General Discussion

General Discussionarmlet on ursa???

armlet on ursa??? in General Discussion

    Is armlet a good item choice for ursa??
    I have never tried it on ursa but doesnt the extra burst health help him??
    Suggestions pls.

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    Woof Woof

      if you go for armlet without skipping vlads you wont have any mobility to catch enemies on your own before like 20/25min mark :0

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        But ill be having phase boots. Isnt that enough to chase down heroes. Also my teammates might stun them or slow them and it will be easier to chase.


          Emerika, what is ur purchase order for ursa??
          I get boots of speed then vlad, complete phase and finally bkb.


            y, question is, when you want to buy armlet ? delay blink ? bad idea

            Woof Woof

              boots of speed, botle, normal wand, tranquils/phase(phase only if enemy has drums or bara, bh), vlads, fs/blink(sometimes both), (bkb/sheep/basher/heart = no particular order depends on enemy picks, team picks etc)

              overall i used to play super aggressive ursa from lvl 2/3 onwards while maxing aoe slow first most of the time
              and when it comes to items on ursa sometimes its good to skip vlads and go straight fs/blink ie. when enemy has to much control over rosh pit and your team cant man fight them at that point ect
              overall when it comes to building any hero after boots/+wand/bottle you should think what you need the most in order to be effective in next team fight and similar thing to that

              i also recommend bottle + fs for 90% of str heroes D;

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                armlet can be nice if you tend to dive like i do which usually kills me

                anyways dependant on your game impact i would recommend you to get phase vlads dagger bkb/heart/basher

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                ANeMiA GRaViS

                  You rly dont need armlet , trust me , ursa is one of my favourites ... and before the patch i never got blink , just shadow blade ... and even shadow blade has not been always helpfull , dusts and gems come out preety fast ... after 6.79 , just go boots , vlads , phase , blink bkb if your team doesnt have good initiators , if you do have good initiation you can go bkb after vlads ... And then you can go w/e ... i like to build hex , heart or basher ...

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                  Dire Wolf

                    Eh, it might be ok if you're on a disabling/slowing heavy team like you have jakiro and crystal maiden. Otherwise there's better stuff available.

                    Cykapath 传说中的猫龙

                      Vlad is like the only lifesteal he can get because of that empower, i suggest 7 slots, instead of 6.


                        Ursa has a huge natural DPS
                        He needs mobility


                          Don't get Armlet on Ursa because he needs other items: Vlads, Phase Boots, Blink, BKB, Basher, Heart/MKB


                            Have a support build the vlads and you open up a lot of item trees for Ursa and still get all the benefits. Armlet is a technically good item on Ursa that provides you with a lot of survivability and damage. Eye of Skadi is a rare treat on the hero.