General Discussion

General DiscussionCheesiest character to pick for max wins

Cheesiest character to pick for max wins in General Discussion

    I want a non-support hero that I usually play and just do a cheesy build on them and win some fast games. Any suggestions i all pick for quick low MMR stomping solo queue?

    I'm leaning towards slark to start practicing with. Any other corny characters to try for ez wins?

    Quick maffs

      inb4 sampson comes here saying bounty

      Furion, Slark, Necro, OD, Storm, TA, and tinker is a bit hard but a good pubstomper.


        Looks like slark seems to be my best pick so far out of your suggestions. I have horrible stats on the rest.

        i left her

          Lycan, pretty easily a gg as long as your team can defend highground


            furion, slark, lycan, Bristleback, Viper.


              The new heroes Ember Spirit, Earth Spirit, Terrorblade, Phoenix seem to ball out of control in some of my games.


                I'm 6 games and 50% with lycan so thats a viable option I would be OK with. I don't think I played him since they nerfed his wolves so maybe over a year ago? Viable option I suppose. He has best of all worlds I suppose with tower crushing potential and killing potential. Good option ty Insomnia.

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  Zeus is actually surprisingly good. Most people don't even realize how much damage he can do.


                    @ Concede

                    I am crap with Furion somehow so IDK what my issue is with him. BB or Viper or Lycan, slark seem to be my best bet.

                    @ Frostychee. Havent tried any of those except phoenix twice. I am interested in trying ember since he is now in captains mode/draft but probably need to read/watch some games on him. TY for that.


                      @ SAM motherfuckin peckinpah!!!!!

                      Wow i am actually 64% out of 12 games with him so far seems to be the way to go so far, or slark to just spam a bunch of all pick games tonight.


                        Weaver and Morphling are good too.


                          my weaver is poop apparently and morph is about 50% win rate right now. Morph is really heavily reliant on items though. My biggest fear is most of these are mid picks, and if i go into an all pick match i'm afraid that I'll grab the hero right away, then others will pick mid heros as well and the butthurt commences.

                          Low Expectations

                            For 3K mmr Pubs : DP, Veno, Warlock, Lycan, Leshrac. Press melt button win game


                              Hrmmm all of those are high wins on me deadshot. I'm leaning towards the DP/warlock/lycan or learning slark tonight. I like pressing a melt button.

                              Would like to get past 3k eventually so I can roll back into a support build where people can last hit in lane on a consistent basis is the plan.

                              Not so Trash

                                keep blaming others for being sub 5k


                                  lycan is easy. first time i play it i got 600 gpm.

                                  he's the no.1 tower pusher in dota2 now according to dotabuff stats.
                                  and you can usually got low KDA but HIGH GPM on lycan. (even you lose usually get 500GPM)

                                  if you have good micro control , lycan will be great. if not. lycan still great.


                                    @ whoji

                                    Decided going lycan tonight for all games in all pick.

                                    @ Aeohkaheao

                                    No I had a crap support game last night and was totally my fault: I was too tired to be playing so my bad. Shouldn't stay up past midnight and play games I'm too old for it now. I need to cut myself off past 11:30pm probably.



                                      no incoming chat

                                        For me Terrorblade - great farmer, with stun/slow u can get easy first blood, great pusher, but u need to be good at farming to use him effectively & don't fight 5v5, but just push other lanes (sometimes team flame u for this, but this is how the hero works without 2 big items). He is super scary 1v1 after he is lvl 6 vs nearly every hero & really good 2v2, but the more heroes u're against he is getting worse without big items (manta & skadi is a must). When I started playing him my record was 0-9 with him, but when I understood how to play him I win almost every game. Great hero, a little big OP atm (he needs a slight nerf, but just a slight imo).

                                        Sup m8

                                          How does Dorkly have such a high tinker KDA and only 20 matches...I'm jealous


                                            Meepo has been netting crazy wins 4 me


                                              depends on your current mmr, but terrorblade and lycan are nice to get ez win



                                                He is big, has that scare factor. Nobody wants to fuck with him.


                                                  play ember win games ez

                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                    I was going to say bounty hunter but obviously that shit isnt true today -_-


                                                      mirana works
                                                      if you can hit arrows
                                                      right sampson

                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                        I havnt hit a arrow all day and still managed to win


                                                          ^ Dem stack stats.


                                                            Bristle, Terrorblade, Lycan (safelane), Furion can be okay, but if you jungle you need to play bulldog style (phase before midas and super active).

                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                              Usually wen i 100% want to win i pick lycan

                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                "How does Dorkly have such a high tinker KDA and only 20 matches...I'm jealous"

                                                                meh its probably for that exact reason, i have little games with him so my kda is actually going to be less and less the more i play with him i think.

                                                                Plus kda doesnt really matter so whatever man.


                                                                  Naga with Radiance. I've lost enough onesided games until Naga got her stupid radiance up and breaks my hearth.

                                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!