General Discussion

General DiscussionTIMBERSAW = BALANCED

TIMBERSAW = BALANCED in General Discussion

    but its ok cause only ES was OP, guys!


      and he is not banned all the time?




          Let's see other players pull that off. Chances are they won't. ES was played by almost anyone and even bad players who made constant mistakes still won games because of ES. Timber is slightly OP but he isn't broken.


            he's BROKEN in hands of someone who can play him (not my case, though ive played him only ~10 times i think)



              It's not like he did all that in isolation... the other team was disjointed/scattered without much coordination. They were sort of "going in one at a time". And timber's team really helped him out.

              What you may call "imba" (e.g. killing off ember instantly) is actually just ember having greed in his eyes, not understanding the hero he's against, and flying into certain death (I mean, embeh as low HP as it is). It's sort of like saying doom is imba, because you tried to solo gank him, and he doomed you, kililng you. That's sort of what that hero does. You need to account for it in your play.

              Quick maffs

                I fucking hate this hero, i really do.


                  I agree with Zero he is slightly OP but not broken. Iceiceice is a pro player.... i wouldn't expect anything less from a guy that dedicates all his time to this....

                  He should have his armor/regen base reduced by a point or two for reactive armor.

                  Side note: Played with a personal friend that would play most heros as crap, MMR solo is below 2k... but has a 70% win/loss with timber. Pretty hard to smoke him once he has bloodstone. Even in shitty peoples hands. (Love you Kirk sorry, you stink with everything except timbersaw)

                  COYOTE CÓSMICO

                    One thing you have to remember when playing Timber is, EVERY FUCKING TREE ON THE MAP. Especially the ones on the bases
                    He's not OP.

                    Ples Mercy

                      Cant tell if op is trolling or not.

                      Timber has alot of weaknesses, and i consider myself a decent timbersaw player. Hes strong alright but far from OP. If you want to talk about an OP hero, then talk about slark.


                        ^ You mean Bristleshit, the most fucking annoying hero in the game


                          buhuhuhu slark

                          the hero with lowest base gain stats in the game that has 1 initiation or escape skill and dies from 2 nukes with 0 laning presence

                          such a broken hero

                          Ples Mercy

                            alot of nuke 8especially with lothars), un ccable, 2 escape mekanisms, cant be attacked for 3,5 seconds.


                              that kids way too good


                                iceiceice = balanced more like it.


                                  The kite master.

                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!