General Discussion

General DiscussionLook closer at wave (player with high winrate)

Look closer at wave (player with high winrate) in General Discussion
Sol Devguy

    In most ranked matches opponent team has a griefer. So he bribed them or it is a bug with mm system which allow to play with friends in opponent team? Maybe I mistaked but no way to luck so much with griefers.

    Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

      Also, have you ever consider it might be because hes in LPQ or Limited selection?

      "This player is not eligible for inclusion top player rankings."


        you can't play ranked lpq, what's wrong with people o.O

        Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

          I glanced over that. Sorry, I assumed it was another fangirl QQ thread.

          This is to be said on my opinion of "That side of dotobuff"~ (Vsnak's crew & other's)~

          It can not be said that these players are without skill. Most have played the game for extensively long times. They are for what I have heard and personally observed that most are of a higher quality of player than the majority of players on dotabuff. They have adept ingame knowledge beyond that of experienced players and function exceptionally well as a team. With this being said, you should consider the thought that they play better than those they are matched against. It's not hard for players to maintain a consistent winrate when you have what I listed above.

          Just because a player is listed as "Abuser or a Cheater" doesn't mean they are without skill. They have clearly worked for their success, however have taken advantages of situations and faults in the Valve system that lead them to be labeled as this for reasons such as inflating stats & others.

          In short, I wouldn't disbelieve it, if Wave said he raped the kid in lane. It is MORE than likely.


          Sol Devguy

            No need to believe or disbelieve. Just watch matches from his page by Id in dota client.

            Този коментар е бил редактиран
            Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

              I honestly haven't the slightest desire nor the time to watch replays regarding this. Sounds like a relentless thing.


                Most likely just a coincidence. It should be quite easy to check the replays and see if there is something weird going on.

                Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                  @ Jussi~,

                  It's true but I have a Mirana guide to post, a Micro guide to edit, touch ups on other threads, and food... (I'm fucking starving)


                    Yes I'm not telling you to check it Melody-San. :D OP seemed interested so he if anyone should do the dirty work.

                    Sol Devguy

                      So if somebody interested in how to abuse mmr

                      522236510 - terrorblade stupidly give away firrst blood to him and griefed teammates
                      522328768 - antimage stupidly give away firrst blood to him and griefed teammates
                      521988082 - antimage stupidly give away firrst blood to him and griefed teammates
                      530530609 - trax griefed teammates (took Zeus botle)
                      530414924 - legion commander griefed teammates (took midas recipe)
                      522064870 - naga steal bane botle

                      and it is from first page only. I can't check older records but sure he abuse much more times.

                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                        why do you care lol

                        Sol Devguy

                          Because I wanted to watch how amazing he played but that is not that I expect... and ofc he ruined ranked matches for players who was griefed.

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                            and the game of detective begin looooooool.

                            ps : finally got 5k mmr after trapped two months in 4k mmr ulala

                            Sol Devguy

                              It already ended because no more things to expose.



                                wave isn't even a part of our group


                                  Log watch my games!!!! :D
                                  I play amazing sometimes :(

                                  Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                    @ van-art

                                    Regardless of who exactly he plays with, he's commonly grouped with that section of dotabuff, which happens to include you. =/ It's a rather large circle, but you're both in it.

                                    Sol Devguy

                                      GOD COMPLEX, deal =)


                                        lol i also watched one game when that tb literally feeding to mid, and wtf stealing his midas teammate? lolololol. Never meet a player like that in server sea. I wish i meet them :(


                                          Vroksnak write a guide like you suggested on Facebook please!

                                          Sol Devguy

                                            GOD COMPLEX, you are friends with him. You played with him?


                                              Yes, wave pays ppl to throw games for him. It's well known and not important. Dotabuff has already dealt with this by adding the disqualified tag to his accounts. Anyone who wants can watch him play and see it for themselves.

                                              Go back through dotabuff history and you will see this same issue come up over and over with wave under various aliases and somebody complaining that he cheats. It's already well established so we don't need to rehash it again. Just look at the bottom of the page of any of his aliases that have fake stats.

                                              "This player is not eligible for inclusion top player rankings."

                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                MOONWALKER related to wave confirmed :3 ez win ez life pfftt


                                                  what do u mean by disqualified tag relentless?

                                                  Sol Devguy

                                                    He will read this so i ask him
                                                    Как там друганы, из армии пишут?)


                                                      my subjects pay me in BABIES
                                                      Haha, about what hero do u have in mind? I dont think anyone would read a guide with my english!

                                                      Friends with who? Wave? Ye we talk from times to times.


                                                        How about a guide on how to come back from behind?

                                                        Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                          That is by far the most obvious forgery I think I have ever read haha. I literally read the opening paragraph of that pastebin document. There are three distinctive writing differences than that and other posts he has made. So blatantly clear, I sure as hell hope to god no one ever fell for that story or believed it to be real.

