General Discussion

General DiscussionDifferent win% depending who you look at, why?

Different win% depending who you look at, why? in General Discussion

    ive got 53% with a friend but when i look at his he has 54 with me, how come? "last month" should be same for everyone no?
    Im jus tleft puzzled by this, an explanation by someone who knows would be great, thanks!


      my theory is that you might have accidently abandon one of the games that you played with him (might be due to server problems) and dota counted your game as a loss whereas your friend might have won the game with you. not sure if u get what i mean lol


        the number of matches are different though

        bum farto

          Its possibly due to timelines e.g. your month starts on the 20th his on the 25th....dunno I have always wondered about the anomaly but it seems quite common so don't stress it.

          EZ MID 9k mmr

            Updates are slow when it comes to friends.

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              There can at most be 1 day difference between two parts of the planet but still that's a difference. Also they might be using different calendars as well.


                thanks for all the answers, I guess Havoc badger must be touching the right answer though, since it counts different number of matches.
                i just find it strange. i dont like strange!

                or maybe it's just like someone said above, the friendsection updates slowly, therefore some may not match.
                yeah i'll stick to that, puzzle solved.

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