General Discussion

General Discussionlol ranked.

lol ranked. in General Discussion

    so im on this winstreak back to my regular mmr and i get a wetback pudge of course and he feeds of course and our qop loses mid vs a fucking shadow fiend good tmes i love this game. but apparently i didnt have enough impact so i deserve this loss with this wetback 0-10 pudge at 20 minutes


      so whats the fucking trick if im not a 5k player, 3k server pubstomper? because im literally matched with this people after winning streaks.


        fucking stupid game


          Only one way to win if your teammates feed

          rat doto


            @Flop HEY I tried :)

            But i got 2 1/2 lanes of rax and both tier 4s, ancient at half hp. Then we got teamwiped and GG


              we had no pushers, this is literaly a fail game. of course when im recovering my mmr i get a guy with 500 hours of this game and as guessed, feeds as pudge. lmao such a cliche in this fucking game its sad


                yeah i saw ur td there, always build micon first before bkb broh


                  oh got it thanks man


           another failed rat doto attempt


                      here is match ID
                      please someone find his IP and go to his barrio and fucking kill him


                        oh hey ur tryharding and really trying to get your 4k mmr back because you got a random loss streak because of our retarded system *ok thx* but you have to get this nigger pudge on your team first loss streak incoming

                        Right Click Randy

                          lol, such rage... maybe you need to work on your anger before you work on your mmr

                          i quit

                            get a better attitude, take mid/safe if u think ur way better than the rest of the ppl there, if u cant carry them there ur not as good as u think u are

                            moises capacócha

                              ur not good


                                If you really think and want to know if you belong at 5k mmr, make a smurf and stomp the 3-6 first games. By doing this, the smurf detction will put you on 3-25 page unranked games with some really good players. When solo Queuing you should probably stay around 50% winrate before lvl 13 (ranked games) if you deserve to be there.

                                If you dont deserve to play at a really high skill level, you'll end up like this guy , but still play at a very high skill level, despite a shitty winrate.




                                    Man, you're really awful. People like you really drag this game down. I imagine you don't get your kicks this way in real life but the fact that you and people like you have fun doing this in dota really ruins the game for a lot of people.



                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!