General Discussion

General DiscussionI know the MMR is not perfect, but......

I know the MMR is not perfect, but...... in General Discussion

    They should really fix the MMR matching making system. Not like the points wise, that's fair. Just the way how you match up against other people.

    I just got done with a game where I went up against a Five stack vs me, and random Morphling, and a 3 stack with 3 random guys who we're fucking up half the time. I know my skill isn't the greatest, but I got griefed into 2.8K, so I might as well enjoy it.

    Anyway, the enemy team just kept going "HUEHUEHUEHUE" like typical BR's do, (no offense BR's, but you guys have a bad rep as it is.) and they acted like they knew they were going to go up against random people. (Maybe I should stop playing All pick then.)

    But my point is, Valve should make it where if they have 2 or more people, then they have to make something like "Team All Pick" or something like that. Thoughts?

    King of Low Prio

      I feel your pain I sometimes have BR people in my party and I want to backhand them

      King of Low Prio

        I take that back calling them 'people' is a insult to the human race


          they're not brazilian just check their profiles
          anyway, just get better and you will win 2.8k matches by yourself. until there, well, it's a tough life

          King of Low Prio

            he prob confused being retarded with being brazilian, common mistake


              PERUVIANS =! BRAZILIANS!




                  you do


                    @Sano Thx, I know I'll get out eventually.

                    @Atum, I play on both thx.


                      in about 800 matches on us east i only saw a brazilian (that i noticed ofc) once and he spoke english


                        btw @sano >> decided to give a shot on south america server on my smurf (4.6k mmr) >> first game (and only)

                        tiny goes mid after zeus calls it and starts throwing zeus in enemy tower, zeus gets mad and starts feeding ~ez mmr

                        King of Low Prio


                          usless brazilians on my team


                            as the famous peruvian once said to a russian, "suck my wiener stuf"


                              LMAO how did you guys lose that
                              oh satellizer clock I see

                              King of Low Prio

                                I have no idea where Zano got items at the end from, literally 30mins into the game he had manta

                                King of Low Prio

                                  we lost because we got out rat'd tho :(

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    and we had more brazilians so were at a disadvantage



                                      Awesome! (did u make it yourself?)


                                        atum you know what's funny? that tiny is actually a famous player and has been recently added to THD roster (arguably 2nd best br team)

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          so basically SA servers are like the special Olympics


                                            lol u for real? he didnt talk anything so i assumed he was peruvian, he wanted to go spectre safelane but i grabbed terrorblade before he could pick, then he picks tiny and some1 says "support tiny" so i say "ok". then he goes mid with a qb and proceds to throw zeus at enemy tower. it was actually funny cause one of the enemies abandoned so i didnt have to waste my time.