General Discussion

General DiscussionEarth Spirit and Ember Spirit debut at sub 40% winrate

Earth Spirit and Ember Spirit debut at sub 40% winrate in General Discussion

    Ember and Earth Spirit are relatively high skill cap, complex heroes. Earth Spirit is especially difficult. They have the potential to be extremely powerful for the same reason that wisp does... super high mobility. But wisp is so difficult that pubs average one of the lowest win rates...below 40%. Do you think Ember and Earth will rise above 40% as bad players stop playing them as much and people begin to learn? Or will they be stuck at the bottom of the pub standings permanently without a buff?

    The buff to broodmother has finally begun to take effect as the spider is up to nearly 45% in 6.79 over 40% in 6.78.

    Тази тема била редактирана
    King of Low Prio

      the issue with pubs and the new heroes is they watch streams of players who usually give good advice giving completely awful advice now.......TC thinks mana boots is the best option for Xin (a hero who can teleport from fountain to lane and back again). Other pro players are stacking pure dmg items in which Xin just gets 2 shot by a real carry because of his insanely low armor and low health. What makes it worse is these pro players play in a 5man stack and WIN so people think it must be a legit build because hey they are winning :P. I had these type of players in dota 1 and all I did was build orchid on BH and kill them in 2 hits so soon pubs will start learning to deal with the new heroes then the pro gamers will learn that their builds are awful then make adjustments and start giving good advice.............sadly this cycle might take a while :P


        this was one of my best heroes in dota1, daym im getting rekt every game with it. cant fucking win even with good stats and stuff. #fuck #ember


          I played only 2 games with Ember Spirit (1 against bots) and I think he's not that difficult...


            the problem with the two one really knows how to play them...the recommended items for xin are wrong and guides to xin are wrong, people don't realize mana boot is a 100% must item for this hero and how much more important is linkens early game vs early dmg items, phase boots is horrific on this hero early game, if you get phase you are pretty much useless for the whole midgame phase.. ive close to 100% winrate with xin atm, it4 will be exciting

            Този коментар е бил редактиран
            Woof Woof

              ember has easily potential to reach 50%+wr when people stop thinking hes hard carry and rushing bf/dps on him just to go out of mana after casting ulti + 2 spells
              when it comes to earth he seem to have huge potential but hes 2 complex for pubs

              Този коментар е бил редактиран
              King of Low Prio

                M_K anyone who says a item is 100% must has no idea how dota works.......


                  im sure i have an idea of how dota hero works, probably indefinitely more than you, i dnt really care of whatevs u think

                  SMELLY APE

                    the heroes are just very position/level/item dependent. Its hard to get all 3.

                    Both spirits, especially ember are mobile but squishy (with flameguard). If ur reaction is not quick enough to remnant out, u get stunned ur dead.

                    Този коментар е бил редактиран
                    King of Low Prio

                      M_K based on what exactly? I know you are angry that I called you out for saying something that makes you seem like a noob but that was your own fault for posting something that stupid. If you want I can break it down for you on how that statement is stupid OR you can admit it was a dumb thing to say and move on


                        @Relentless can you check how much winratio Brood has in highest tier

                        Mostly heroes with hard to earn potential have very low winrate and it gets worse if the hero itself doesnt have pushing potential.
                        I think if we would count everybody who knows how to play brood the hero itself has save 55% WR

                        About Ember and Stone those heroes are fairly new to the dota 2 community, especially Stone since when people have changed really early they have not experimented that much with those heroes nor experienced them. We will see in around 2 months their winratio will drastically increase since people will have a hang on it

                        Easy and almost no penality heroes with strong 5Man and push dominate the pubs

                        Woof Woof

                          ^ hows your pro team going?


                            Slow cause its hard to find a last man! However the 4 of us are dedicated and its going pretty well with the 4 of us


                              Unfortunately DBR got so out of date it was not meaningful anymore so even DotabuffPlus no longer sorts skill levels.

