General Discussion

General DiscussionDota2 MetaCritic

Dota2 MetaCritic in General Discussion

    Or just ignore it, the reviews are obviously from LoL fans and its not accurate...


      i play a lot of dota 2 but i think that the game is good but maching and mute is shit
      because valve is shit
      they only want to make money no new heros but yes we have 100000 new items and sets ....
      dota 2 is made for money no real game here ...
      w3 was dota
      this is not dota ... its a copy and copy is shit!

      Woof Woof

        3.8 still 2 high i would say 1.5-1.2/10 is accurate territory

        Този коментар е бил редактиран
        Woof Woof

          on the other hand i dont care anymore
          this game is dead in my eyes and so is valve fuckin casual niggers ruined my love for dota with shit pro rus random match maker and casual changes

          Saudi Prince

            Eh, i think that metacritic is a bad source i looked at the first 100 or so reviews its all butthurt fruitcakes crying about no diretide, NO FREE ITEMS WAHHHH

            Get the fuck over it the core game is still there, Rate the core game not some chintzy knock off gamemode


              Their ratings are about a lot more than just missing dire tide.

              Valve has made very little progress over the past few months. And no communication from them either.

              Dire Tide was expected for a variety of reasons.
              -Valve's history with these kind of events (not just DotA 2, but their other games)
              -No hero in almost 4 months, and not a whole lot of progress anywhere else. I think a lot of people, including myself thought that there were not any updates because they were working on Diretide. I guess not.

              We still have a poor match making system, and no rating/ladder/bracket system of any kind, which was something they implied they were working on ~9 months ago. Since then they have only taken steps back in this respect, the match making has gone downhill, and instead of giving us more information, they took information away from us. Should I mention that we have over 1,000 bugs? Many of which restrict the viability of heroes (look at DP now), and many do have an effect on the game, even if its just a visual/sound effect. Ursa/Alchemist sounds through fog can make it difficult for those heroes, and in some cases heroes with projectiles glitch, and you are hit with them every seconds (visual only) for the rest of the game..

              At the very least, you would expect Valve to give us a heads up if there was no Dire tide, from an offical source. I mean, their other games TF2 and CS:GO both got their own halloween event, and we got nothing, despite this game having x8-10 the player base..

              I haven't voted or anything, but this backlash from a couple people (relative to the size of the DotA 2 player base) isn't surprising at all, and don't try and pretend Valve didn't have this coming.

              Diretide isn't just about free items either, I myself didn't play it last year, I only started when the aussie servers arrived around the start of the year. But what it does show is that the devs give 2 fucking shits about the players. Not everyone has to like the game mode, which is fine. The people who like it can play it.

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              Saudi Prince

                The thing is, The people who are unhappy with the game are more likely to speak extra poorly of it, sure the diretide thing sucks but its really not a big deal, And as a former dota 1 player like many of us are im sure i miss the old heros, but again it really does NOT affect the game as it is. there are still changes being made to the game and given the fact that its a free game i dont think you can complain. if you want the top of the line hero line up go spend 20 bucks and play it on warcraft 3 For real.

                Edit: And the people who are happy with the game are far more likely to simply be content with the game and not look to go to some website and rage like a 12 year old, Free to play does indeed give them room to slack believe it or not. Go play league of legends if you disagree ya wont be missed

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                  I'm not sure what your argument is. If you think that metacritc is an important rating, then you would be wrong. Metacritic isn't a big website, and more importantly, ratings mean jack shit for bigger games. They are important for new series and small games, thats it. How many people do you think look at the ratings of games like FIFA/COD/HALO and decide whether or not they will buy the next game?

                  If anything, these guys spamming the ratings indicates how much they actually enjoy dota, and their disappointment with valve's approach.

                  edit: F2P does not give them room to slack. Maybe you were playing LoL a few months ago, but the community themselves not only paid for the entire TI3 Prize Pool, but also had 2.2 million USD left over, which most likely paid off either all/most of the costs associated with TI3, which on top of actual tickets to the event and merchandise, was probably break even or profitable, and in the long run, most certainly a profitable event with the new players it would attract.

