General Discussion

General DiscussionSuggestions box for Dotabuff Admins.

Suggestions box for Dotabuff Admins. in General Discussion
dookie daddy

    Like the title lets keep the topic open so admins can check in from time to time to see suggestions and get a feel for what the community is after. It saves them sorting through hundreds of posts and troll to get to something worth taking note.

    Please lets try and keep this topic constructive and on point and think about what you post and make sure you have a structural idea of how it would work.


      I'd like to suggest distinguishing custom lobby games from games that were MM but didn't count. Right now, there is one huge category "games that don't count." And people use that to measure the honesty of a player. If they're going to do that, at least take steps to make it as accurate an indicator as possible.

      1.) Have "custom lobby games" tab and "MM games that didn't count" tabs.
      2.) Have a statistic "MM games that didn't count per 100 games" (raw # of pages is meaningless without considering how much you've played).
      3.) Have statistics on w/l ratio of games that didn't count. The hypothesis is that if you didn't abandon yourself a bunch, the ratio should be roughly 1:1. Your teammates will abandon about as much as your opponents perhaps. Any ratio more:less would also leave you looking innocent. People just dodge YOU rather than you dodging them. Nothing you can do about that.
      4.) Have a statistic of losing abandons on dire ratio to losing abandons on radiant. Again, this should be roughly 1:1 for a legitimate player whereas any swing one way or another would indicate foul play.


        I've usually made new threads for all of these, but here are some that I remember:

        * Breakdown of regions played in (on profile page), whether public or not.
        * Breakdown of games played in 2,3,4,5 stacks (numbers on profile page with another page to show graphs, and possibly most successful stacks)
        * Breakdown of game lengths (on profile page)
        * Breakdown of side played (radiant or dire)
        * Global stats to compare against in the hero tab. (DB+ can narrow down the KDA)
        * Implement the DBE enhancements ( | )
        * Ability to remove teams from profile (or auto hide if they are not played in last month)
        * Show games played in the player rankings
        * Show games played per hero in all parts of hero tab

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        dookie daddy

          I think some of the suggested things above might be something nice to have on the Plus accounts to make it more worth it. As while I pay for plus honestly there isn't a great deal of stuff you get for it. Its more that it does a little bit to keep the site running and collectively will help them improve the site but I would really like some more in depth detail given.

          There is a chrome addon that provides a little extra data like tower dmg, heal, and hero dmg and it would be nice to see similar features implemented as a core part of the dotabuff game pages.

          1. A dotabuff exclusive rating based on the data that they have captured in an account e.g. I have X number of games Y win rate Z KDA so my account has a rating of *.

          2. Hero of the month/week, what is the hot picks of the week or month. This might be helpful for people to see what is currently up with the meta and help keep players on top of their game.

          3. Account linking. So if someone has a main they can attach it to a smurf account(s).

          4. Allowing newer or slightly lower MMR players the chance to sit in records if they perform to a certain criteria on a hero. Also maybe top 10 of the week based on nothing but how a hero is played. So if someone in Normal bracket (doesn't exist but as an idea) plays an exceptional week of Dazzle they get a place in the top 10 and have as much chance as someone who is in Very High on a Dazzle.

          5. Along the lines of the above maybe implement what Dota2 failed to do. Have the top for GPM, XPM, Highest KDA in a game for that week etc. I can see this maybe being abused but who cares, its a nice frill to have.

          Този коментар е бил редактиран
          -apm 400 player

            *add some exclusive features onto the tournament match is been played afterwards

            *moving dotabuff into main stream instead of people just knowing this site for stats

            * moving the last hit 10/20min mark from dotaplus page on to a special designed page for every game you played exclusive for dotaplus users.


              I just have a question, hope you will answer it. So, can you get the data from Watch->Recent games, filtered by bracket?
              Someone already explained that this way you can manually check your bracket but it takes half an hour or so, but it would be way faster with code. Can you do it? I mean, just save everything to your database (match id and bracket) and search back for every game or something similar?
              I can't get an API key right now, so I can't check if its possible =/

              Pandamonium(You Died)

                Valve really needs to release some information. Or if not information then at least their interpretation of it.
                Without any insight and having so little data it is really hard to figure out how good actual player is.
                I just hope Valve has something in development right now, or at least an idea how to give player visible rating, without players abusing the system.
                Not having that rating for the next 2-inf years would suck as it would kill the e-peen part of the game.
                And we all care about our e-peens don't we ;)


                  I'd like to get top hero performances back up and running.

                  d 0 n e a l l

                    I would like a list of the average Last Hits per game
                    As well as KDA


                      Hello guys!
                      Sorry for the late response. I would just like to say that we are extremely grateful that you guys take your time to help us improve the web-site, and we are, in fact, keeping an eye on this thread.
                      Thank you very much.
                      Keep the suggestions coming and we will do our best to fulfil your expectations)

                      Woof Woof

                        dotabuff inhouse league

                        dookie daddy

                          @Say Ray top heroes are a paid feature but I think that they should be a free feature with the payers getting something different.