                              It's possible that Ember and Earth will rise in winrate somewhat after the bads fail enough and stop playing and the best players practice and figure them out. But I don't know if they will go much past the bottom. Brood is completely overpowered now, yet it still only at 45% because the hero still requires more skill to use correctly than all but a handful of the best players possess. The same problem exists for wisp and chen, these heroes have tremendous powerful but only if you are near pro level.

                              Vroksnak, get mana boots and make it into bloodstone instead of phase-drums. Your lategame build is fine, but you are limited early because you run out of mana and cannot keep snowballing. I'm sure you could ride early dominance all the way to a win if you just had the mana to do it. Remember Ember received 7 nerfs since you played it last. It plays a bit differently now.

                              All 3 of the Spirits, Storm, Earth, and Ember are snowballing bloodstone heroes. All 3 have ways to attack from enourmous range, burst down a target and get out. But all 3 require tons of mana and mana regen to do it. Someone suggested that Ember could tp to base and ult back to get mana. That's a nice trick but it requires preparation, with a quick bottle it would work a lot better. But its not something you can do in a more chaotic game. You need more mana more often than once per minute.

                              Orchid rush would probably also be very good for these heroes as it is for storm. But I think it will eventually be determined that bottle rush, solo mid into a bloodstone is best for Ember. Earth Spirit may work better as an offlane hero who just gets mana boots and snipes cs from the pull...he has a good escape mechanism early. Earth could do a lot in ganks mid game or in an organized teamfight (like a base siege or rosh fight) where he has time to set up a lot of stones. His ult really sucks if you can't get several stones up first.

                              Този коментар е бил редактиран
                              King of Low Prio

                                building mana boots on ember is like building them on BH, both have mana issues early game BUT it can dealt with using proper mana management

                                King of Low Prio

                                  Also building ember to be the type of gank and run hero is why the winrate is sooooo low for them. Everyone is putting items into his strengths yet neglect his weaknesses. For example going for a bloodstone you have WAAAAAY more mana then you should ever need on the hero and he will still die in 1 stun to any carry

                                  PS I wont comment on earthdude because I have never played him before

                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                    Ember uses a tremendous amount of mana when played to his maximum potential. Only Storm Spirit uses more mana. One cycle through Ember's full combo costs up to 720 mana and he could use as much as another 550 mana in the next creep wave after using everything...and another 550 the next wave and so on. During most of the game you won't use it that fast, but if you want to really take advantage of Ember's power to kill a couple heroes, get out, maybe a couple bottle charges and dive a tower and kill 2 more...that takes a ton of mana.

                                    He is not a phase boots hero, despite the recommended items. Phase boots is for chasing some nub with flame guard on...not for attacking real opponents. Ember IS a ganking hero. He cannot carry late game. It doesn't matter how hard you try to force him to carry, his carry skills are even weaker than kunka. He can't really carry; he can only carry in easy games where you could have carried with any hero.

                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                      arcane are best boots on him.

                                      King of Low Prio

                                        I never said he is a carry hero nor is my decision ever based on recommended items. As you yourself said he is a ganker hero which means that he is not using his 'combo' over and over again so I really dont get why you think he should get bloodstone so he can kill creep waves fast..........My main issue is people trying to turn ember into a weaker storm spirit and completely neglecting what the hero brings to the table


                                          bloodstone, is not good.
                                          not bad, I'd rather have it over bracer to put it that way, but not good either. many better items for xin.


                                            if you think getting mana boots on ember is the same as getting mana boots on bh, theres something severely wrong with your puny brain, anyhow, you can keep trying to back up your idiotic statements with your delusional ability to play dota, i don't argue with noobs that have no game sense whatsoever

                                            SMELLY APE

                                              bloodstone on xin wtf??? if i happen to buy a perserverance then i just change to battlefury. u get damage and mana regen. I don't really see much use of blood stone except maybe resspawn fast and remnant back to fight?


                                                @relentless, r u feartheghost?