                  Now in WC3, not much was expected. It was just a custom map, a damn popular one at that, and I have no idea if Icefrog was making much money, if any at this point. Now Valve have taken on the game, they are a multi-billion dollar company running this game at a profit. You can argue that they are a business and profits are the bottom line. I would argue that treating players with some respect would result in much, much more money. I know many people, which obviously doesn't mean a whole lot within the context of hundreds of thousands of players, who aren't going to spend a cent on this game anymore. Why? Lack of progress, and of course the price of shit in the store is significantly higher than it was in the past, and now instead of those retarded Ticket + Courier bundles, its Courier + Ticket, LOL

                  Този коментар е бил редактиран
                  Saudi Prince

                    Actually never played LoL, and thats only because i stuck with dota 1 through the years, But purchasing the Compendium was far from a Mandatory purchase, there was no one saying you had to do it. It was a Total CHOICE to pay for it and therefore donating to the pool. So if they made some money good for them. they have bills to pay for things to, all in all we lose nothing for it

                    Ok time for me to break down


                    But i fear the day hes put in the game in AP because every game will have 1 for sure lol


                      The community showed that it not only cared about the game itself, but also the development of dota in the esports scene. Naturally, valve were being greedy shit heads, and for an item (compendium) that would take literally half a minute to make on whatever shitty program they use (it was empty when they released it remember), they charged $10 for it, and told people to support the players. Of course in reality, valve pockets $7.50 and puts $2.50 into the prize pool. Before you cry about the event costing money, then what about every other tournament? Whatever, the compendium sales raised ~5 million USD.

                      Since then, what? The game isn't finished (1,000+ bugs, very slow progress here), no new hero (even progress before TI3 was slow), and when I say new, I mean heroes that were in WC3 DotA for years, and no developments anywhere else.

                      Този коментар е бил редактиран


                        Why would you invest millions into a game if you don't expect it to be profitable? We are not talking about hundreds of work hours of one guy (Icefrog), we're talking about millions of dollars.



                          This is practically the entire team of Grinding Gear Games and yet they still manage to do so much more than Valve when it comes to communication and PR.


                            ^Which game they developed?

                            Edit: Path of exile. Ok, don't know the game, can't compare.

                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                              @6, who said anything about not making profit? Valve are making profit, lots of it, and its not a very good argument to make given their behaviour over the past few months which I can pretty easily guess will have a negative impact on the profitability of the game.

                              Valve know, or at least should know that games like this aren't everywhere, on PC, LoL and DotA 2 blow everything else out of the water, and DotA has been around for quite a long time already, its not just a trend. If DotA 2 is developed properly, it will stay extremely popular and profitable, ignoring the community and not getting the game up to scratch (ie. parity with WC3, bug free - disregarding intended changes) isn't helping that out at all.


                                Very small percentage of players are upset because of very little to no communication involved. (2% max)

                                Other 98% of Dota2 network play the game without any worries.

                                One of the reasons why Halloween event was removed is free hats.
                                There is no point to maximize events which will hurt their revenue.

                                Unique players this month: 6,565,787 now multiply that by at least 10 and you get 65,657,870 hats.

                                Why bother doing Halloween event if you can skip it and only ~2% of your network will be affected?


                                  I don't think that's accurate at all. Sure, only a small % of players would DO something about it, like spam give dire tide and shit, but I do feel that a rather large % of the player base feel a lot more negative about the way valve are going about their business. The lack of communication is only one part of it, and its a problem because of the lack of progress.

                                  Free hats aren't a problem as long as they are new items. It encourages people to enter the trading scene, and this is where valve make their money. Key sales is where the money is at, and the more people involved in trading, the more people will be buying new keys to open new chests. The reality is, they are selling an intangible product, the effort required to transfer stuff from the workshop into the game is no where near as expensive as it is to sell a real product with direct materials and large overheads.

                                  People who don't know shit about trading are much less likely to put money into the game. People who now have items (through an event like dire tide) are more likely to start trading a bit, and are much more likely to buy things.

