General Discussion

General DiscussionKind soul(s), please analyse my game if you have time ^^

Kind soul(s), please analyse my game if you have time ^^ in General Discussion
The Ice Truck Killer

    I'm a 2.25k player so terrible but in some games I lose, I honestly think I'm not the weak link - yet I lose these games quite badly.

    I randomed Faceless Void - hard carry. I'm generally not a hard carry player, more a support player but I have some experience with faceless. If I knew my team was terrible, I would have repicked a support. I was under the impression yellow would pick a support, he picked Riki after expriation time and bought PMS first item nothing else. So as per usual, LnL_ buys the courier regardless of the role he is playing. I didn't think too much of it as it was exra gold. I should also add I wanted bottom lane Radiant side but aforementioned Riki who picked late and went PMS 1st item (boots 2nd item) just hijacked the lane.

    I was forced top with Clockwerk against Juggernaut + Tidehunter. Needless to say, it was a really hard lane. We had to hug tower, gain passive exp and get maybe 1-2 last hits per creep-wave. Clockwerk gave first blood, I think he blamed me - wasn't my fault at all he had creep aggro. I did my best to body block enemy heroes but he still died. No matter we got a kill at the tower anyway. I again had to upgrade the courier - why? - because mid (OD) took courier which was fair enough but happened at a bad time. Clockwek was half hp with a salve he wasn't using. I had 2 tangoes, I have him one because I didn't want him to die suddenly and also because I was buying a new set of tangoes. As mid took courier, I was left with 1 tango which puts me in a pickle so I upgrade the courier - God knows how long it would take before my team mates upgraded it.

    Lane goes alright for a while - just me and jugg left and I feed a bad kill to juggernaut. 100% my fault, should have used my wand charges to leap/chrono but didn't get it off on time. Despite that, I get some free farm when Jugg leaves the lane. I even get 2 chronos off in team fights near top rune getting 3 - 4 kills and saving 2 of my team mates. How can my team mates possibly complain?

    Farm is good for a while (objectively bad) but in terms of how the game started it was good. Something like a 25 min battle fury. I decided to get a battle fury because all our lanes were pushing and their t1 towers were gone I think so I thought that would buy me some time to farm jungle and ancients. If we were losing, I might have gone for some dps items, idk what though. Anyway, I'm really close to getting my battle fury but OD picks a DD rune and take a jungle camp so I go to dire ancients to get a quick 200 or so gold. There is an enemy hero on the lane but I judge it to be an okay risk as I have a blink and chrono. Sadly an enemy hero comes by and his enemy team are close by (maybe they were about to rosh). I panic mess up my blink and get stick in trees, my team mates try and save me though I personally wouldn't as their entire team is basically there. They die and blame me but ironically, I died and they died because selfish OD took the creep camp.

    A flame fest ensues, I send my courier to be killed which I regret. I justify it at the time as OD would have lost it earlier on and I saved it but this was totally wrong and I shouldn't sink to feeder level. Anyway I finally get my battle fury but no real dps items. My team want to force team fights with chrono but I can't participate as I have no dps items but fine, I can. I'm ready to jump in after tide uses his ulti but wait - he has a refreshers and catches me with his 2nd ult. Straight after this disruptor uses static storm so I can't ult and this happens for next couple of team fights. Anything I can do about it? No. It gets to the stage I can't farm my own jungle so I have to buy wards (the only obs wards ever bought) to allow me to farm my jungle but the game is already over at this point.

    In my opinion, I was one of the better members of my team. OD was good but that's expected. Riki was horrible, bad last pick, lost gold because of delaying his pick, went PMS first item, boots as 2nd, bought no regen, always stayed back in team fights and going for stragglers. He didn't even smoke disruptor. Clinkz bought sentries to counter ward so I assumed he was decent but nope, spent most of the game farming and had nothing but orchid to show for it. Clockwerk was alright I guess.

    As for me? I should have skilled blink skill asap as I had a hard time in lane. I fed Juggernaut one kill and had a string of bad teamfights at the end. I also fed a courier and engaged in a vicious flame fest but I still think my team mates were in the wrong as opposed to me being in the wrong. I would appreciate any feedback, negative or positive but it must be truthful.

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