                                                bloodstone is a okish item on ember, however, it provides too much mana for the hero, and since ember is extremely squishy if ulti is on cool down, linkens functions much better than bstone.

                                                for anyone out there who actually wants to know what type of hero ember really is, i'll explain in short, i've been a dota 1 veteran and consider myself as one of the best players for ember, look at my stats page and watch my ember replays if you want to know how to play the hero properly, as i have near perfect win rate with him

                                                ember is a semi-carry early game which transitions to super late game carry that is much more powerful than heros such as am void etc

                                                you should ALWAYS solo mid with ember as it is one of the unbeatable mid heros except by maybe OD, basically what i'm saying is that you should almost never lose mid with thsi hero because of imbalanced abilities early game, only if you know how to use him though

                                                you can opt to skip bottle unless you are getting heavily harrased by ranged solos, because rushing mana boots will help you with the ability to demoish any side lanes with your ultimate, single bottle you won't have enough mana for 3-rem ulti combo

                                                if you are doing your job, you should be able to finish linkens by 15-20, then you will proceed with bfury or lighting hammer, don't upgrade to MJ because its not cost-efficient, get buriza after and the 2nd bfury when you have the money, ember's late game power comes purely from his 2nd skill, which is a mini omni slash, people ignore to get bfury on this hero but if you don't get it, his 2nd skill won't be nearly as powerful, lighting hammer is also an ideal choice since the lighting will proc near 100% everytime when you use your 2nd.

                                                skill build wise, 3 1 3 1 3 ulti 3 1 1 etc, 2nd skill early game is completely useless since it will do 0 dmg.

                                                tricks using ember, early game tp base - ulti back in lane is extremely efficient for ganking and farming, abuse this ability, do not forget your ulti has a huge cool down so don't try to fight too much when you don't have max spirits on ulti, it will cost your death easily. late game transition is all about 2nd skill, abuse it as you can use it to dodge all the skills in game pretty much.

                                                lastly, do NOT play him like anti mage or void and get early game dmg items if you are in the safe lane, and always demand mid whenever possible, at lvl 3-5, at correct positioning, 3rd + 1st instantly, follow mid hero an he will be dead, the 3rd skill's dmg range is pretty far, you don't need to be at equal speed to deal dmg

                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                  Wow dude you won your level pub games. Congrats. Also why would someone be retarded just because they disagree with you? How ignorant can someone even get?


                                                    ^ typical 1 of the avgbads by nigjig

                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                      HAHAHAH. Dude come on now. I'm sure I am a way better player than you are.

                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                        did this kid really say he is one of the best in the world?


                                                          dno but he maxes out chain before he even takes 2nd so you can completely disregard what he says.

                                                          Woof Woof

                                                            M_K_1001 you know that sam is one of very few solo players that regularly play top pages, right?


                                                              Sampson I don't mean for him to use all that mana to farm. We certainly agree on that. I mean for him to use it to dive towers, kill heroes, then kill those that port in to back them up as well so he can take the tower. Or Ember can start a teamfight with a pick-off and still have plenty of mana left to chase down fleeing heroes. I mean for Ember to be able to gank a lane, use Fire Remnant to quickly move to another lane, and gank that lane also before they have time to even call him missing.

                                                              Ember should be farming heroes and if he goes for bottle into bloodstone he can keep up the pressure instead of always having to recharge mana whether he succeeds in a gank or not. I think he can do this far more effectively with a mana early heavy build than getting physical dps. Certain passives are very nice on Ember (bfury, crits, lighting) for sieges and pushing but they don't have anything to do with how he gets kills.

                                                              I think if you hold back on using way more mana than phase can provide you can't get the best out of the hero. Some heroes can just do a ton more if you use a lot more mana and Ember spirit is one of them.

                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                So this guy types out a well thought out post and you guys just respond by slinging mud and saying you're better than him. You aren't better than him with Ember Spirit unless you can come up with a better presented argument on how to play him.


                                                                  I could nitpick and tell you everything wrong in his post but i don't see the point.
                                                                  he already proclaimed himself as the best ember player, so i doubt he would care anyways if someone points where he's wrong. so i don't.