                                  Also, they could always reduce the item drop rate..people want to mix it up for a bit (without leaving dota), its not all about the items, and it gives players the impressionthat valve are making an effort to please the player base.

                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                    Can you think of any other reason why Valve didn't release Halloween event?

                                    I highly doubt they missed dead lines.


                                      Actually I can think of many reasons why they didn't - but given the massive hype train that they themselves contributed to (no progress linked to prioritising halloween event, their history with events like this, etc), it was wrong of them to not communicate this to us before October 31 with a message explaining what was going on. ie. No diretide, we are working on X..

                                      There are lots of things to do, they may have finished one hero completely and another was really close to being finished, so they will release them both together, or maybe they are working on a rating/bracket system, or even custom maps/map editor.

                                      As for missing deadlines, its valve..


                                        Diretide lines are still present in the client.

                                        All they had to do is ''enable_diretide 1'' and tweak some things for this year. That's only few hours of work, no more.

                                        Unless they were planning to release holdout for Halloween and something went terribly wrong...


                                          i gave it a zero and would give it another


                                            couldnt care less about diretide, couldnt care less about people crying about diretide. its a game, you play it to have fun, i have fun, fuck off.

                                            dookie daddy

                                              People crying about diretide saying that Valve just want to make money and "More hats but no Diretide". Wasn't that the majority point of diretide? While a fun mode it was just basically an item farming event. During the last diretide I think I played like 15 matches which were fun but not worth griefing the community over if we don't get it again this year.


                                                Dota2 network almost doubled since last Diretide.
                                                About 50% of Dota2 players buy items regularly.

                                                Let's say that out of 6,565,787 people, half of them bought an item for $4.99 - that averages $16,381,638 minus taxes and workshop fees.


                                                  People crying for Diretide...People crying and hating valve for doing nothing and they only want money!WOW IM SHOCKED i thought they got icefrog with them cause they were hardcore Dota players since 2005....Really...really guys F2P game, if u dont like it stop playing but u only know how to cry and not take action.Every month community rises by at least 30-40 K people.Yesterday there were 550,750 people when i got in,60,000 more since Friday BUT EVERYBODY POSTING AGAINST THIS FREAKIN GAME THEY ALL HATE IT bunch of hypocrits gtfo seriously stop spamming same BS every week quit the game and maybe they realise from Valve that they are delaying as u think!


                                                    I saw less games added during weekend via API, so I would wager that it did have an effect. I for one am taking a break until something significant happens.

                                                    Click Clackin' Crackalackin'

                                                      Valve is super keen on milking doto for every cent that they can get and it is really fucked up how they have released the game without the full roster of heroes, but is not having diretide really a good enough reason to give the game a bad score? (0/10 lel)

                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                        for every good thing valve does there will be 1000 12 year olds crying about something else. It would be funny so see the faces of the 35 year old virgins that spammed Give DIRETIDE༼ Give DIRETIDE༼ Give DIRETIDE༼ Give DIRETIDE༼ Give DIRETIDE༼ Give DIRETIDE༼ Give DIRETIDE༼ Give DIRETIDE༼ Give DIRETIDE༼ Give DIRETIDE༼ Give DIRETIDE༼ Give DIRETIDE༼ Give DIRETIDE༼ Give DIRETIDE༼

                                                        Click Clackin' Crackalackin'

                                                          Stupid mini game < heroes

                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                            I also find it funny that the lowest score any critic gave was a 7/10(that was 1 person majority was 9+/10) from the same website

                                                            Click Clackin' Crackalackin'

                                                              90 % of the scores are posted by tards like lightknight6969 *coughs intensively*
                                                              would'nt surprise me if he did post a large fraction of the scores

                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                lold @lightknight6969


                                                                  stupid reviewers, bad reviews
                                                                  DOUBLE NEGATIVE
                                                                  = good game


                                                                    Those reviews are just hilarious. So much moan about fuckin' diretide?


                                                                    Pathetic. But then, kiddies will be kiddies.

