General Discussion

General DiscussionELO HELL COMFIRMED

ELO HELL COMFIRMED in General Discussion


    in ur bracket exclusively

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    King of Low Prio

      нуб тим




          ^ LMFAO

          dota in a nutshell. wp

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            For fuck's sake people going apeshit and feeding early isn't always their fault.

            In the game I just posted SexyBamboe went 0-3 in 5 minutes and lost his team the game, but it's not his fault that mirana camped mid and happened to hit all her max range arrows from fog.


              "rly unlucky with my teammates"

              ROFL, I actually found it fun how much you cried @ the forums, so I went to specate several of your games and those games a really low tier. The sad thing is you're just as bad, or even worse than your team mates in different cases. Also you use your camera very weird. ROFL xddddddd MY TEAM MATES hhh :D


                Feeding in a 1v1 Situation on mid is their fault. And feeding 0-5 in 7 min as offlaner is also offlaners fault. Going 0-1 or 0-2 in the first minutes is accecatble, since you can get caught out of position etc. After getting caught hard 1-2 times you are expected to adapt to your lane and hug your tower. The game I meant he died always outside of his towerrange, by trying to hurt the enemy with quillspray. He simply overrated the tankyness of bristleback against ursa and could not adapt in a short time to this "new" fact.


                Sorry, but lack of proper support for a 4 protect one enviroment is something that is the same shit on 3.8 or 4k. I remember a thread some days ago, where vaikiss said the exact same thing for his bracket (aka 5k):

                Do not go for melee hardcarries in soloque, cause you rely too much on your team. It is just gambling, with the odds not beeing in your favour. You need decent support, and a team that can hold of the enemy, to buy you farmspace.

                If I go antimage, and we get a jungling lc/naix/prophet, odds are heavily in the favour of enemy team. All the pressure is then set on the midlaner to win his lane big time. Same goes for offlaner, who is supposed to hold his lane for a quite long time. If the offlane or midlane colapses, enemy team just 5 mans and we have nothing to defend our selfes.

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