General Discussion

General DiscussionPost games you should of won but lost?

Post games you should of won but lost? in General Discussion
    Didnt save money for buyback, noob lycan

    Hafla Enjoyer
      We had a strong trilane of ogre, Sven and wisp and we wrecked their zeus + witch doctor dual lane (yeah we are in eu).
      We got first blood and many many kills for three carry, won the lane so hard and win every teamfight after it.
      Then Sven started lagging.
      That's it.

      King of Low Prio

        my teams lycan was flipping out because they did a aggro trilane against him and he wasnt getting 100% freefarm. We won every other lane (I zoned out their slark so hard that I had almost 3+ levels on him and 100% freefarm. He even refused to change lanes because 'lycan cant go in offlane' and abandoned


          I'm lazy so I'll just pick a recent one.

          We should of won this match, but the Pudge and Clockwerk were always demanding me to initiate when they alone could do it. They would always say "Void Free Farm" and I was suggesting them to gank instead of sit in mid with the rest of the squad. The LC and Clock were a stack and wouldn't let me go bottom to free farm, so I had to unfortunately go top, and did decent against the Void. The Pudge couldn't land a hook unless it was setup for him. Not to mention that LC, Clock, and Pudge were all from Mother Russia except Phoenix and I, but that's not even the real problem. Their unnecessary feeds and inability to do something about the free farm led us to our demise.

          But honest answer? I should of won all of my matches I've ever played, but ya win some ya lose some.


            I got two kills inc luding the first blood on voker at mid but after that the game just went downhill. ( the edit is just a spelling error)

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