General Discussion

General DiscussionOpinions on Ember Spirit.

Opinions on Ember Spirit. in General Discussion

    I'm not sure if this has been asked here, but do you guys think he is balanced?

    I'm an average 3.5k trench player and this is the results I have had with Ember:

    I either mid with him, or combo with my friend Lich. Both options usually end up in a first blood level2-3.

    But I have never really FACED a good ember, so I can't think of any time that he screams OP. You guys have any thoughts?

    (edit: spelling)

    Тази тема била редактирана

      i think sleight of fist will recieve a nerf in the form of +mana cost -AOE + Cooldown but otherwise only a little imbalanced

      nuvole bianche

        i dont understand this isnt even ranked


          he's extremely op if he gets farm at the cost of being extremely vulnerable

          but he does have good mobility

          but ur playing ap unranked


            I'm from South Africa, finding a ranked match takes 10+ minutes, while a normal game takes around 2-3... I want to play ranked but it gets irritating waiting that long :/

            nuvole bianche

              condolences sounds like quite the problem.


                well you'll get to know the difference if you switch over


                  Ok I will wait the extra time. Now to convince my friends :D


                    He's squishy enough to chain stun and burst down quite quickly. Getting the first stun off and coordinating the lock-down on him isn't so easy against a good ember though, as they will always have a remnant in a safe place to go back to. A farmed Ember is certainly scary and he's enjoying a lot of popularity on the pro scene at the moment. I think part of that is down to him being simply a very fun, dynamic hero. I don't think he needs a nerf but I'd be interested to see his overall winrate at 4.5+ MMR.


                      no, it's just down to the fact that he can 1-3 shot an entire team at the expense of nothing and its fun as hell to watch :D

                      but yeah i never initiate with remnant unless i know im not going to get counter ganked

                      bah, not gonna spill everything

                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                        Also one thing that I've noticed playing him (note: my opinion, and not a very relevant one, since I'm not outstanding with him, and I'm only 2,5k in ranked) is that if the enemy doesnt have stuns or some serious DoT, ember spirit post-6 is unkillable. Just put a spirit behind you, remember to refresh, and pick your fights, and you'll basically never die.
                        I recently played in a 5-stack and it was one of my best games. He is very fun against Terrorblade and Meepo. Sleght of fist gives like 2 seconds invulnerability.
                        Bottom line? He is certainly squishy, but a good ember spirit will very rarely die, due to his ult.


                          o ya the more people the better

                          gotta get the bfury all up in their face

                          Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                            just beat him seveal times. He's weak level 1, so you can fb him with double stuns. Also gankable with 2-3 stunenrs in team. Loses out to pudge or silencer. He's only viable if you can steamroll and get some kills after getting battlefury.


                              Well who isn't gankable when they're hit with multiple stuns?

                              Cherrer Pak

                                Silence , chain stuns will kill ember!


                                  He is class cannon. He can't fuck them up so hard, but on the other hand, he is too fragile. Silance ( bs, sky and ns are nightmare ) fuck him up. Chain stuns, not so , you can easy disjoint with SoF. On the other hand, if you get hexed first, you are gone.


                                    i dont think ember is op or anything he doesnt phase me


                                      ya its a tradeoff, i love glass cannon type heroes



                                        with ember spirit i could literally def against their whole team while my team was pushing.
                                        sleight of fist should have a bigger cd or mana, cuz it's too op in right hands

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          People claim he's really op and I've had captain's first pick him, but I lose probably 75% of the games where he is on my team. I think he is shit and hate when people play him. Same as legion commander. LC is a good hero but no one players her effectively.


                                            how do u guys play those broken heroes rly...


                                              He can't stick around extended team fights. He melts to magic and physical damage. Sadly you have to use hit ultimate to escape, rather than dive.

                                              I'm still trying to figure out a good build for him. Triple Battle Fury is amusing when it lands, but it won't work in any serious game.


                                                you protect him and he has doesnt run out of charges if u dont rambo and always leave a remnant in a safe place

                                                in combo with excellent map awareness and a bfury, the enemy has trouble breakin highground


                                                  Just asking,
                                                  If ember killed red necro with sleight of fist while he's still doing it, will he take the damage?


                                                    I don't think so because he's classed as invulnerable during the whole thing, like with omnislash


                                                      If ember killed red necro on the first hit of sleight of fist, then he take damage, cause "thx" to a similar bug to omnislash, they are not invulnerable before the first hit land, if the necro is 2nd or latter in the list of unit hit by sleight of fist, then ember will not take anydamage.
                                                      (beware with bf thought, if the cleave kill a red necro on the first hit, then embler will still take damage, since he is not yet invul)

                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                        ember is good yea, but totally overrated atm

                                                        its like when abadon entered d2 ""broken, fix imba lol hero " and now look at him

                                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                          if he gets farm it's really hard to stop him if you don't have a doom etc cause he'll blow ur team up in a few sofs


                                                            When i played him.
                                                            Mirana always wait where i put my illusion iAT and just arrow me when i tried to run.
                                                            Very imba hero indeed


                                                              pretty solid initiating enemy team, they screwed themselves over with meepo cause the captain got cocky and thought he could handle ember

                                                              his words to me were, "most don't find the farm"


                                                              look at the hero dmg

                                                              meepo lvl 25 INSTA DEATH for 50 mana.