                            - Each dota buff page should have a "thumbs up" and "thumbs down" named accordingly. Basically, if someone is cool to play with, give him +1. If he trolls with a bad attitude, give him -1. It would be cool to see if when you find a rotten egg, if everyone else thinks the same thing. Or if you find a cool dude, if everyone else thinks so too. The total + and - would be shown, but the voters would be kept anonymous. There could be a "top 50 coolest players" and "top 50 most hated players" list. Accounts should have the ability to reassess their vote (i.e. change it or retract it).


                              -Make an extension to the website, the dating section. In it, dota girls can post their picture, but the rules will be they can't be fat-girl angled. The men will go there to leer and select their next mate.


                                -Retards are proud of their items. Make an integrated page in which to show off your best items. Alternatively, we could also have your website verify peoples' bank account details and just post the quantity in there on their front page if they intend to brag.


                                  -Have a profile comments section. Then, I can hit my bro dog up and say, "Hey!"


                                    -Implement a special crush system where you can send a silent signal to another dotabuff player, telling him or her that you are crushing hard. There will be top 50 most loved players section for payers only.


                                      -Sell secret packages to retard nerds to adjust their statistics slightly. Give them that edge they always wish they had for a one time payment of $19.99.


                                        "-Make an extension to the website, the dating section. In it, dota girls can post their picture, but the rules will be they can't be fat-girl angled. The men will go there to leer and select their next mate." I want a male section too. Don't be sexist!!!! Why can't I play with cute/handsome guys? :P

                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                          Let's keep the dream alive!

                                          dookie daddy

                                            Lets also keep the comments on topic as mentioned above the admins will watch this when they get the chance so as long as things are concise they will continue to pop round every now and then. If we veer off too much and start saying dumb things it will degrade into 99% of the other topics and fall into oblivion.

                                            AJ from the Backstreet Boys

                                              Hero "top performances" is full of games from 9 months ago -- start updating it again! Give us a date selector with the usual ranges: this week/month/patch.


                                                Top Performances has not been updated because it was DBR based. It would be nice if this was brought back, even if we can't quantify the skill level.

                                                The topic already derailed within a few hours of being open, when "Vaeldiithia" took the liberty of asking questions instead of making suggestions. Keeping this topic on the top the list serves no harm, especially when there is no sticky functionality.

                                                A break down of game mode stats on our profile would be nice.

                                                Safe Base


                                                  Thanks for making an organised suggestion box.


                                                  Thanks for the entertainment.

                                                  @Jimmy with the hard to read name
                                                  A simple break down of win rate by game mode is a feature that's offered to Plus users already.

                                                  I've read all your suggestions.


                                                    I must have over looked it then Safe Base (pro ran out a few hours ago). I only saw win rate trend per mode, and you can filter matches by mode... but there is no break down per mode in plain numbers.


                                                      Some kind of private message function. Don't have to be huge, a really simple one, for conversations that aren't that big to add someone on steam, but don't necessarily have to be on the forum.

                                                      I wanted to send a message to "@Jimmy with the hard to read name", that my question there was also a "hidden" suggestion, IF it is possible. Getting the brackets back. Didn't want to suggest something impossible, that's all. It may do something with my english, in my head it was clear that I'd like them to do it, IF they can.

                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                        No offence intended, but the topic derailed when you ask a question in a suggestion thread. It would be cool if DotaBuff did an AMAA on reddit every few months (where admins respond to pertinent questions over a few days instead of in a session). ^_^

                                                        dookie daddy

                                                          Any other suggestions? Lets keep this topic open if we want to see community changes happen.

                                                          #potential change to the ranking system to allow for lesser MMR users to get a chance for the top by good play etc....
                                                          #last hit - denies statistic much like the global one in the hero section but for you individually as a player