General Discussion

General DiscussionStarting items for INT heroes laning mid.

Starting items for INT heroes laning mid. in General Discussion

    Recently I've been doing my best at being more adaptable with my item builds. However starting items I've not yet understood the whole significance of.

    After watching pros like Dendi, Ferrari and Arteezy I've seen quite a few out of the fountain builds which obviously depend on who they think they will be facing mid.

    Tango, Salve, 3 branches, mantle

    Tango, Salve, 1 branch, 2 mantle

    Tango, 3 branches

    Tango, salve, 4 branch

    Tango, 5 branches

    magic stick, tango, salve, 3 branches

    Salve, Null pendant

    Are just a few I've seen.

    In this thread I hope we can discuss when each of these setups are viable and why it's better than others for different situations.

    casual gamer

      It really has to do with your base damage vs the enemy base damage and the enemy mid's harass in lane.

      If you know your bottle will be delayed you need a salve.

      If the matchup is one-sided (kunkka v storm, sniper v bane) you will need a salve.

      If you need early cs and csing gets easier later wraith/null is fine. Usually seen on mid OD drow SF etc

      Blades of attack is a viable starting item with tango usually for heroes with high inbuilt regen that don't build bottle. You usually see this on invoker but it also works on SF and sniper.

      Only rush stick vs guaranteed bristle or bat mid. Always buy wand later versus zeus and sky

      Generally if you buy a basic mantle/slipper you should get salve, as you will be 4 cs late on your bottle, a whole 30 seconds of extra harass


        and mana cost ofc! thats why u check how much mana 1 int point gives u with every hero...

        waku waku

          did not someone write that now tangos are more cost effective than salves


            they were always better...


              Eating 4 tangoes takes agessss


                Well, lets then look at the difference between say tangoes, salve, 3 branches and a main stat item compared to tangoes, salve, 1 branch and two main stat items.

                When is the second alternative better? I'm thinking when you know that you're facing a hero with better basedamage than you an you need to even out that difference.


                  Tango + 3 branches when you're rushing bottle, helps you take control of lane with a hero like SF who can spam out the wave and go for rune.

                  Tango + 5 branches - I really like this on Warlock cause I can make them into wand + mek later without wasting any. You have enough regen with your heal too.

                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                    tango against qop, but buying tangoes is pretty terrible if you are alr getting pooled 1-2 charge. dendi also talk about how tangoes are pretty bad mid since there are situations where the wave is far from the closest tree and you might need to sacrifice 1cs and/or 1 deny.


                      null talisman


                        dont listen to them man, regenerations and stats arent important because ur an int hero which means u must have nukes that does the damage for you

                        just start with boots
                        then get as much reaver as possible to be tanky, while u sprew out more nukes as they try to kill u



                          Don`t use Dendi name you faggot