General Discussion

General DiscussionRubick tips/good player examples?

Rubick tips/good player examples? in General Discussion


    My friend wants to learn to become really good at Rubick. Does anyone know of the best rubick players who play him often, and have valid replays?

    Your opinions are much appreciated!!!


      bump :D


        Play often. Ward, Ward, Ward, WARD.... MOTHERFUKKING WARDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


          One of the best rubick players are definitely Kuroky from navi. Although i don't have any replays of him, I'm sure you can easily find some of his games.


            Kuroky plays a great Rubick. EGM is also one to look at, though I haven't seen him play it since the patch.


              Fy from VG made some really nice plays with rubick too.

              [VAL] igp

                  Rubick is shit hero,most useless hero in dota. Only good rubick I like is competetive rubicks like Kuroky`s one. 99.99% rubicks at pub sucks and just ruin every my game with 10-17 deaths.


                    Mostly because most pubs cant play rubick and only choose it because "hurrdurr dendi played rubick and owned"


                      Most of the guides and pro tips seem to surmise that patience is the key and knowing your steal target and when you think they would use what you want to steal.

                      I almost never see a "good" rubick get hit by a spell he wants to steal. So sit back, buy a blink dagger/force staff and wait for the spell you want to be cast.

                      Dire Wolf

                        Pick rubrick vs big wombo combo teams like tide, warlock, enigma, jakiro. Hang back, after they ult, ult them back. It's also quite hilarious to steal pudge's hook.


                          Thank you all very much for these replies guys, I have passed them on! Big ups to Mark, Kennodore64, 420_BLAZE_IT_FAGGOT
                          and Blizzcast for the great replies!

                          Hope he improves :D


                            Depends what role he wants to be, he can be solo mid rubick or Support rubick but if he plays in pubs, he will always go support


                              FY RUBICK BEST DOTO


                                watch vanskor

                                PC Principal

                                  ^ Empire vanskor, best rubick EU. Basically won a game against Na'Vi with stolen blackhole trapping 4 that they would have most likely lost if it gone later (though Empire in general has been on fire lately and could have still won else).

                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                    I think Rubick is pretty weak in this patch, he can't really support a lane partner and all he can do is initiate. He's good at teamfights don't get me wrong but that's it. And his telekenisis got a nerf making the cooldown 22 seconds. If he tries to gank with telekenisis and the enemy team teleports there's nothing he can really do.

                                    Watch at 2:00


                                    He talks about why Rubick isn't as good anymore in this patch and he says he prefers windranger because he can be present in the early, mid, and late game with his team. A good shackleshot can turn around a fight.

                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      The biggest nerf to him I guess was the MS nerf. 300 is a fine MS, but 290 is terrible. That was the main reason Lion wasn't picked at all before all those buffs he got. And when you consider his main power is initiating, that hits him even harder.

                                      PC Principal


                                        Only bad rubicks (like me) rely on telekinesis later than early game. Basically you just need to have stolen high impact skill to use as well. This is obviously if we talk about high level play and not random pub noobin'


                                          1.) Fadebolt first cause it comes off cooldown faster and it reduces attack damage if you are in a man fight with someone. Other than that you can lift and pull back and fadebolt last to ensure you get the kill cause its a farther range than your auto attack.
                                          2). Always wait for abilities to be used before using telekinesis like leap, skewer, windrun, surge.
                                          3). Make sure if you want to put someone on the ledge you over shoot the landing placement to ensure he is put on the ledge.
                                          4). Sometimes when I play against linas or lions i get two in Tele and max my magic resistance so if they insta ult me in a team fight i steal it and do it right back and will survive long enough to lagun blade someone. If i have a mirana i usually max Tele so she has the most time to throw arrow when i lift.
                                          5). Sometimes when I play against tidehunter and he blinks in i will steal right after he blinks in cause chances are he pressed r and it already went on cooldown. instead of trying to stay out of range and blink or forcestaff in.

                                          Thats all I can really think of at the moment.

                                          You can watch this, this guy doesnt play a bad rubick at all. and he was safe lane solo support against a clockwerk. Which rubick is good against a clockwerk to life him over the cogs.
                                 arounr 8:50 he gets a triple kill as a support rubick.

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