General Discussion

General DiscussionOkay so recently I have been on a huge loss streak

Okay so recently I have been on a huge loss streak in General Discussion

    Okay so recently I appear to only lose when I party que, my rating decreased by 700....

    Can you guys help me improve please? And please give me tips how to play shadow fiend offlane, I played him 3 days straight now

    Тази тема била редактирана

      about using those mid hero to solo offlane i tried it but with TA,
      i love the idea but tried twice and figured it was too tiring fighting 2 people at once
      maybe choose other hero to choose for solo offlane?
      stick SF to mid


        if it's any consolation i won 12 in a row.


          That makes me happy xan, please share some luck. Sharing is caring


            why is xan never online when i'm on? do u go invis to dodge people like me?


              hah just finished my 'grind'. you change nicknames so often I can't even keep track.

              @fuzzyisalie love that bangbros reference, pick dp, retard proof hero.

              edit: I just realized I mentioned dp and bangbros in same sentence. oh well, as long as you don't get ganged.

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                I'm too retarded for DP, played her prebuff and had like 30% winrate? :D


                  dno, doubt it, twas always a strong hero.
                  now stupid strong. whoever I see playing dp has a good win rate with it, almost impossible to do bad if you play cookiecutter shit.

                  and fairly easy to play as well.
                  edit: ah you mean you had it. I had 30 win rate visage. and it's one of my better heroes (micro and all). I'd say give it a go.

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                    what do i build on ghost slut


                      Hm, well usually I randomed her in solo que and got put on stupid lanes, so it was determined to fail.


                        edit:^I tend to pick in cd/cm. have a setup like puck/clock and late game insurance like Luna. works like a charm. even won while lanning vs obsi mid.

                        whatever is needed. I get bottle phase pointbooster/meka (meka first if no threats and can straight out push)
                        you can rely on your support to get meka by 20 minute mark or you can build it yourself in 10 and just 5 man doto. makes your supports happy and they actually have gold for wards/what not.

                        bloodstone always euls/bkb/shiva/ghost depending on the situation.

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                          do you always solo mid?
                          what if enemy picks outworld demoman?


                            I rarely mid, usually I have a mad russian who decides to go mid and lose his lane.


                              haha read, just edited.
                              it's certainly an atrocious lane, but a gank early, then you hit 7 and tp to 3 lane for a wipe/tower.


                                but but
                                what if i play ap only


                                  mid please guys if possible.

                                  don't ME MID. makes people cringe.
                                  you basically force a win. hardest part is to sweet talk your teammates to listen and group for push.

                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                    I feel you bro, just got some luck back today.


                                      you are not getting carried enough by my brood! :D


                                        every time you pick a brood a baby dolphin dies.
                                        there, I said it.


                                          Fun fact: Dolphins really like raping, and they also kill baby dolphins and other sea dwellers for fun.


                                            you should play less Ursa I think


                                              sf offline is ofc hard but u gotta know your range perfectly and the casting time too...eventually u will et levels and time for farm, use it perfectly and you're done! STArting with boots is recommended, think of yourself as a furion


                                                *Asks for help
                                                Has 5k mmr
                                                I feel like dirt XD


                                                  I see what you did there. :)

                                                  On a more serious note, Valve set the bar for offlaning a lot higher once they patched out showing the exp range radius.

                                                  Sōu ka

                                                    no they didnt
                                                    the creeps meet a lot closer to your tower and are easier to block when they are really slow as opposed to the really fast creeps on safe lane
                                                    theres no reduced xp range for denies anymore
                                                    you can get xp by standing near pulls and watching without having to do anything
                                                    hows that any harder than it was back then


                                                      why do games feel harder after i lose mmr

                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                        u lose mmr = u lose skill = harder games


                                                          WTF FUZZY TRASH PLAYER


                                                            Saigyouji best mid EU.


                                                              I think you should abuse more, Chris
                                                              gogo LPQ


                                                                Quit abusing and then maybe you will see your real mmr

                                                                Woof Woof

                                                                  100% agree with teenager above me
                                                                  also Christina check out this song good to relax between gamez


                                                                    Schose big noob


                                                                      Why am I a teenager?


                                                                        Wink, why are you so hostile, where am I abusing? Is it because I play Brood offlane now insteaf of SF?


                                                                          well u deserve to lose with brood if u dont make necro. u deserve loss and report+report*99999 if you make mkb and stuff


                                                                            I actually built necros and people called me a rat, but what they dont know that it is a degu in my picture :( Such insult, very sad


                                                                              call greenpeace

                                                                              Where the hell is xan when one waits for just his reply!

                                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                              Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                                                                you need to pick fuzzy wuzzy


                                                                                  I know, but last time I picked him I lost a game on such a retarded way that I dont want play Ursu at the moment. Too much counter tryharding in RMM.


                                                                                    well fuck you thread. knew I was gonna jinx myself.

                                                                                    god (or Vladimir Putin) decided to put an end to my 14 win streak so he sent his highly trained assassin (or simply Russian) to throw my game.
                                                                                    suddenly all is right with the world again and balance is restored.

                                                                                    on related note I decided to become an astronaut.
                                                                                    when I see some people who inhabit this planet tis obvious I need to get me out of here. light years away.

                                                                                    @arkamother there is a petition over there to restrain your access to the internet.
                                                                                    when that happens you will hear me laugh. from the moon.


                                                                                      lawl your post gave me a good laugh xan

                                                                                      Woof Woof

                                                                                        Wink i am sure you mentioned being 16 year old