General Discussion

General DiscussionRanked MM with 5-win people

Ranked MM with 5-win people in General Discussion

    That's right.
    Nyx's profile:

    With the mad haste of losing an easy game with 5-win tard, i decided to look at his profile, how did he became level 13, to play ranked MM, with 5 wins, I saw something terrifying.

    10 people (probably best friends[!]) gathering around and playing Team Matchmaking. One side is intentionally feeding to the other side. Each Team matchmaking game lasts about 90 minutes. Just look at this guy's dota profile and check the games played pages...

    And after all this dumbshit, when they reach Level 13, when they became able to play Ranked MM, they suddenly become 4.5k MMR player with no wins (real match) and they show up in my matchmaking.


    I don't know about you but, I find THIS, the most PATHETIC, MISERABLE, ANNOYING, DISGUSTING thing in the world. I mean, how can you be THAT miserable? Yes, I'm still mad. I don't want to lose my ratings with these kind of people in my matches, f*ck me, right?

    Тази тема била редактирана

      he is clearly a smurf, so smurf detection shot him up. its a flaw in the system, and imo there should be a game limit with the level limit to get into rmm. something like 100 games AND level 13 would definitely help.

      Този коментар е бил редактиран

        Dude, there WAS a limit of 150 games to play Ranked MM at first release and if this Ranked Matchmaking is for EXPERIENCED players, if you ask me, there should be at least 2000 games played. ONLY THEN games would be better


          Bearing in mind that there are vastly more people who have played less than 2000 matches than those who have not, if you bundled in everyone who had over 2000 matches together the skill level difference would be so much smaller there wouldn't really be any need for ranked matchmaking at all imo

          Dire Wolf

            How did he get into ranked with that few games played? How'd he get level 13 with no unranked games? Were they not recorded on dotabuff?

            Vanity  ツ

              ^He got lvl 13 by playing tmm, check his "no stats recorded only" games


                This is ridiculous, I like you cannot believe this guy is this pathetic, I have like 170 games and I'm not level 13 yet and this dude has 7 and is already ranked, wow.


                  Right, he and some friends conspired to play a lot of fake team matching games against each other to get all of their accounts up to level 13 asap.

                  Actually its more likely a lot, or maybe all, of these "friends" are all bots. It's possible he just created a number of fake steam accounts and assigned bots to play with and against him. Given what he is doing with the accounts this may be about gathering up the "hats" and trading them.

                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                    he got to level 13 by playing co-op vs bots to practice and with boosts most likely.

                    Dude probably is doing exactly what raging playrers told him to.

                    And from what i can tell he was at least attempting to ward and play support.


                      It's not only trying to get faster lvl 13. How do they (well at least this nyx) start with around 4.5k mmr? I had exactly 4570 rating before that game. If this "matchmaking" gathering people with similar ratings, that means this nyx is probably between 4300-4700 or something.


                        he didn't start with 4.5k mmr.

                        the longer you sit in queue, the larger the search range becomes (the blue bar that grows large from both ends). Player probably started at 3-3.5k. Your teams combined average MMR were relatively equal.

                        Woof Woof

                          2 bad they cant detect shitty employees

                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!