General Discussion

General DiscussionIs Vengeful Spirit effective in all lineups?

Is Vengeful Spirit effective in all lineups? in General Discussion

    Pretty simple question, is vengeful spirit an effective support in any lineup? She's clearly an optimal support when she can disable through magic immunity (cancelling enigma ult, bane ult, pugna ult, etc), but is her ability to ruin enemy positioning good enough to consider her as a "go-to support" for any game?


      he is good, but not good enough because there are better support in 6.80.

      but still, pr did a good job to create new meta by using vengeful spirit on moon. Got 5-6 winstreak if i remember.


        I get shivers every time I see female character being adressed as "he".

        waku waku

          me too


            If it's scantily clad and has hints of boobs it's a she.

            Unless it's pudge :D


              my bad , sorry ms.venge :(


                i will be playing VS every game now because sexy new set i got :D


                  I shall also be doing that because I have the immortal as well :D


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                    1. Magic Missile is a low-CD targeted stun that deals damage.
                    2. Wave of Terror is a spammable skill with decent range that deals damage, reduces armor, and gives vision. One of the best scouting tools when warding and/or moving uphill into fog. Also good for finishing off heroes that are scurrying off.
                    3. Vengeance Aura is a force to be reckoned with late game, carries hit like a truck with it. One level can be picked up earlier on to help with pushes.
                    4. Nether Swap goes through BKB, useful for saving teammates and/or disrupting channeling spells. Also useful for initiation when pushing raxes.

                    1. Short attack range, difficult to harass in a trilane without taking damage.
                    2. Limited mana pool, requires at least an Urn or Medallion for mana upkeep. Spamming Wave of Terror also means your enemies can pick up a magic stick for easy regen.
                    3. Stun duration doesn't scale well. Damage scales decently, but 325 magic damage is barely anything at the late game stage.
                    4. Swap is a double edged sword, used in a bad position it can potentially cost you a teamfight.

                    Venge is best used as part of a roaming gank duo or an aggressive dual lane. In a trilane, she's not effective at harassment, relegating her to stacking and pulling. Now to answer your question, yes, Venge can be an effective support, but early game aggression will be a problem if she doesn't have the right partner.

                    Dire Wolf

                      She's good at support but not great. A lot of other supports I'd rather have. Going into a game blind I'd rather have a lich or shadow demon.


                        I only draft her when we need a semi carry, and I picked a bunch of supports that have no guarantee lockdown/stun on them OR synergy with drow or luna picks.

                        Not a good pickup all the time. I mean how about a omni/chen/keeper/dazzle/vengeful spirit game? I could create bad situations all the time for VS.

                        @ Flop and the rest

                        I get disturbed when I see:

                        1. Men with female profile japanese pics.
                        2. Men with Female names for profile names
                        EDIT#3: Men that use my little pony in their profile.

                        Which is more disturbing to you guys? Calling VS a dude or having a sausage fest with a bunch of anime chick profile pics, and chick names when its obviously a dude all the time doing it.


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                          @-hg- Cpt. Caveman
                          1) That's not an MLP char. That's ponyfied Jury from SSF4;
                          2) Calling VS a dude is much more disturbing.

                          waku waku

                            i dunno, how come so few people on steam have pictures of themselves set as their avvies? it's disturbing how they pretend to be what they are not

                            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                              she sorta is viable. But to replace top tier support like rubrick, warlock etc, no. I think she's only worth it if she can save allies with swap at least 3 times. Or go wraith bands/crystalys build. Any other build is just sub par.

                              Puck Fugna

                                Bad at counter push. I'd say that's her biggest weakness. Great as a very hard support though. Barely need any items on her. Complete ward bitch.


                                  Attack range is bad

                                  Don't get me wrong, I love the hero, probably one of my higher win % heroes. But in a game where the laning phase usually makes or breaks the game, you really have to make a concerted to make it work. Either that, or if you can manage to have a full time roamer it could work.

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