General Discussion

General DiscussionPlaying A-Z challenge - help

Playing A-Z challenge - help in General Discussion

    so now its time to play antimage and i need to ask y'all dotabuff proz:
    how the fuck do u win with that hero? most of the times i play him my team just falls apart in the first 15 minutes and i can't be helpful at all.

    King of Low Prio

      farm better?


        that's not really the issue! not that im a good farmer or anything, but i definetly dont lose because of that

        how can i be more useful eaerly game

        Ples Mercy

          Just dont die, thats the only rule for carries like pa, am, void and so on.


            As long as your own farming habits are not to blame, it ALL comes down to your team. AM is different than a lot of popular pub carries in that the only way that you win is if you can farm, AND your team can win for 25 minutes. If either of those things don't happen, there isn't jack shit you can do. Heroes like PA (and even Void sometimes) can fight and participate early, where AM doesn't have much to offer. AM insta-wins tied 4v5 games at the 25-30 min mark, he rarely pulls back a losing game.

            Since the meta, at least in my bracket, is shying away from hard carries and early-mid game aggression heroes are being picked more and more, heroes like AM have no place to really shine.

            My suggestion is to either stack or step up and lead from the moment everyone loads.

            Този коментар е бил редактиран

              I would give u some tips.
              In early phase if u got harrased too much get Ring of health + ring of regen. ( later you can upgrade RoR into vlad)
              don't rush BF get tread first. You can nc easily with tread stout qb.

              Never Ever Get Midas on AM.

              AM can solo Roshan when he got bf + vlad.

              And don't die.If you can't farm in lane , farm nc. If they gank your nc, go to their nc.
              They cannot blink around the whole map like you.

              After bf, you can farm raidiant/dire nc camps within a min. Thats how your GPM skyrocket.
              Just ignore your team even if they die too much.
              While they 4vs5 and falling apart you can push other lanes and get towers.

              King of Low Prio

                midas is never wrong if u can farm it fast enough

                Papi Chulo

                  I don't like midas. Slows down bfury and you get 6-slotted rather quickly after bfury.


                    naked battlefury rush is dumb, always build RoH -> Treads -> finish battlefury. You aren't going to farm the jungle when you just have battlefury by itself. Treads helps with your last hitting, makes you a threat to the enemy and its much easier to escape as well.

                    If you don't need to get active ASAP (your team is doing OK), then you can go for vlads and keep farming a lot more, if not just go straight for Manta and BKB/HoT/Abyssal/Butterfly.

                    Never get Midas on AM.

                    Play defensively early on, one of the things I like to do, especially in a heavily contested lane with little support is to hit the medium camp for a bit (when you have stout + RoH), now its the small camp so its even easier.


                      If you want to be more effective earlier on, try going 1-1-1 stats (and ult of course). With Ring of health and treads, you can even start farming camps when the lane is pushed and too dangerous. Make sure you have a stout shield (or the jungle will damage you way too heavily) and make sure you kite the jungle creeps when you don't have BF to lower the damage taken. If you went stats, start putting into your blink when you are closer to your BF. Only get your mana burn once you are close to your manta style (3x mana burn).


                        what is A-Z CHALLENGE ? something in game ? where can i find it ?


                          A-Z challenge is just playing all pick games and playing a game (maybe retrying till you win? not sure), whit every hero, from A to Z.


                            1) Don't die. Dying as AM is the worst thing that can happen.
                            2) Don't rush BF - buy treads, PMS, Quelling Blade.
                            3) Don't max mana break or blink - go for 1-1-1-stats-stats-ult-stats and then max blink. If you stay against a hero like ds or weaver you can put more points in mana break.
                            4) There are some situations where BF would cripple you and your team(if you can't farm it fast enough) - go for linkens/vanguard/vlads/manta instead. Don't be a drone that blindly follows recommended items.


                              @whoji: The A-Z challenge is when you play every hero, in alphabetical order from A-Z, until you have a win with every hero. Skipping is not allowed; you can't "come back" to heroes later. That's why it's not very popular with people who care a lot about their winrate - you're going to have to play heroes that you are *terrible* with until you win a game with them.

                              On topic, Anti-Mage should ideally hit your BFury around the 18min mark. Try and get two friends to play with you so that you can have a trilane built around you; it will make laning more feasible now that we have a dual lane meta. (Or at least 2.5 lane, with an enigma or something in the jungle for support/ganks as needed). AM is a hero who really, really needs that BFury...but once you have it, your GPM skyrockets and you can make up for some ground you might have lost. Against most teams, you can split push towers down (you'll melt the creep wave quickly with your cleave) and blink away from trouble while your team is off doing something else. In the midgame, the way you stop the enemy push is usually by pushing in another lane, not showing up yourself.

                              And once you're past laning, always have a TP. It goes without saying, but blinking into the trees and TPing out is a great escape.


                                hey guys, thanks for all your answers :)
                                gonna try the stats build right now with a couple friends, wish me luck


                                  In a 2v1 or 3v1 lane (trialne vs offlane) where you are getting free farm, you should ideally have power treads and bfury latest by 16 mins, assuming you have decent lasthitting. Getting a kill on their offlaner would help that timing a lot too (250 gold = 1 wave+ = 30 seconds). Also, if the enemy team rolled over your 4man team in the early-mid game, make sure they know not to keep fighting and make space for you to afkjungle and splitpush, if they dont have an even harder carry like medusa or pl etc.

                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                    Not read the other comments but:

                                    -Don't bother helping your team unless there is someone on the other team that has a huge manapool /w low mana left.
                                    -Focuse on lasthitting only. Don't push your lane or anything.
                                    -Don't bother helping your team unless there are someone with low mana.
                                    -No, seriously. Don't bother helping unless there are with low mana.
                                    -Blink and Slam, get brown boots + battlefury. Then start splitpush when u can and jungle if u cannot.
                                    -Get manta or a survivability item. (Either HoT or Butterfly (BKB*))
                                    -Get manta
                                    -Fight with your team
                                    -Crush them
                                    -Really crush them
                                    -Focuse supports/heroes with high mana pool
                                    -Kill their base
                                    -Win the game


                                      lol first game some1 in the other team instapicks magina, oh well