                                                                    I love this hero, so far I have 4-1 on record.

                                                                    Best game:

                                                                    2 battlefuries instakills meepo, so I went to their fountain and camped for a while. HAHA :))


                                                                      Loooooooooooong ago I came across an ember player which had alteast 200(85+&wr) games played with him and His build used to be bloodstone first into situationals. I confirm that build! The art in playing xin is going in and out of the battle with the least penality possible until you go for the final blow.

                                                                      I adore both spirits however I want to see players hand in there and show us what they can do with those heroes ? :P
                                                                      Maybe there is a top 50 of both heroes already and maybe see what they are building, since they either know those heroes from the past or just started to really enjoy those heroes.

                                                                      ANeMiA GRaViS

                                                               Always go full dps on Xin .... #ordontyourchoicew/e

                                                                        Btw , atm there is only one guy in dotabuff + player rankings for Xin


                                                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                          Edit: Ocelot has gone phase-carry Ember and is the only one with a DBR score to have 30+ games of Ember so far. But 5950 is a score usually only high enough to make top 50 for unpopular heroes. Although he has play it well, he is not playing against the very best players. He will most likely drop off the list as more people play enough games to qualify.

                                                                          I decided to check the Verified players to see what the pros are trying.
                                                                          Dotabuff has about 140 pros listed and a handful of casters. Unfortunately about half of the pros have stats off and of those with stats on most are playing diretide or too busy with pro games to really try out the new heroes.

                                                                          Overall verified pro players have been able to win, but they clearly are struggling to match their performance on other heroes and some have not figured out a good build yet. Games played so far by 19 pro players nearly all of them have been on a team that was at The International at some point so this shows what the best in the world can do learning a new hero. 1437, LanM, Fear, MSS, FATA-, Trixi, Jerax, Brax, Freedom, Qojqva, TC, Merlini, Lakelz, Lin, CTY, KingJ, SexyBamboe, SingSing, SanSheng all contributed to these stats.

                                                                          Earth Spirit is 41-24 (63% win). Ember Spirit is 32-20 (62% win)

                                                                          You can watch these recent games to see how the builds are played by the best players
                                                                          Most games were played by the following players

                                                                          MojoStormStout (currently plays for EG)

                                                                          Earth Spirit 9-4
                                                                          He has gone for an extreme mobility, teamfight build with Arcane into Blink, Force, and Mech

                                                                          FATA- (played for Mouz at TI3)

                                                                          Ember Spirit 6-5
                                                                          He has been trying to make Ember a carry. It is not working despite his world class skills... basically the same problem Vroksnak was having.

                                                                          Jerax (former QPAD player, lost in TI3 qualifiers)

                                                                          Earth Spirit 13-8
                                                                          He tries a lot of builds, finally settles on Bloodstone, 5-0 once he tries it.

                                                                          TC (currently plays for Liquid)

                                                                          Earth Spirit 5-2
                                                                          Arcane boots into Force-Mech core build

                                                                          Ember Spirit 10-1
                                                                          Tried phase carry build his first game and lost, realized it sucks... went 10-0 with Arcane into Drums, Deso and Crits. I don't like the drums, but maybe I'm missing something about that. I will need to watch his replays in more detail and see what he really got out of them. When I was skimming through these ppl seemed to be not actually using the drums except to correct positioning errors.

                                                                          SingSing (currently plays for Speed Gaming)

                                                                          Earth Spirit 5-1
                                                                          Hyper Mobility build phase, Blink, Force... and of course Hand of Midas because its Singsing.

                                                                          Ember Spirit 2-4
                                                                          Attempts carry Ember build and fails badly


                                                                          In conclusion, these early results show that even world class pros can't make Ember Spirit work as a carry... unless the game was so easy they would have won no matter what. Also Pros are showing excellent results with both heroes using Arcane boots and maxing maneuverability.

