General Discussion

General DiscussionTMM system needs a change.

TMM system needs a change. in General Discussion

    why is the rank system of dotabuff tmm so bad ?
    i tried to think how u guys think but i dont get it why do you put rank in fonction of global mmr ? why do you even do that instead of doing a normal elo system ??

    i see many teams with 70% winrate as a team and shitty rank just because they arent in top mmr individually, whats the deal with that ?

    i mean there is no point at all on ur system ; u win a game u get +5rank u lose one = u lose 20
    so if u have 80% u dont move at all in rank, u have to get at least 90% to win 5rank every 5 games, isnt ridiculous ?

    so basically a team who start with -4500rank cant ever reach the top even if they have 100/100wins how logical.

    Ofc valve has to change their useless system first.

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      Dotabuff does not have their own TMM system. They just mirror Valve's system. I agree that Valve has to do something about TMM and but I doubt it is high on their list of priorities at this moment.


        First of all its the system valve uses and dotabuff just shows the teamscore.
        I wouldnt consider the system useless cause it represents each individual players skill within a team ipretty well.

        If you would have a team with 5 certain players and would make a team and score 4500 poins and then a short period after would do the same thing you would get almost the same score.

        Tbh I love the TMM-system however it seems sometimes a too big of a hassle to create a new team just there is 1 different player.

        Dotabuff suggests that my team is ranked #3 :O (#showingoff)


          yes that my point exactly, ur whole team is composed of bad players and yet ur top3
          thats the pb actually. the whole mmr system is based on some random stats.

          If alliance made 5smurf and trolled for 10games in normal mm, they'd have terrible mmr, and then team up and get 3000mmr.
          Then they'll get 100-0 as a team and will have some abyssal rank.
          How is that logical?

          A team match making should only refer to the team skill not the individual, this system removes any motivation to climb and get to the top because ppl start with ridiculous advantages, ive never seen such things in any elo system.

          Its like if u started on eel with 2k points instead of 1k because u got cute stats on db (??)
          + the tmm is totally fucked up cuz it doesnt even makes u play with oppos with same mmr.

          so it has rly 0 meaning, 0.

          And i know it has to change on valve side first, but db could make their own team ladder its not that hard.
          All they have to do is put 1k points or anything and then just add values for wins/losses.

          Ofc the only pb would be that 3000mmr teams could be on the top by winning vs lowskilled oppos, and it wouldnt be fair because they play vs ls oppos and win the same points as high mmr teams, so my idea to counter that is just to put some bearing(?) like top 100for each level, smtg like the bests of 3000-3500 / 4000-4500 etc if u know what i mean, duno if bearing is the word, got it from google translate.

          And you can have ur team mmr as information but not as a "rank value" its bullshit.

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            You shouldnt say that certain individuals are bad cause youve never played with or against me (afaik). I could do suggest the same.

            Either way I do agree with the part that it shouldnt necessarily be related to ones personal MMR and therefor your team would be bound to it, therefor gaining the possibility to climb up.

            HOWEVER. If lets say an already established team would start playing TMM, would they first have to play 2000 games to atleast climb the ladder or should they start highof caue they are superior already. How about a MS-team which would play 100000 games and would just have a 50% WR would still be superior in the ladder by the pure amount one plays.

            Basically it would put you in a right place from the spot so you would not start off playing against players which just recently started dota and thats probably the main difficulty


              I edited a lot btw.
              about the 'however' part, ur rite but as i said its the same TMM anyway since its valve that handle it.

              My idea is more about changing or creating a ladder on DB.
              Ppl will still get their oppos in fonction of their tmmr so nothing will change, exept here we'll see some logical numbers.

              its stupid to have top 10teams with 2games when there are others that have 50-10 and are far farther if u know what i mean.

              Ok the idea of 'bearing' is like the ladder on lol, u have normal elo with divisions, division is a better word i guess.

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                What they really need is a challenge system for TMMR. You should be able to make a challenge to any team in the que and then they must accept to have the game. Top rated teams never play each other randomly because their just are not enough of them. Every game for the top teams is against someone rated 1000 points lower or more.

                I used to be on a couple teams for team matching but it was terrible. We had 4k rating and played against teams with 4.8k that easily beat us or teams with 3.4k that we could beat while eating and going afk. 1 game in 10 was actually close.

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                  yea exactly, we just played vs a team that had 3.6k its like playing in low prio, idk i dont see any point of this.

                  Pretty sure stuff like this happens because tmm is inactive due to the no ladder/goal, it doesnt even gives stats on ur individual profile, so it has literally 0 point playing on tmm.

                  if at least we had a ladder ppl will have a motivation to play on it and then games will be more balanced, more activity = more chances to get a team of ur lvl searching a match~

                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                    They should really use TMM rating in league games (excluding ixdl). That way known teams would not have to play up their rating from scratch. Also, there should be some incentive like a special item for top 100 teams, keys or maybe something fancy on your profile.


                      y, a little cup icon or smtg so ppl who have it can brag about it, thats a huge motivation :p