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General Discussion[Guide Competition] - "Victory is assured" - A JungLegion Guide - by ...

[Guide Competition] - "Victory is assured" - A JungLegion Guide - by Hatsune Miku in General Discussion
Miku Plays

    Introduction :
    This Guide is for jungling Legion commander only no other else.
    Legion Commander is a melee strength hero. She is by far an excellent jungler, Just by few level gains she can already take on Hard camps and can Ancient farm very early.

    Pros and Cons :

    + Very high survivabilty on jungle
    + Can get DR easily with Duel
    + Press the Attack is just too OP

    + Mana is just too low to spam OD better off Jungle :)
    + item dependent
    + Bad Armor

    Abilities :

    Skill build:(QWER)
    Q- Overwhelming Odds
    W- Press the Attack
    E- Moment of Courage
    R- Duel


    Roles : This Manly Woman needs to Jungle

    Item choices :
    Starting items - > Tango, Stout Shield and Culling blade
    jungling core -> Stout Shield, Culling blade, Ring of bassilius and Phase boots

    Ring of bassilius gives +6 dmg and mana regen for Press the attack and phase gives +24 dmg ... omg run squishy supports its like 3 duel wins already

    Ganking and Ancient Farm core -> Blink dagger, Stout shield, Culling blade, phase boots and Ring of bassilius

    I recommend getting Blink dagger rather than the most common SB because:

    1. Poof im behind you now. SB can do this as well but theres the sound and opponents with good reaction time can get away.
    2. Blink to solo Rosh. why not?
    3. escaping dying heroes? blinked yummy

    Core items -> BkB, Desolator, Mjjolnir , Blink, Phase boots, ( AC, Basher or Abbysal, Aegis)

    Play Style:

    Go to Jungle and take on that medium camp, but avoid centaurs, if the medium camp have centaur take on the easy camps first, buy Ring of bassilius then clear the whole jungle :)

    Main thing for a jungling LC is to get early duel wins. Getting that blink dagger is a must since you can take them out easily and always target single heroes early game.

    Problems :

    Heroes you should avoid dueling:

    Tiny - that craggy exterior TT.TT
    Faceless Void - bash
    Slardar - bash
    Spirit Breaker - bash
    Troll Warlord- stop bashing me TT.TT

    Knowledge : LCs favorite duel fodder are the famous rat dotoers i.e. NP. This single split pushers are the easiest targets

    Suggested material :I dont have any atm ;w;

    Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

      Hatsune-kun! Thank you!


        "This Manly Woman needs to Jungle"
        LOL. It's like they drop weak boys off the cliff and leave ugly girls in jungle as a prey to wild animals. But she survived, and now she returns... =)))

        P.S. Avoid dueling Abaddon as well. =)

        P.P.S. Why do you think many players losing matches when they play LC?

        Miku Plays

          ^ Ohh yeah Abaddon is pretty nasty but dueling him is possible but most are smart ;w;

          Honestly im losing on LC as well, too much stunners ;w;


            fuck off anime

            Miku Plays

              ^ thank you very much dumb ass ;w; i was called anime

              waku waku

                you might want to be inspired to add some more info including common mistakes by my last game, which is also my first game aganist other players as her
                also maxing passive before first skill is a terrible idea and even i know that

                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                  Talking about boots: as for me, PT are better, since they can be switched to int in case when you need mana. But it has to be noticed, that I haven't played legion after the last patch, when blink manacost war reduced to 0.

                  Anyway, that's a great guide for beginner legion pickers, I do love legion with blink dagger \m/

                  Ples Mercy

                    bad guide, needs detail and simply has wrong information.


                      ^damn you man.
                      good guide hatsune!


                        Why no blade mail? It seems to be a good item for me, at least a situational one. Ive never played her but so many of my friends do and they like blade mail. Whats your problem with it?


                          Alot of misinformation.

                          Firstly duel disables bash. It's like doom. You are right about Craggy Exterior though, it is one of the few skills not disabled by Duel. There are reports of Greater Bash being bugged though, so I'm not 100% sure about that one.

                 for a list of skills which Duel is supposed to disable (some might still be bugged atm, not sure which exactly)

                          Writing a guide is nice and all, but please don't spread wrong information.

                          Also, Moment of Courage is a terrible skill to max early, even as jungling LC. 2 levels is plenty enough early.

                          Blademail also deserves a recommend as it is one of the few utility items that LC can get which gives actually works during Duel and gives her a significant advantage against carries with high damage that she otherwise might not be able to pick off solo.

                          Този коментар е бил редактиран
                          Miku Plays

                            I didnt mean to spread misinformation.... idk even know whats the misinformation in this one

                            Im pretty sure Trolls one still activates during duel.
                            Im confident to say maxing it first is the best since the chances of lifesteal is quite high it also gives a few seconds of OP attack speed.

                            You are right BM is a good item for LC but i mostly target squishy supports which doesnt deal much damage to LC

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