                                                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                            You realize you are making HUGE leaps in your conclusions.

                                                                            FATA - is going MoM, it is a pub and I doubt he is taking it seriously same goes for sing sing
                                                                            TC - changing your boots will NOT make you win 90% of your games as a hero (which is what you are implying)

                                                                            You cant use small scale pub data to conclude anything. Singsing is a great queen of pain player BUT in pubs he will get MoM into crit does that mean it is right? His pub games are for entertainment value. While I agree ember is not a carry using 2 players FATA and TC(we will skip sing for obvious reasons) to say "X worked in TC pubs and Y didnt work in FATA pubs therefore X must be right option is a huge very well COULD be right but using that little data will only lead you to a predetermined conclusion.


                                                                              um...what? How do you get that from what I wrote? I am the guy who was paid by giant multi-national companies to take stats and make multi-million dollar decisions based on them...not some kid. I looked at 100+ games played by 19 pro players. If you don't want to benefit from my summary watch the games yourself.

                                                                              Watch the games. That is why I gathered them all for you. Or choose not to learn. TC is incredible enough he might be able to force Ember to use phase, but even he immediately saw that it crippled him to not have mana early. If you can't understand what happened from just the stats that's ok...just watch the games. See FATA- make great plays, run out of mana and still lose because he is oom. See SingSing feed because he runs OOM. See Jerax struggle with various builds on Earth Spirit until he tries bloodstone and then crush everyone. Watch the replays.

                                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                                I did watch TC's games when he was streaming I even got into a discussion with him about it. Even he conceded that past about 15-20mins arcane boots fall off its usefulness. Did I ever say arcane boots are never a option? no. Are you arguing that phase boots do not work? yes. My opening statement was that no item in dota is 100% except brown boots(converted into whatever after). Ember spirit has enough mana to do his job as a ganker with phase boots. Your post gave 3 players in a random pub game with a couple of games under their belt. To stretch the data to say a player got the wrong boots so he THAT is why his team lost the game just makes you look like a idiot

                                                                                -only for ember spirit I dont care about earth-

                                                                                Lorenzo VI

                                                                                  Has no one realised ember's true hard carry potential? This may be just a pub stomp thing but one of my regular team mates has been playing him as a super hard carry for 3 days now and hasn't lost a game. You give him enough space to get an early battlefury he spirals quickly.

                                                                                  The final build is - phase boots, battlefury, crystalis, battlefury, desolator, daedelus. Getting him room to farm this can be tricky but if you save mana for ganks or defense he is pretty good at staying alive, while getting kills.

                                                                                  The final result is a character that performs an omnislash every 6 seconds where every hit cleaves for 70%, has a chance to crit and reduces armour to all hit. It does require the ember to fight when in an earthshaker like style (wait for lots of units to be in one area), but super late game i've seen an entire 5 man be qiped with one sleight of fist.

                                                                                  To compliment the character, the team has to build the appropriate auras to make him useful mid game, but a vlads and mek isnt the hardest set to get.

                                                                                  I personally don't think earth is very strong. I've played vs one very good player but even then he required a puck to get any pickoffs or have any real affect. All his skills are alright, but for each skill there is a hero that does the same skill but so much better and with more reliability.

                                                                                  Expect ember to rise quickly in win %age but earth to stick around the 44% area after a slow rise.


                                                                                    A friend of mine has been playing Earth Spirit in a nice way. Utility team battle hero, if anyone want to check out


                                                                                      Well thats stupid. Relentless, you really have no fucking idea what you are on about. You do realise that just because a hero lost a match where they got farm, does not mean they can't carry? There are over 100 heroes in the game, and 10 in each match, there are so many variables that come into place, that a small sample like 10, 100, heck even 1,000 games won't mean jack shit. So what if SingSing went 2-4? In every match there are going to be 5 heroes that win, and 5 that lose.

