General Discussion

General Discussion[Iso] [LF] Normal MMR Players.

[Iso] [LF] Normal MMR Players. in General Discussion
Ples Mercy

    I dont know about you guys but my horse is the biggest horse in existance and i wont get off it bcuz i luv sight.

    Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

      No man I misplay a bit. Supports are hella squishy. Guessing ward locations can at times be difficult too and Imho, gold management is hardest on supports and I often dont get my legendary brown boots fast enough.

      The difference between you and I sampson, is that in that game we played, I wasn't screaming in all caps FF YOU ARE THROWING TREE, when he refused to deward a camp in which the blocking ward was going to despawn before the next camp spawned. (20 sec left on ward, camp spawned in 35)

      I would love for people to help me to improve my game, however I refuse to take advice from a 53% winrate rand who bitches about a 3 role not dewarding.

      King of Low Prio

        you are so delusional its funny you dont 'misplay a bit' and end up in the normal bracket. I misplay alot and I am in the VH bracket the thing is I actually learn from my mistakes you just blame everyone around you. 90% of my games are random pubs if I had a higher win rate Id have to be dendi. You argued when I asked for wards saying "there is only 4mins left on wards no point dewarding" I called you retarded if you believe that in which you went off on a rant and abandoned game. Wards might not be a issue in the normal bracket but against people who actually know the basics of dota wards play a huge role. Since you started posting on this forums you talk about how great a support you are and its your teammates holding you back so acting like you actually take advice is a joke.

        Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

          Woah woah, two different things here. I NEVER claimed to be a great support. I claim to know the general idea of what I'm doing and what I should be doing. I might not do it well, but I know.

          Why I left: You were threating to leave if someone didn't deward the camp. Check the replay. I left because I didn't want to hear your whining anymore, and the fact it's just a game.

          Miyamoto Musashi

            Add me,will try to help you,always in the need of good players

            Този коментар е бил редактиран
            King of Low Prio

              'I was threatening to leave so you left' yea that makes perfect sense clearly thats what happened. Blunt was in the game I was asking him why he invited you guys (in private chat) but overall I was nice til you started arguing like a child and throwing a tantrum.

              You DONT know the basics there is no super secret pro gamer technique that is needed to click the shop and buy wards.

              Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                No one threw a fit. Do you just make up the story as you go along? A friend of mine was playing safe lane support, 4-5. I was enigma jungle 3. You bitched when he didn't deward a camp. You insulted and threw a fit, saying he was throwing as said you might as well just leave. To show how much I give a fuck about you leaving a game or what impact that had on it, I abandoned, started a new party and played with out you. This has already been thoroughly discussed in a previous thread in which half of Dotabuff called you a girl. Find a new thread to bother, you're nothing more than an inactive 53% rand bringing up facts about games from MONTHS ago lol...

                I've moved on Sampson and I'm breaking off our love triangle between you, Blunt and I. Please go bother other threads. :'(

                (Notice the tear on the sad face, you can tell I'm sincere.)

                Woof Woof

                  This gay shit has to go guys

                  King of Low Prio

                    - People who complain about not dewarding a blocked camp when the blocking ward despawns before x:00. (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE)

                    Every single thread you bring me up like you have a hard on for me. Do you need my approval or something? Sorry I dont think you are even remotely competent which is why you are in the lowest tier in the game.

                    Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                      Comment + Name = win.


                        Yo Sampson
                        What happened to that FF[Nai'x] kid?

                        Ples Mercy


                          how the hell did this happen?

                          Този коментар е бил редактиран
                          King of Low Prio

                            brothers friend was in low priority que (new to dota). My new places internet was giving me issues(I picked slark cuz even with insane ping he can still pub stomp :P ) for all of sept til I was able to change it.(sadly due to practice 4x a week and uni I havnt had time to play any games :( even after I got it fixed ). About Naix no idea I think he quit after I started trolling him so often lol


                              I play carry cm and like 3 carries. I must be really good.

                              Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                ^ What he said.

                                King of Low Prio

                                  6months later and melody is still shit :D

                                  Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                    Yo, I have always been shit.

                                    casual gamer

                                      God damnit i still have most played sniper :(

                                      Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                        xD, This thread is fucking half a year old. SOCKS SAMA CLOSE PLX


                                          no pls

                                          Miku Plays


                                            My first game ive been playing for 6 months fawk :D