a list of verified players you played against.
    - a list of people you played against more than once. (dont know why i want that, but could be fun to know)

    best players per hero.
    - if possible make the list include more than 50, could be fun to know which position you are in playing the specific hero. ( ofc this is because im not good enough to be in the top 50)

    if any of these things are already implemented please let me know. i have only used it for a couple of hours so might have missed something. oh and i couldnt find a search option for the forum ( would be nice to have) so i dont know if there is already a thread for feedback and improvement.


      I agree with most of these improvements. I was under the impression I would be able to see a list of all the verified players I've played against. As it stands the feature is pretty useless. You have to have guess players to see if you've played against them before.

      I really wanted the plus feature so I could get a rough idea of how I stack up against other players. Either by DBR (gone), Hero Score (useless if your not top 50), or even tell me what bracket im in.

      Free Assange

        I bought a plus half hour ago and I am already regretting it. I don't see any real benefit from having a plus account. Why cannot I find my hero ranking and whether I have played with any pro players?

        dookie daddy


          There was never a mention of being able to see which pro players you have played with in one single place (if any) you have to visit each profile to check

          Hero rankings are on each individual hero page and there is no individual ranking (e.g. you are #5034 position on drow) this is too extensive and not worth anyones times.

          What you do get is additional statistics and trending as well as being to be able to select pro players and find games you have played with them manually. 6 dollars supporting the Dotabuff staff is not something to regret and this is why it cost only 6 dollars a month and not more because it gives you some simple data analysis and you are helping to support future development.

          Rankings are on each page
          Played with me you can go to each pro players page from the verified section

          DBR - removed by some infringment claim by Valve
          Hero Score - Top 50 only (seriously there are 600k Players do you want a ranking system by hero?)
          Bracket - These were removed by Valve and there is no data that can be pulled.

          On the bracket do this. Pick a hero that isn't picked a lot (Lycan, Chen, Batrider, Beast Master) once the game is over go to watch recent games in the client and type in the name of a hero and select a bracket (based on previous games go with Very High) and find the game you played. I did this for Lycan and the game was on the second page but it might take some searching.

          Този коментар е бил редактиран

            If you want my money you'll add hero ranking. Doesnt need to be updated every minute.

            Just saying.

            Free Assange

              @Havoc Badger

              Thank you for the clarifications. I thought I would be getting more for the monthly subscription. I wasn't aware of the removal of the dbr, hero scores, and brackets.

              Personally, I don't find much difference between the normal account and the plus account. Since there are no substantial benefits, it would be better to not have subscriptions but donations. I don't mind spending $6/month to support the community and the developers but as I said, I simply cannot find enough privileges to justify this monthly subscription.


                Technically, I would be top 50 with my Warlock since my last 28 games are Very High with a 70+ win/rate and above average KDA. For comparison, the 50th player for Warlock has a lower KDA and W/L and plays in normal/high.

                But because my account was created AFTER DBR was removed (DBR is one of the factors used to calculate the top 50 rankings), I will never be in top 50 again because my DBR is effectively zero (and zero times anything is zero).

                I guess as a sidenote, is there any way the developers can enable DBR but hide it and use it ONLY for the hero rankings?


                  ^ That wouldn't make sense. You can't reliably say how much a match would be worth (in rating) if you don't know the people who participated in it.

                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                    Actually Nyte you can't say that you would be top 50 for sure (although there is a chance) because you dont know how other warlock players have done since DBR has been removed. Perhaps 50 other warlock players have been doing better than you at a higher level but they have made new accounts or have their privacy turned on. Until account privacy is removed it would be impossible to judge.


                      ^ That's true too.