General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for Team 4K MMR

Looking for Team 4K MMR in General Discussion

    You seriously don't understand the system, do you BlackMagic?

    And yes actually, generally when a competent AM loses, it IS because of his team, assuming it doesn't go late game. Of all of my AM games in the last 6 months, which conviently is 6 games, and I even lost 4 of them so the WR average is the same.. I:

    -Had on average a 1.07 to 1.00 ratio in GPM VS. their carry (or if missing, their highest GPM score).
    -Not a single game went longer than 45 minutes.

    So really, was it really my fault that I'm losing 77% of games if I am on average farming better than their carry? Don't forget that 77% of these games are LOSING games and it becomes harder to farm when losing, even as AM. (sure you can blink AWAY, but you're still squishy as balls, you can't farm if they are in your jungle)

    Get out of here BlackMagic, you aren't raising any important points. You can't prove I suck just as much as I can't prove I'm good. I just want a team requiring a support/carry/offlane to use me so I can play games that aren't full of dickheads like you.

    Have YOU even read that wiki? I think you should. I'm trying to as unbiasedly as possible determine my MMR. You on the other hand just seem to think you're better than everyone.


      u still suck
      whatever u say -> YOU SUCK

      edit: ahahhah this fucktard is blaming his team for his AM wtf!!!! not only noob but retard...mby get shadow blade on AM now :D!!!!! ahahahhahaha
      get stuck there u fucking ruiner

      Този коментар е бил редактиран

        even if I watch your match and show you every single fucking mistake you make you will scream about how it was you teams fault. You are so delusional about your own skill level there is really no point trying to help you.....

        one and half gun

          i fucking love spirestoner

          whats ur main dude


            ^IT WILL NEVER BE KNOWN BECAUSE HE CAN'T REVEAL HIS TRUE IDENTITY TO THE MODS even though there's no point hiding his identity cos the mods won't care so long as he doesn't shittalk like that again....

            one and half gun

              so i guess sampson? i never saw him write like this


                I like that people think they're good in a dota game when they have positive score in that dota game.


                  You know you should check out that project or so swiftending did, he is a 5k+ mmr and he took a 2.9k mmr account and got to 4k in like 51 games only. basically what he is trying to prove is that, you suck and you belong where you are currently are and you should realize that and just start improving yourself with the little things...if you don't believe me

                  Conclusion: If you think you belong to a higher mmr and you can't get there, you do and you suck for thinking you're better....even I thought I was rougly 4.5k when I got my 4k rating....but eventually reality hit me and I actually am where I belong...played very nicely and properly from the onwards and got up to 4.2k then got my rage mode back on and dropped to 4k


                    Marlan you're delusional. You have some serious issues mentally.

                    In case you didn't know the Dota 2 MM system sets every match to be a close 50/50 battle with only a tiny amount of favor allowed for each team, but these variances are low and minimized greatly because the system takes into account not only your rating but your overall performance in game. The system watches your kills, deaths, assists, gpm, xpm, and MMR rating to put together a picture of how you are as a player when you play.

                    If you ARE better then your rating then you'll improve. I started out at 2777 MMR and I'm at ~2850 and I haven't lost a match in the past 11 games. Part of the reason why I haven't lost is I communicate with my team if I can to try and reign in mistakes. I'm not playing games with the mindset of "How am I going to win", but rather, "How are we as a team going to win?" I take time between matches to process mentally everything that played out and try to see what flaws or mistakes were made and learn to try and avoid repeating those very same mistakes. I've played with some higher rated players and they tend to commend me on my reaction to situations to make opportunities happen. In general I take situations in mind and try to think of the best way to win. If I have to die personally to win then it's not a mistake because I made an opportunity that lead to a positive outcome.

                    I think you lack a tactical mind that sees things in the larger picture of things as they are and are developing towards. Just because you're losing early does not mean you will in fact lose later. You have to work together to make things happen. If you can't at least somewhat lead during a pub match then you will always fail. I'm not the leader type of person, but I can tell people what I see happening and we work together on a plan of action. Some players follow up instinctively while other need signals and etc.

                    There are so many complex mechanics that are working together in this game that you have a large number of options to win a game. You don't need to do the same thing every time and building different items outside of what's recommended isn't a bad thing if it counters the situation you're in and will help you fight the problem you have.

                    I also highly doubt you pick heros with the enemy team in mind or build with the enemy team in mind. If I see a zeus on the enemy team I'm going to want something with some way to cut back on the damage from his spells so a pipe would be an option that benefits everyone and not just myself. If people have a lot of auto-attackers and those that deal high burst damage then a blademail is a nasty way to make it hurt to attack you. Hell, pick a Nyx when they're a sniper and dare him to use his ult on you and just bounce the damage back. You can also do things to bait out the ultimate's of the enemy team or take out someone with good cc to dominate a fight. I could sit here all night and day talking about how many options you have available to you.

