General Discussion

General DiscussionThoughts on death prophet?

Thoughts on death prophet? in General Discussion

    I personally like this hero and she lanes very well with a good nuke with her q , if she gets a bottle.the spam will normally be to much for the other hero(s). I like her in mid but putting in the safe lane is a option. She is very strong at 6 and can get a easy tower. Once she builds a bloodstone and bkb she can pop her ult and stand in the middle of the fight dealing a lot of damage. Why is she not a competitive pick? The only reasons i can think is she is easily ganked and doesnt do much in a fight without her ult. Wanted to know other peoples thoughts on the hero

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      Since they buffed her ulty I run for my life every time I see it. Anyway I didn't play her since the buff. I think she is a very strong hero and I liked her ever since I learned how to play her. (Long time ago)

      Her ulty, RLY scared the fuck out of me. But it should. Imagine a horde of ghost chasing your ass... so badass. And her voice is also so passionate and nice, love the announcer too.

      I know this is not the answer you are looking for but, ITS SOMETHING! :)

      Quick maffs

        without bkb she gets killed for blademail pretty easy.


          She needs armor also. I see people getting bloodstone + hearth of tarrasque, having like 5 armor...
          I love killing those noobs..!


            Because she need a super long team fight to be useful which is not seen much in competitive match?
            And DP is pretty much useless without her ultimate, and can be shut down with properly gank.

            In late game, most carry have high armors, DP really loses impact by then.

            Yea, I don't see why some people go for HoT after Bloodstone, a Shiva's give DP more hit point.
            Unless someone want to tank some magical spell with additional HP from HoT.

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              DP is unpopular because the main HP is quite low, and shes easily killed with smoked up supports. In pub you rarely see smoke ganks that early (unless you're above 5k MMR or play in/against party).

              But if you don't shut her farming down, have fun for later on :D
              That's why im picking DP a lot in solo ranked matches. Easy wins.
              Either i go directly on Bloodstone after Phase, or get an Eul's if the sides lanes are lost (or the enemy hero pool demands it).
              Then AC / Bkb / HoT. Depending on the current game. Needless to say, AC is far the most enjoyable because that means you are snowballing nicely. :D


                What happends if you get a medalion of courage? I think its really great for her ulty, and the little mana regen is also probably nice.
                And on dp, power treads or my boots of choice, I like the attack speed... :)
                I think AC is very nice on her because of ulty that deals physical damage.
                I used to make S&Y for fun sometimes, it works funny... :)
                Any thoughts on shadow blade? Invisible while ulty, but short. Its also fun but not that good.


                  Yeah she's good in prolonged fight, hence pub chasing fits her. She's also one of my top heroes but I don't want to play her much lately since it's soooo boring :(


                    DP is gd in pubs only, because her ulti is wut she is picked for, and her ulti needs at least 5 seconds to actually show some effect.
                    Team fights in competitive are usually bloody, they last for seconds only.
                    In pubs if DP is at low hp, they tend to try and chase her, thus getting raped by her ult.


                      weak hero


                        very good hero.


                          Thanks everyone for there input and i didnt think about the team fights being short in competitive but i still think she is a strong hero and i like playing her.

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