General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy its bad to drag a game just for fun

Why its bad to drag a game just for fun in General Discussion

    They were getting kills you weren't. What is fun for them is obviously not fun for others.

    SEA Servers tend to have way longer matches than most anyways so not to worry.


      He was pointing out that the team with double kills lost... which happens when you get a lot of kills early and don't push.

      Early game kills are only worth 5 last hits... the value is in the time the players are off the map, not the gold.


        I know, simply stated QoP was getting kills which was fun for her and not for the rest of the team who were obviously struggling.


          How did you actually win? Did someone drop a rapier? Seems that a lot of gold was farmed but players lack items. I guess BKB Sven could wipe that whole team in a few swipes.


            My teammate and I were screaming gg when he finally got the daedalus. Even if we were 30 kills back, 50 minutes into the game.


              It is not fun anymore, if it lose.