General Discussion

General Discussion[SG] Team Infinitum reopening recruitment

[SG] Team Infinitum reopening recruitment in General Discussion

    Hi everyone.
    We are looking for higher skilled level players to join our roster as part of a team training towards the competitive scene. We will have training times and we would expect players to be commited. However we are also flexible and able to see how it goes.
    We are looking for players who are passionate about competitive gaming and not "just a game". Players must also be experienced and have full understanding of their roles and how competitive dota2 is played.
    And ofcourse, players must have a working mic and Skype. We are mainly looking for players from Singapore and if you are good, we will take In players from SEA too.
    If any of you is interested in taking your dota2 experience further, add me up and pm me.
    Those who have already added me just pm me again
    Thank you :)

    Eric Kamezou

      whats ur steam?


        Just search for Infinitum | Altius
        Which is the name I posted this with



          your stats seem very average. do you meet fd/mith/imp or another SEA teams regularly in matchmaking? Or have you yet to reach that level?

          Този коментар е бил редактиран

            perhaps you could add me and let me know if there's availability for a tryout? :)
            i prefer playing roles 3 - 5


              We are open to all roles.
              Like I said, we Will definitely be working towards the competitive scene. If you have already reached the level and u have a team suitable for you then all the best. otherwise if you are interested you can pm me.


                I've added you.


                  I meant normal, pub matchmaking queuing -ap mode. There are alot of SEA pubs who are borderline competitive standard but without a team and I was simply wondering if you're at that level or still striving to get there.

                  Because it's a long, hard slog if you aren't.


                    I'm interested, but I'll have to see how things work out. I consider myself fairly skilled in my mm pool, but the one thing is, is that I'm used to solo que pubs, so I might need some time to adjust to more team focused playing and communication.


                      Oh don't worry zenoth. We are here to only recruit people who have the potential so like u said people like these can form a team. Definitely we are at that standard already. And w. Will find only players who are equally or better skilled. Are you interested?


                        Definitely eclipse. If you have the ability to play. teamwork and other issues will definitely be strengthened and trained through time. Pm me and we can settle a timing to play.

                        itachi uchiha

                          I am interested. from Singapore too:)


                            Me Me Me :D!

                            Cherrer Pak

                              zenoth looks like the guy who take pub games seriously. If any team is gonna find a player by just looking at thier dota buff stat or whatever then he should go fuck himself.

                              Cherrer Pak

                                anyways im interested . From SG. Love the game, currently just playing in a team occasionally cm with friends mainly as support role. would love to be more competitive!


                                  Add me on steam!


                                    how about fuck you for generalizing about people and insinuating they should fuck themselves? As much as people complain about the MM system, all those capable of playing at a competitive standard are easily at the top of the mmr when playing pubs. I'm not even talking about looking at your KDA or winrate or whatever. The quality of opponents you play against is an easy indicator of roughly where you stand. If you can't even climb to the top of pubs then what hopes do you have playing competitively? I guarantee no team looking to climb to the top will do well with someone who can't even hold his own in pub games. SEA pubs at higher levels will often queue against ZSMJ, Chopper, LanM, Lubby and his stack (of non-FD members), rstars.MM and his stack (usually someone called mm +2 more, all ~60-70% win rates) or the assorted pinoy teams who usually queue together. I raise a legit concern about the quality of play and you make such absurd claims.

                                    Sorry about your false hopes if you think that you don't need such a high standard of play to make it in the local competitive scene. There are alot of talented players in the country and it's not easy to make the cut.

                                    I've played local university competitions and won them, and I assure you that the better teams are those with TMM > 4.5k, in other words those who usually end up on page 1-10 when playing pubs. Those teams who have TMM of under 4k usually get raped so hard that it's quite sad to see their registration money go down the drain in a matter of minutes; they literally lose the game from the draft alone, much less the gameplay.

                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                      Wah zenoth ultimate tryhard, I like. Commended for teaching.


                                        ^ the Chains stack too. Scary people


                                          banana... our stack also equally scary can.

                                          Cherrer Pak

                                            @ Zenoth sorry abt scolding u. dont take it seriously ;) But people do stacks to get to page 1-10 as u said. u cant possibly get to page 1-10 without good stacks cos u dont win matches on your own.. obviously those who get to page 1-10 must be good. but how can u write off those that do solo queing and cant possibly make it to page 1-10?


                                              Add me


                                                hello want to join your team :)