General Discussion

General DiscussionI am losing a lot frequently. I'm sad... Guys you have the duty to ch...

I am losing a lot frequently. I'm sad... Guys you have the duty to cheer me up! in General Discussion




      waku waku

        you're cute


          ^you should quit watching animes before your gay transformation is complete brah

          Този коментар е бил редактиран

            Go see my record of lost games in a row.

            Cheered up now?


              @community toxin ♥
              awww stop it you
              ive been there too, poor you

              So i've played 4 games today, 3 losses 1 win.

              The win was against scrubs.

              First lose was me being rexxar offlaning. Could barely contest cs, however used every mintue i have to stack ancients with boar for the luna to kill. So we get her a little pimped. What happens ? Invoker gets ridicilously outplayed by a lina, granting her a fast dagger and arcanes and she is just wrecking us on her own. She raping luna, her carrys farming... Great.

              Other two games was me playing Naga siren offlane. First of those games i got wrecked by Lifestealer in lane cause I used mirror Images prematurely (will never do that mistake again!). Died a couple of times. They dominate pretty hard but I ratdota it up. We were shut down hard, couldnt contest rosh however afther they got the second set of raxes I managed to grab own set of raxes, tped back, teamwiped them, team buys BoTs after respawn. I defend lanes case we had no t4 left and ancient 30% hp, push out the lanes. Team tps on toplanewas about to get throne, same moment our tree falls. What happened ? outplayed by Visage birds. Still GG though, though and exciting I dont mind this game.

              Other game I offlaned vs weaver and veno. I did pretty well, had almost 50% of cs due to illusions and riptide, managed to disturb pulling a lot. Meanwhile SD, Clock duallane kills drow over and over again, due to the supports just being absent or trying to kill mid.
              Well I mean a successful kill mid can mean a lot, but if a drow is shut down it can get tricky, also if you give her easy 6 minutes she will give you so much room due to pushingpower which would maek eventually make up for a lost midlane. Eitherway this game we couldnt respond to pushes as fast, granting the enemy easier gold. However i would still give this game 5/10

              Only rexxar game was depressing, due to me trying to improve on offlane, trying my best however no effects.

              Any dotabuffer wants to stack up with me the other day ? I will probably stream it for them dotabuffers!

              Or How about dotabuff inhouses ?!

              Quick maffs

                Sometimes i think about participating on stack with other dotabuffers but i am probably not good enough :P

                But yeah i usually get 5 win streaks follow by 5 loses streaks or something like that.

                Ples Mercy


                  if i remember correcly you should enjoy this alot.

                  ur welcome.


                    @blunt i know this one!
                    @dorkly you should never be afraid for not being good enough. You have to try! Even my gf is getting kinda solid!


                      >Longest losing streak: 3
                      Oh cmon. You have no idea about pain.

                      14 games lost, 1 win, 10 games lost.

                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                        @fpz well it doesnt matter if you lose 3 win 1 over and over again. I also said nothing about losing streak :D
                        Eitherway my longest losing streak is 9 on my old account

                        @blunt haha:D
                        I guess you grw up in germany but oyu have polish roots ? Calling it!

                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                          arka can u add me and invite me to ur stacks every now and then plz :x

                          btw i actually prefer playing support in stacks; don't judge based off my "most played" i usually carry in solo q pubs cuz i don't want to support ultra retards

                          steam account is on lower right part of the page if u click my dotabuff profile, if you didn't know already

                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                            Just don't play for few days. It will help.

                            Ples Mercy



                              And no, im not even remotely german Oo no idea why you would think that. Im half danish and half polish, so yeah, there you go.

                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                Link me your steam
                                i havent been really playing for about 2-3 weeks cause my gf was visiting me in sweden so i tried to shut it down. Actually im getting back!
                                cause ive seen you going buckwild on another thread with some "german adress"

                                Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                Ples Mercy

                                  german adress?

                                  Dafuq are you talking about?


                                    Something like "DieseAdresseGibtEsVielleichtNicht 77" Somethign with pakistan, dont remember

                                    Ples Mercy

                                      oh, well i was speaking german to a guy in Teamspeak so i thought i might aswell write some german shit :'D

                                      i speak danish, english, german and polish. So yeah, there we go.


                                      Im bored as you have figured :'D


                                        same here if it makes it any better :P


                                          Shameless self-advertisement incoming!
                                          I'm streaming!

                                          bum farto

                                            I'm watching, make me happy.


                                              you have a decent win rate. you'll do just fine


                                                Streaming again! With relentless and chris!!!


                                                  You and Relentless seem good players and nice guys... wish I could play wth you, but my ping is over 300 in EU. :(


                                                    Relentless isnt emerican?

                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                      Yeah but I guess he likes to play in EU... I would too
                                                      I don't like my ping in NA either, it's always over 150, I know some people play with this ping but when you're used to 30 ping it's terrible


                                                        iwin4poland = amazing Chen, saves me from failing so many times with heals. He is a great micro player.

                                                        I live "near" Chicago (300 hundred miles). I get pings of 20-40 ms to USeast usually. I got 15 ms yesterday once. But I have pretty good pings to several servers.

                                                        40-60 ms to USwest
                                                        80-100 ms to Russia
                                                        100-120 ms to EUwest

                                                        I have tried SEA and EUeast but they are too high, 200-250 pings its just to much delay.

                                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                          Isn't Russia further than EU West?

                                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                            Distance to Russia is really shorter on a "Great Circle" route over the north pole.
                                                            I only think about that because ICBM targeting problems are still in my head from school.

                                                            But in this case what matters is the fiberoptic cables and how they are routed. I don't know exactly what pathing they take but I consistently get lower pings to Russia than to EUwest.

                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                            Ples Mercy

                                                              acually the reason why your ping is better on russian is because they are swedish servers.


                                                                So are they higher quality servers that process the information faster or just a shorter length of cable away?


                                                                  I feel you OP, it's been nothing but 9v1 today. Either someone leaves at the beginning, or someone goes and feeds the entire enemy team.

                                                                  I'm pretty angry about my last game as Naix. I had midas at around ~6:30, still managed to keep my farm and level on par with the enemy carry, but our team fed too much. Slardar snowballed out of control and... yeah. I could do better, surely, but come on, one ward during the entire match? That is beyond my control.


                                                                    WTF. is he trolling.
                                                                    I only see high winrate and win streak now.


                                                                      OP is legit, observed 4 minutes of a game he played today where he had 23 minute treads/midas/sr/mkb/yasha/basher on brood.

                                                                      Quick maffs

                                                                        Holy shit OP nc win streaks now.

                                                                        I want that too :(


                                                                          Haha, the tables have turned :D

                                                                          Ples Mercy

                                                                            Acually both, the Routing is better and the connection speed is faster. Here in scandinavia fibre internet is pretty much standard, also Sweden is known for having one of the best internet connections in the whole world. You could say that sweden is kinda a gaming country, you will find alot of professional gamers coming from sweden and not only when it comes to doto, but also games like counterstrike, UT, Quake and so on.

                                                                            How about you take Dorkly with you and carry his ass sice hes bitchin D:

                                                                            -apm 400 player

                                                                              Arka-sama PLOX CARRY ME TO PAGE1 GAME