General Discussion

General DiscussionFF has re-opened!

FF has re-opened! in General Discussion

    Yep! It's official! I just got back to the game as i quit my job yesterday, so i will have a few weeks off in which i can play Dota. So ive decided to reopen clan Fast Finish, so we can win some fast games and get some team experience that can later win us tournaments. So add me if u wanna play.


    EZ MID 9k mmr

      Top kek, you made my day.

      Thank you!


        The toppest of lels.


          any of u wannna join? or?

          King of Low Prio

            yolo you where kicked from FF why are you trying to steal my clan?


              lel quality team, quality thread keep it up


                but now who will make my burgers at mc donalds? dood pls...


                  implying you can afford burgers at McDonalds. buddy please.

                  Penis Monkey

                    i want to join please, you are pro


                      33% winrate
                      v-god tier player

                      King of Low Prio

                        ^ are you accusing him of dodging?


                          NP. Monkey - add me :)

                          Sampson - U have never been in FF. Im the founder of FF and i never had u in the clan. Unless its ur own FF clan hehe :)

                          King of Low Prio

                            I think you are confused, you are just random I felt bad and invited to clan then you tried to get me on skype to talk about how your dad beats you everyday. I did not want to have to deal with teh drama so I had to let you go




                              King of Low Prio

                                so please stop pretending you are a member of FF

                                GOTCHA HAT!

                                  whaat ff is my clan what are you guys doing?


                                    I am the Founder of Clan FF. :-)

                                    King of Low Prio

                                      no you are not, can someone report this kid for trolling?

                                      Saudi Prince

                                        lol at yolo swag... .87 kda with AM DA FUQ BRO GET IT TOGETHER