read what fat mat wrote today
"Well we haven't had a single shred of evidence that would point to a Halloween gamemode, it has just been community made hype. "
So valve's history of doing shit at events like halloween/christmas don't indicate anything, nor do some quite big updates with seemingly nothing in them over the past couple updates?
It would be extremely weird if they didn't have some kind of halloween event given that the game has been officially released and the player base is much bigger now.
from other posts by mat on that forum it seems like dota 2 team focused on heroes and other game related things instead of temporal map D; which is weird because it seems like none is working on this game naymore
If i remember correctly, they had teaser trailers and website before they released diretide last year. This year i have seen nothing. Maybe the fact that diretide gave out to much free stuff is opposed to their hat shop business mode.
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