General Discussion

General DiscussionEvaluate my CM game

Evaluate my CM game in General Discussion

    I just finished a game of CM, and thanks to this Meepo we managed to stomp hard. What I want to know is, how effective my CM playing was, because this is the first CM game i've had where I've seen professionals play, and try to do what they do.

    Apart from missing the first stack + pull (lagged out) what else is there that i can improve on, and what should I keep on doing?

    Тази тема била редактирана

      Roaming, ganking, securing etcetc


        Looking at your skill build, I can only guess that you might have lacked some nuking damage in the early game. You ranked Frostbite up to 3, and Nova at 1. Frostbite's damage scales weird, as it does 140/210/210/280 damage, so the 3rd rank in it is the worst scaling, as it only adds disable duration, the others add disable duration and 70 more damage. So either keep it at 2 or max it out.

        Nova is an area of effect skill so it's damage gets more effective the more people you hit with it. Therefore putting more points into Nova is more effective than points into Frostbite if you hit multiple people. If you hit an entire team with a nova that has 1 more point into it, that's 250 extra damage for one skill point, more than what frosbite gives.

        Looking at the match I assume the enemy were doing dual side lanes rather than a solo offlane and safe trilane, which guarantees more heroes to hit with Nova. Against a solo offlaner more points into Nova might not be as useful.

        If you had put that third point in Frostbite instead on a second point into Nova, that might have been some needed nuke damage to get a kill or two. It's percentage increase and mana effiiency also increase with levels.

        Level 1 Nova - 100 damage, 100 mana, 1 mana = 1 damage
        Level 2 Nova - 150 damage, 120 mana, 1 mana = 1.25 damage

        Compared to:
        Level 2 Frostbite - 210 damage, 125 mana, 1 mana = 1.68 damage
        Level 3 Frostbite - 210 damage, 140 mana, 1 mana = 1.50 damage

        Nova's damage is increased by 50%, whereas Frostbite's remains the same, so if you wanted to get the most damage from your mana pool, getting Frostbite would've made it worse. It might not seem like a big deal, but CM's starting intelligence is very poor, she only has 16 intelligence (208 mana), which means she can't spam out spells compared to Lina with 27 starting int (351 mana).

        CM is a early game hero, and as a support, she'll also be underlevelled. So to be as effective as possible before your timing window runs out, you can't be wasting skill points.

        I don't think your item build was good either. Aghanim's is a very expensive item, is hard to build up, and getting the Point Booster first doesn't leave you open to alternative item choices (whereas Staff of Wizardry builds into Eul's, Force, Necronomicon, etc). Cheaper items are preferred on supports because there's a smaller time window where you're not as effective due to only having components of an item and not the full thing (due to cheaper items being easier to acquire obviously)

        Magic stick is absolutely core on supports, especially against heroes who have low cost, spammable spells (Phantom Assassin and Bristleback in this case) A full magic stick can give you more HP than a Bracer gives, and is only 200g compared to Bracer's 525g cost.

        Ghost Scepter is comparable in stats and cost to Drum of Endurance, but has a life saving active for supports. Same with Eul's and Force Staff. These will save you, or at least buy time for allies to help, more often than the raw HP that Drum or Aghanim's gives.


          Reason I went aghs over anything else is because the game was won after I get drums and mek, none of our team were really under any serious threat so I though "more stats and better ultimate" if the game had been closer I would have not gone aghs and spent money on more cost efficient utility items.

          Also regarding my skill build, I know it's a bit weird but the main reason I did it that way was to combo it with meepo's earth bind (me and Meepo top against puck and bristle back offlane) so I was really going for more disable time than anything. If we hadn't been running that strat I would have invested more points into nova earlier on, for the reasons you mentioned

          Anthem Blue Cross



            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

              very good considering u didn't feed.


                ^Well, it was a complete stomp it seems. Doesn't take anything from OP doe.


                  Disregarding scores, I'm hoping someone would watch the game and see if the actual stuff I did was up to scratch. The game could have very easily been different if we didn't have the success we had early game