                                                                                      Beesa uses Phase Boots, so do plenty of others and it works out just fine for them. It is possible that one is better than the other, but that clearly is not the difference between TC going 0-1 with Phase and 10-0 with Arcanes lmfao. Not to mention that he can use the fountain very easily with his ultimate (spirit, TP fountain, return to spirit)

                                                                                      Quick maffs

                                                                                        I dont think bloodstone its necessary, but i do agree on mana boots. After 20 minutes this boots probably fall off, but i dont think phase its necessary on such a mobile hero with lockdown but if you are playing agresive early you will need the mana.

                                                                                        Terrible dota like anything can be quantified and statistics DOES mean something in dota, even with the amount of variable this game have.

                                                                                        It doesnt matter the amount of variables on any subject, statistics are a very accurate science.

                                                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                                                          It really isnt stats can give a basic understanding but there is alot at play

                                                                                          lets say for example I buy treads on BH every game and win 90% of my games because I am playing with a 5man stack and we prob would have won regardless of my boots choice

                                                                                          Stats are not a accurate science BECAUSE while the numbers can be accurate the interpretation of those numbers can vary significantly


                                                                                            It's not mana boots that fall off late game. It's the hero Ember Spirit that falls off. He can never go beyond semi-carry level dps because he has only 1 scaling skill "sleight of fist" and it doesn't even scale that well. He is able to do 1 attack per enemy every 6 seconds. That is just not real carry dps.

                                                                                            You may choose to force him to be the main dps for a team, but like mirrana or kunka or weaver he will never compete against an equally farmed real hard carry. You may deceive yourself into thinking you have done something smart or impressive if you wish and have a nice game from time to time where you got deadulus, bfury, maelstrom, and maybe 2 divines! Oh how amazing that 1 hit of omnislash every 6 sec will be!... but its still going to be even weaker than 1 big cleave from kunka's tidebringer every 4 seconds (which is still not real carry dps) and anyone who actually understands carry heroes will know that a Void, Luna, or a Spectre, Gyro, Medusa or a Sven with equal farm would be 3 to 5 times more powerful and far more effective at delivering that dps.

                                                                                            Ember Spirit is not a carry. He is a semi-carry ganker. He needs huge amounts of mana to be played to maximum effectiveness. If you want to learn to play him so that he can destroy excellent opponents on a coordinated team then you will learn to build him with arcanes and make full use of the difficult aspects of the hero. If you want to pub stomp and pretend you are good go ahead and get phase and be unable to completely dominate early-mid game when the hero is most powerful. From time to time you might face people who don't suck, then you will be dismayed at how you can't easily kill them by clicking 1 button every 6 seconds and blame your team for feeding while you use your extreme mobility to hide instead of fight.

                                                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                                                              Relentless you do realize TC's data comes from a pub stomp. He is not fighting pro players on the other team(not saying they are horrible). You keep saying what TC is doing is 'the pro build' but where exactly does this data come from? In some games he has 3 pro gamers on his team he could build a fucking sheep stick and win.


                                                                                                Sheep on Ember would be an excellent item choice whether you build it early or late. It really is not very difficult to understand that relying on sleight of fist with Ember is nub, pub way to play it. There is no way you will ever cast it in a pro level teamfight more than 2 times before the fight is decided... normally you will get to cast it only once. Worse yet this skill ensures that everyone knows exactly where your hero will land when you use it. Against pro teams that will get you killed if you don't have a bkb.

                                                                                                This skill is useful for pushing and finishing off escaping heroes, for harassment in the lane or during a siege. It is not a dps skill. As Dork points out phase movement on a hero already this maneuverable is unneeded. You get up to 3 potentially global blinks every 35 seconds! Pro use of Ember will be to correctly use his ult to move around a teamfight and the map...not to trivially be a few movement points faster with phase boots. Its about as absurd as getting phase on Storm Spirit. But because the "recommended items" put phase on him all kinds of people are doing it. Eventually nearly everyone who plays Ember at a high level will get Arcanes and forums like this will immediately call out anyone getting phase as a nub... but for now its not quite so extremely obvious because enough people have not tried both ways enough to personally know how vast the difference is. And so there is still debate.