                                                          Sol Devguy

                                                            I don't know forgery it or not. Just found by keywords "143020839 dotabuff"
                                                            BTW date of note SEP 30TH, 2013


                                                              Did you actually watch a bunch of his games hoping to learn something and see that opponents were feeding him? If that is not the case then I don't know what the point of this thread is. I mean... hes already not eligible on dotabuff, and Valve doesn't care about this stuff. Other than a VAC ban, nothing will stop this kind of thing, and Valve doesn't use VAC for this kind of thing.

                                                              Also, it is worth noting that regardless of what he may or may not do, wave is most likely still a good player.

                                                              @Flop - if you look at the bottom of Wave's profile page (and other peoples as well) you will see it says that "this player is not eligible...". It is basically how DB brands a player as a cheater/abuser (in one form or another).

                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                              Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                                Wave never uses capitalization unless when used with abbreviations.

                                                                There is rarely any formatting in regards to punctuation in his posts. Periods ARE FEW and rarely used. Marks he uses frequently include : ? " " & ,

                                                                Wave does not capitalize proper nouns such as names.

                                                                Wave takes pride in being about to type proper English and grammar.

                                                                [*] The red lines show a grammatically incorrect statement, which is very rare in his typing method, and the blue marks and arrows are other errors.

                                                                Not to mention his commonly used emotes do not include "^^" He uses [u]:)[/u] most frequently, sometimes followed with several other end parenthesis at the end of the first one, as such : " :))))))))) "

                                                                Sorry to bust any bubbles, but imho~

                                                                [color=red] It's not fucking wave typing that [/color]

                                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ


                                                                  Edit :


                                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                    You can't be detective unless you don't count every single possibilities
                                                                    You just deduct from handwriting
                                                                    You are far better being a lawyer than detective


                                                                      All ye heathens, praise the saviour that is Melody-San. We of DotaBuff forums are humbled and graced by your presence.


                                                                        little ahh... extreme.

                                                                        Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                                          image saved lol.

                                                                          I just don't think it's fair that be represented as Wave, when it's clearly not Wave. Lol.



                                                                            Sol Devguy

                                                                              Mirana guide already posted?) Maybe time to watch replays? That note on pastebin not really matter but still interesting who wrote this so while ago.


                                                                                I'm sure wave can come on here and confirm or deny that letter (I think i remember him saying it wasn't him when i saw it last...)

                                                                                Regardless, I think it is alittle unfair to put it past someone that they would use proper punctuation and grammar when writing a formal letter.

                                                                                More importantly, who cares at this point? The guy doesn't play in any leagues that I know of, and if he is abusing, the only ones who could punish him are valve (unless DB admins can strait up delete/hide his profile page). Seems like anyone who knows who the guy is has already formulated an opinion regardless of what he says.

                                                                                Shit... people wouldn't even care if he was abusing or not if the guy didn't act like a dickbag most of the time when he posts.

                                                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                                                  It hasn't been posted yet. I currently have my 70$ mouse laid out in pieces in front of me. When I get this fixed i'll start on my guides but I need my damn mouse lol

                                                                                  Sol Devguy
                                                                                    Този коментар е изтрит
                                                                                    Sol Devguy

                                                                                      5 months ago = september. Fit

                                                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                      Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                                                        I mean yea that's assumed that when the accusation occurred that the fraud letter would be written. Not really a connection there >_>

                                                                                        Sol Devguy

                                                                                          In one line: he abused winrate before (by Limited Hero mode) and still abusing but in this time ranked matches by griefers.

                                                                                          Sol Devguy

                                                                                            Someone want to make friends with me... OMG Russian mafia!


                                                                                              I'm the best doto player. :o


                                                                                                Thats a known fact in dotabuff


                                                                                                  Oh fuck, this topic is diamonds! Okay anyways, here some facts:

                                                                                                  - I played LPQ on Russia with wave before he started hating me again since I trolled him. He claims it to be 10-20 games max, I remember it more like 100-200 games.

                                                                                                  - He buys accounts "for a friend" to play them, who randomly comes in the opponent team and then plays horrible.

                                                                                                  - He begged people in his stack to dodge games when we came against other good stacks on Russia LPQ, such as vroksnaks stack or torris stack. Anyone of them could confirm it was more than 10-20 games, actually we could just check my match history for games on russia in which he participated.

                                                                                                  - He did that Limited Hero Pool "Abuse" aswell, which made you play against total noobs, actually pretty funny.

                                                                                                  - He continuesly tries to make the players in his stack hate each other by telling the single players bad stuff abotu the other players. Actually this makes it insanely funny, first he told van-art bad stuff about me and then me bad stuff about van-art. Same with nova and me aswell. Anyways everytime he tried that we told each other and trolled the fuck out of him which is probably why he hates me so much.

                                                                                                  Sol Devguy

                                                                                                    Thanks for info.

                                                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!