General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking to get advice from advanced players on a web app I'd like to ...

Looking to get advice from advanced players on a web app I'd like to make in General Discussion

    I have an idea for a team-building web application I'd like to build for DOTA2 newbies. In an ideal world, it would have 2 main functions:

    1) Show hero syngergies and overlaps

    This would allow a user to click a hero and see a list of heroes that the hero goes well with, as well as what characters would form redundancies. There would be an explanation for each suggested hero synergy and overlap.

    I don't see a good way to do this in an automated manner, so I imagine there would need to be an "editor" for each character -- someone who is experienced enough with that character to give good advice.

    2) Build team comps and get suggestions

    The second part of the application would allow users to add heroes to an overall team comp and get suggestions based on what is already picked. For instance, the advice would be something like "need more supports" or "need more DPS". This is the main area where I need someone who is extremely experienced, as I don't reliably know how to build a good team! This is why I'd like to make the tool -- to help newbies like myself.

    I'm wondering whether the in game categories such as "disabler" or "initiator" are enough for determining a good team comp, or whether an experienced editor would need to assign other categories and potentially rankings to heroes.


    If anyone is interested in helping me with these two aspects of the project I'd love to speak. I'd like to get this to the point where it is a reference people frequently visit when starting a dota game. It'd be great to generally improve the quality of team compositions and educate everyone at the same time.

    dookie daddy

      Add me I will give you hand.


        Inb4 insta jugg pick when i pick cm

        Dire Wolf

          I think the problem is many teams comps are good in a vacuum but have counters or don't counter the other team. I guess for simplicity you can just try to build a balanced team, but at high levels counter picking and banning is important. And there's way to many variables/variations to compute them all and say oh this is an ideal matchup for this team. Also a lot of team strengths of weaknesses can be addressed with farm/items. Don't have much disable? Buy scythe of vse or orchid's on your supports. Other team has a ton of magic users? Buy bkbs. What makes dota 2 so awesome is the simplicity of play and controls yet underneath it is extremely complex.

          If all you're going for is selecting good lanes or having enough disables on the team I think it'll work.


            Hmm, thanks Mark. That does make sense, but I guess if I can make pub play even a bit better that would be nice. Having a place to put the other team's comp and get counter items would be a good addition as well.

            Havoc I will message you when I get home tonight.

            -apm 400 player

              added u as well on my other account. same ID