General Discussion

General DiscussionWhere and how did you meet the players you play with?

Where and how did you meet the players you play with? in General Discussion

    As a guy with no friends that play dota IRL, and no online friends at my skill level, I'm wondering how players found their teams/friends.

    Most resources I have attempted to use have not been successful.

    Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

      Random people from my games liked how I play so they added me^^


        Search forums for people looking for teams, leagues recruiting new members, etc.

        Try reddit

        Try checking the chat channels in the DotA 2 client (PurgeGamers is a great one to meet new people)

        Add people ingame


          Reddit or dotabuff

          Dota buffers are the faggots that say l2p whatever you do
          Redditors are retarded and some of them are decent/good

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            play page 1

            rape everyone bigtime

            +100 friend invites after game ezpz



              Fadiflashi actually added me because he liked my youtube videos (LOL) almost 2 years ago, and i kept him in my friend list but never played with him. I thought he was just another random fanboy. And then one day i invited him and he said ''lets go lvl1 rosh'' and we did succesfully, so i played some games with him and started to like him :D

              Baitz Added me through this,
              we played for a while and then stopped. and now we play daily again almost :)

              Van-art, It was back then when i played with vaikiss i think. He was in the party and we added eachother but barely played but now we do. =)

              Chriss. Vanart suggested him to party and he joined. He was a nice guy so we kept playing with him. and now hes my fuzzy bear

              Admiral, i met through dota1 i think. Because i saw I Dota 3 and there was a guy called NivZ in the movie. And then i met nivz in dota1 pub, and we talked and played some games. THen we played Dead island :DD And now we play alot of dota2 :D

              Ninjapigeon is my irl mate since 7th grade so ( I teached him dota :D)

              Instable_pig/LOLLER/Lman^ Is probly the guy i played dota1/2 most with. I was cm'ing 5v5 with him back in dota1. And they asked me to standin for them alot. (they were dicks back then btw :D) and i did. Then we became friends, (me and loller became better then me and the rest of them because he played as much as me and were rly good) And to this day we still play together :)
              So he probably the best/closest mate i ever had/have. He learned me alot.

              these are the players i play mostly with atm.

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                vrok and fadi met in a gaybar in israel


                  vroksnak-i think it was from youtube :D


                    I met him around 9 month ago when my dota 2 account lvl 3.

                    we still stack together from time to time if he play SEA server.

                    Just add people you think fun to play with or good players.
                    Later end up having a good stack.

                    You just got friends by playing pub if you are friendly , funny or good player with good attitude.

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                      on garena


                        Well, most answers appreciated.

                        The more i play on this account, the more i feel like i'm falling. I'd say that in all my losses i can certainly point to things I have done wrong, but I only feel that I am the primary reason my team failed about 1/5th the time. Some is obviously bad luck. The problem then becomes the more games lost, the lower the bracket, the less chance of meeting good players.

                        As for Dota2tmm, reddit dota 2 pubs or anything else, its seems most players who want respond or ask to party have sub 50% win rate. I have played with a few players on alts but most were not very knowledgeable. Perhaps most frustrating is that the players who do go out of their way to respond to interest in playing are still seemingly incapable of communicating. I'm not sure why its so hard to

                        Compounding the issue is that I prefer to play support rather than carry or mid.

                        Finally, i have tried captains mode/ captains draft solo, but going in solo to those games can be really awful when your captain is not good at drafting or a jerk. last captains pick i played, my captain stuck me with meepo for suggesting that he ban out lifestealer...

                        Not sure why its so hard for me to find good players to support that are at least willing to discuss picks or communicate in games, but I've just been getting very sad/demoralized in games these days. Thanks for the responses, think i might finish my BR 99 to 100 grind in planetside 2 or something :/

                        edit: @Truth # Ham Namja: honestly, with 63% win rate after 1500 games, I would go out on a limb and say you had extensive experience in dota and were playing beta. I mean props to you, and nice you had a good meeting.

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                        -apm 400 player

                          Met one of my broskis from my team recruiting thread on joindota first i tho we ain't gone get anywhere from it since the people's that have added me are bunch of raging kids.

                          After few pub game i found out we have alot of things in common from that we just been chatting on steam discussing pro matches that was being played till now and luckily we live in the same city and not far from town center to grab a drink on weekends.