                                                                                                Lorenzo VI

                                                                                                  1 attack per enemy every 6 s with 2 bfs, desolator.

                                                                                                  2 bfs give you 70% cleave on each attack. Attack = A , N= number of opponents hit by sleight of fist , lets say half of those hits are not at an angle to cleave.

                                                                                                  1A + ((N * 0.7 * A) / 2) = ammount of attacks pulled off in damage (not including crits)

                                                                                                  For a team with 4 heroes, 2 illusions, 4 creeps in the sleight of fist radius you get.

                                                                                                  1A + ((10*0.7*A)/2) = 4.5 A

                                                                                                  Each hero in that radius takes 450% damage attack in what is a 2 second animation, meanwhile the ember spirit is invulnerable. With 2bfs, phase, deso, each hero takes about 1000 damage in those 2 s and thats with a lot of unpredictable variables. Now imagine what happens when a crit happens on some of those indiviual hits. Maybe he can pull of 1200 physical damage in those 2s?

                                                                                                  I'd say he can outcarry anyone once the teams start 5 manning providing he can get off that sleight of fist at the right point.


                                                                                                    Thats all well and good, but what happens when there is a 1v1 or 2v2 situation where you have to defend or lose your base, and you're facing a alch/sven/naix/dk? Or if you run into one of them going around a corner or something? Xin can't stand toe to toe to an equally farmed/skilled hard carry. You can say he wins team fights all you want, but if he can't also man up against a hard carry, then hes not a hard carry himself. IMO hes kinda like Gyro - if you snowball or if the enemy team ignores you, then yeah you can act as an aoe carry. Otherwise they will just dps you down in no time, laughing at your 1-2 sleight of fists, which if they have equal farm, won't do enough damage to turn the tides.

                                                                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                                    King of Low Prio


                                                                                                      Your head so far up your own ass that you missed the point. The reason you might be a awful player is because you think that the game plays out like this every game. When X does Y you do Z and you win game. You can argue that the reason you need so much more mana on ember is because you skip mobility items and you need to use excess mana to stay mobile. Phase boots are not a 100% pick up just like arcane boots are not a 100% pick up

                                                                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                                        The mark of a real carry is always what dps he do during critical windows of opportunity. That is what the carry can do at a pro level. During the most important times of vulnerability... against excellent players these are the only times you can really attack them.

                                                                                                        Bkb time 10-4 seconds
                                                                                                        Fiends Grip 7 seconds
                                                                                                        Chronosphere 5 seconds
                                                                                                        Black Hole 4 seconds
                                                                                                        Primal Roar 4 seconds
                                                                                                        Reverse Polarity 3.75 seconds
                                                                                                        Hex 3 seconds
                                                                                                        Ravage ~ 2 seconds
                                                                                                        Nearly all disables in the game 2-3 seconds

                                                                                                        So you always look at what is the carries 3 second dps? What is his 5 sec dps? What is his 10 sec dps? That is what really matters and easy is it to move and deliver that damage? how many targets does it hit? The power to hit everyone once every 6 seconds is just not a carry ability. Many carries can apply their attack damage 18 times in 6 seconds. The best can attack all 5 heroes 18 times in 6 seconds. Being able to hit them once is really rather pathetically small by comparison. If anyone thinks that Ember Spirit does big dps with his sleight of fist....they are really not thinking. Its a nice bit of extra burst dmg, but it can't compare to real carries even if he gets extremely lucky and procs every crit and every maelstrom lightning...which he will never do.

                                                                                                        1200 physical dmg in 2 seconds is not big its small. Real carries often do several thousand physical dps. When you consider ideal situations the top team dps heroes, like Medusa, Gyro, Luna, Spectre are capable of doing over 10k dps. Sven can do over 18k dmg to a team in one attack. Ember can do a lot in 1 cast of Slight of Fist, but Sven and other heroes with hard carry power can do that level of dmg on every attack and often that means 2 or 3 times per second.

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