                                                                    Papa Het

                                                                      Don't you have ANYTHING better to do with your time?

                                                                      I mean, seriously.

                                                                      Quick maffs

                                                                        Kids. There is only kids reviews on that web. 99 % its about diretide and because people want uptades every week.

                                                                        Metacritic is SHIT, metacritic its all about a nerd who rages and call everyone else on the internet to say shit about something on metacritic.

                                                                        Assholes just give zeros all the way without even posting about the good things .....

                                                                        I would never base my opinion on metacritic about a game or a movie or about anything, and no one should never base they opinion on metacritic.

                                                                        You know what its funny ? everyone who rages at valve keep playing their game ;)


                                                                          I like how you call others kids, but can't seem to wrap your tiny little minds around the idea that people love dota, but don't agree with the way valve are developing the game. They wouldn't be spamming metacritic/wherever if they didn't like dota so much.

                                                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                            Diretide was a load of shit anyway. Like every other Halloween event, incredibly gimmicky and fun for about ten minutes.

                                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                              But it was our piece of shit!

                                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                                Terrible .... how should i call someone who posts shits like this:

                                                                                "Give DIRETIDE
                                                                                ༼ Give New Heroes
                                                                                ༼ Give New Gameplay Updates
                                                                                ༼ Give DIRETIDE
                                                                                ༼ Give New Heroes
                                                                                ༼ Give New Gameplay Updates"

                                                                                and give a 0 to the game without even thinking on posting about the good stuffs ?

                                                                                Nothing deserves a 0, but people always posts bullshit and give games a 0 when they are butthurt for something.

                                                                                "Where is my Diretide, Volvo? Where new heroes?"

                                                                                "No Diretide?No Dota 2 you you you you you you yo"

                                                                                Cmon Terrible one can take those retards like anything more than kids ....

                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                  Holy mother of god... Dota 2's user rating was in the high 7s just a month ago lol. Must be a lot of people pissed off about the patch and diretide.

                                                                                  Metacritic is useful but you have to use your brain when filtering the results. First the critic scores are ALWAYS way too high. I've never seen a game that IGN or PC Gamer didn't love. If one of those guys gives it a 60 it's probably down right terrible. Second so many of the user scores and reviews are spiteful one way or the other. Typical examples: "I love this game, really good but ubisoft is full of fail, 2 stars." "WHAAAh this game is not as good as the original, 1 star." "Game is good but my internet blows and I constantly disconnect, 1 star." "WTF my 8 year old pc can't run this at highest settings, 0 stars." "Ok this game is not great but certainly not a 0! I'm giving it a 10 to help even out the scores!"

                                                                                  What you need to do is actually read some of the reviews that comment on the game and decide for yourself if it's worth trying or not.

                                                                                  Quick maffs

                                                                                    ^Agree. The thing is i dont think metacritic would hold anyone to start on dota 2, because of the Pc gamer or IGN reviews are really high.

                                                                                    But yeah is pretty hard to find a constructive comment on metacritic.


                                                                                      fuck dota 2
                                                                                      why we need a lvl i can go 1000000 lvl and still play with retards that throll your game
                                                                                      FUCK YOU VALVE! SUCK MY DICK!

                                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                                        And yet you keep playing. If it sucks that bad don't play.


                                                                                          tbh I don't really care about diretide. I just want some Luna hats.


                                                                                            Satellizer pls


                                                                                              what :o


                                                                                                can u add me and invite to ur stacks every now and then

                                                                                                i will not sux


                                                                                                  Yea I could, but I play on south american servers
                                                                                                  and I can't play on us east, last time I had 350 ms :/


                                                                                                    i pretty much support 90% of the time in stacks anyways, so last hitting isn't an issue, and my ping is around 200 on Europe West (where it should roughly be in S. America), and i've played a few games in SE Asia cuz i have friends there without too much hassle


                                                                                                    but yea if i could get a chance...

                                                                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                                      Am I the only one here like DOTA2 ?
                                                                                                      If you hate this game so much why spend thousands of hours in it. Life is damn short.