                          After awhile he introduced me to hes stack and so on we been playing together , the point of playing with my broskis is not to win every games ( often i do get mad on those silly feed) and just to have fun with them and having a nice chat session for 2hrs about other thing beside dota which i found pretty enjoy =)




                              I bribe them

                              Quick maffs

                                Concede we could play together if you want, just add me on steam. If by comunication you mean using voice chat that would be hard because my english is 0, but writing i can handle it.

                                And yeah i know my winrate kind of sucks, that could be because i stack with some real-life friends who are kind of new but lets not make excuses i guess :P

                                Anyway you seem like a nice guy so i thought it could be fun.


                                  It is difficult to find good players primarily because they are very rare. If you want to play with people who really deserve a top 1% rating... well that means 99% of players will not qualify. If you want people who are nearly at pro level 99.99% are not good enough.

                                  If you have not gone through a process of trying out at least dozens of players who seemed kind-of-good you are unlikely to find any that really are. If you don't play with and against good players in your games, then you will probably never see them. But be on the lookout. Learn to watch and judge gameplay while playing. If you play 100 games, about 500 players were on your teams. If you are paying attention some games you will notice someone who knows what they are doing, is cooperative, communicates well etc. When you notice them, try to make an effort to get them to like you. Give them a salve. Give them a compliment. Save them from a death. If they really are good they will notice. Then add them to friends.

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                                    It always impresses me how non native english speakers will say "i can't speak english" while typing a forum post in perfect english.

                                    @relentless: solid advice. I believe that one of the difficulties in dota is that a 1% level player may be lower due to not having other players to play with, however it will never help to blame a loss or ones ranking on anyone but oneself.

                                    Probably the strangest thing about the matchmaking system i have experience so far, is that the best players (and the players with the most vanity items for that matter) are found when i play on my low priority queue alt account. Probably due to less strict matching algorithm

                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                      dont ask questions you dont want to know the answers to

                                      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                        at the gay bar.

                                        Quick maffs

                                          It always impresses me how non native english speakers will say "i can't speak english" while typing a forum post in perfect english. "

                                          Pretty simple, with time anyone can learn how to write in english thanks to internet, but i never speak with anyone in english, that its why i cant speak english for shit.


                                            I started with some IRL/other games friends, and their friends for a while, then in a random pub game found a guy from my country accidentally and after that Id played with him for months, even met IRL once. He quit Dota and around the same time Havoc Badger was so nice to add me (<3) and since that Ive been playing with him and his stack, I have a lots of people on my list now. From this forum Benao also added me, I love stacking with him too, but it doesnt happen too often. I also have some random guys who added me after a game but I rarely play with them.
                                            But Im sure its easier for girls to stack with higher skilled players than for guys, so prob my post wont help you...

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                                            Ted Bundy gone but not fo...

                                              ^ i wrote it many times before just pretend to be a female and u can easily expet full FL in 1/2 days O;


                                                I mostly met people at a brazilian dota forum, around 2010.


                                                  Eh, its alright, gamer girls need some double standards working in their favor too.

                                                  As for my gaming, I have managed to meet a couple players. A guy was kinda enough to message me and invited me to play. Not sure how they know each other but he has a few friends and of them two are definitely better than me. In the 6 games or so I have played I feel like i have gotten much more "real dota" practice than in most of my pub games, by playing with them.

                                                  I know i have made at least 3-4 egregiously questionable plays in those games.... I came through with a couple big plays I guess but i generally focus on my failures and try to learn from them. I just try to be as apologetic as possible and shoulder as much blame as I can. Playing stacked with other people also makes me less likely to become upset when i'm alone soloing, as the horrendous void of despair that is solo queue doesn't seem like the end all be all of my dota gaming experience.

                                                  I've considered trying playdota joindota and NAdota. I think Joindota would be best. NAdota is... lets say intimidating.... and playdota seems like its mostly for dota1 players that have been members of that forum for years.

                                                  Lastly, I feel somewhat bad but I will admit there are a few players I am hesitant to play with. One in particular seems really nice, and added me in response to a /r/dota2pub, played with him once and it didn't go too well.. then the guys DSR came up and it was like... 201 or something. I kinda feel like I owe it to him to play some games with him... if i'm hoping better players than I will give me a chance... then I got to be willing to do the same for someone else...

                                                  If anyone wants a support bitch hit me up. thanks for the responses.

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                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!