                    The MM system isn't broken. You sense of tactical depth, perception of your situational awareness, and your ability to adapt to adverse situations is what's broken. Pick heros that give you options and tools to win against what your opponent dares to pick first or pick something that benefits your team by adding something that helps maintain control in team fights, the map, and your lanes.

                    When I lose I feel like I've rightfully lost in some way. It might have been for things out of my control, but in most situations it's because things got out of hand and no one made anyone focus. Without direction and focus any team well lose because their efforts aren't strong enough to face a more coordinated team. If you get a team you can't speak to try using pings and the built in message system they implemented. If they refuse to listen then you need to take action. If you lose a tower, but manage to save a lane for spiraling out of control you can save an entire game by not allowing the enemy team to keep a lead in every lane. Losing middle tower isn't that big of a deal, nor is any other tower, if it keeps your team from feeding 5 or 6 more kills which yields far more gold then a single tower once you start adding in assists and level advantage.

                    In short every lose you have is either directly or indirectly your fault. Your actions and inaction will determine if you'll win or lose any given match. If you can not adapt to the situations that occur or are unable to learn from your mistakes for the long-term perspective then you will most likely stay where you're at of fall from that rating you're at. Time will tell what you're made of and no one is to blame but yourself. Event if your MMR is higher it won't matter because your ego and narrow mindedness will make you stagnate and you'll stand still while everyone evolves and changes around you. Eventually over time.. your stagnation will lead to your rating dropping lower and lower because people are improving while you are not.



                      that 391 average gpm for AM


                        That kruger article was very interesting ty.

                        " Yes, I realize this now that I should probably learn to mid or offlane and play that in solo so I can carry my team of trash. You can't win games as a carry if your team is terrible. "

                        I really dont get why you think you should be higher then 3.7k if you dont even know how to offlane or mid....



                          lol. Nice wall. Nice assumptions. I can see you are glad you finally learned some extremely basic aspects of DoTA and are trying to sound intelligent. Go preach to other noobs. And I don't even take this from your MMR, I take this from the fact you sound so excited to talk about things like counter picking and teamwork. This is BASIC.

                          As for the others, this is really a pointless thread, I was looking for a team, and instead got jumped on by DoTABuff, nice work being a good forum base.

                          You guys DO realize the system is not perfect right? As for Swiftending, it's because he started in a low MMR and started balling out of control such that the system was moving his MMR up faster than it would normally for anyone else (it would start growing faster and faster to try and reach his designated place) and it started slowing down at 4K MMR because he is getting closer and closer to his MMR. It would take him MANY games if even possible to get to his original 5K.

                          Also, as for the "omg how u 3.7 if u don't mid/offlane" ... Of course I know how to do it, I mean how to do it WELL. I've been practicing carry 24/7 for months, but I am realizing I need to learn offlane or mid so that I can snowball out of games. When you play carry, generally it's up to your team to win for you. You need to carry the late game, until then it's up to your team to secure the lane and not feed before the game snowballs out of control.

                          That's probably why I feel at home at 4.4k~ish, because I'm working my ass off to carry these teams, and half of the games my team is worse than theirs and we lose, with nothing I can do against it. I've had MANY MANY games where my KDA/GPM is equal to or even sometimes greater than their team (My hero is stronger than their carry, and can sometimes 2(carry+support)v1, but my team is so far behind it doesn't matter)

                          Anyway. I'm going to stop following this thread, you guys are completely useless. If you seriously think you are so fucking determined I'm trash, then how about you prove it and invite me to one of your teams and see how it goes, because that's all I wanted from the start.

                          FURTHERMORE to the "lol just play and get out of 3.7 if you think you're good enough".... When playing a Carry, a hero that only contributes later in the game, that means generally 50% of games you will lose regardless of skill. I can never die, and manage to keep farming and keep pace, but if my team feeds it doesn't matter. Now of course, if I'm "better" than 3.7 as a carry, then all of those CLOSE games where the carry is important to seal the deal in the late game we should win those games. But how often do you get a close game? Maybe 1 in 5 games? So it will take me 5x longer to get to 4.4k as a carry, assuming Dota is nice to me and follows a decent average. Not to mention sometimes I do in fact like to play games for fun with my lower ranked friends and that generally lowers my MMR again.

                          So in conclusion: I need to play offlane/mid so I can ball and win these games. You guys need to stick to your guns and invite me to your team to prove your apparent theory that I'm trash, because you're really going on just about nothing for your arguments.

                          Този коментар е бил редактиран
                          King of Low Prio


                            what a fucking hacker somehow his supports always seem to carry him to late game

                            King of Low Prio

                              The reason nobody wants to play with your dumb ass is for these exact quotes

                              "That's probably why I feel at home at 4.4k~ish"

                              "Not to mention sometimes I do in fact like to play games for fun with my lower ranked friends and that generally lowers my MMR again." (solo and team MM are separated)

                              "When you play carry, generally it's up to your team to win for you"

                              I could do more but those are the main reason why you are a fucking idiot


                                You're a fucking idiot taking quotes out of context. Go back to school.