General Discussion

General Discussionpotm (most efficent way to play her)

potm (most efficent way to play her) in General Discussion

    i would rly like to play this hero very good but my winrate in better games is almost always <50% ..what is the best way of playing her(most efficent) ,,,safelane,hardlane, roaming,mid

    when should i pick her and when should i farm

    Тази тема била редактирана

      it will really depend on your team's lineup
      if there is no one mid, go there
      if there is no offlaner, go there
      if there is no carry (which i doubt in pubs), go there

      from what ive been seeing lately shes being put on safelane on competitive

      you should farm whenever you are not ganking lol

      Low Expectations

        Mirana fits into all lineups (literally) can be played as carry,mid,offlane and support.
        Alot depends how confident you are that you hit your arrows. For offlane just take 1 level arrow and max starfall (safer). For mid and carry you can do whatever you want. For support max arrow because you will rarely get extremly close anyways and you will usually have a setup or there will be no gank without your arrow.
        And use fog of war so dont throw an arrow that can be seen from a mile away (for example from one T1 mid tower to another) but rather throw it threw trees so that the enemy cant juke the arrow.


          I actually disagree with Deadshot, I think if you play Mirana in offlane, it's better to level up arrow because you're unlikely to have mana supporting you for a full combo. With those higher level arrows, you can harass and potentially kill them when they're caught out of position.
          On the other hand, at Mid or safe, I'd max starfall and have arrow at level 1 because Starfall does more dmg and is for sure hit within range.


            i prefer maintaining distance therefore i dont skill starfall til much later, and even then i might rather put more points into stats. (unpopular, idk how most ppl feel about this)

            i guess its alright if ur tryin to flash farm.... but she fits better as a roamer/ganker/semi-carry/semi-support

            its best to catch them off surprise and never let them know where u are on the map as much as possible, you want to hit arrows that they have no vision of until it's too late to dodge.

            its almost impossible to hit arrows when they can see it coming a mile away, unless theyre afk or stupid

            this means you have to position yourself outside of vision while bein around for ganks as much as possible

            i prefer arrow and then leap maxed, due to the shorter cd, greater mobility/range, greater ms boost = higher chance of survival

            the double starfall hit requires u to ridiculously close, and by the time u walk to ur target, they may have had time to call for help
            and if u leap towards your target, you have no escape if they jump on you in return

            often times i pretend to cs and time an arrow to make it look like i was just attacking normally
            only works like 30% of them imo, but still funny

            anyways, thats just my theory/experience behind it

            casual gamer

              I love roaming from lv 1 with strong lv 1 killers like DK in lane but you can really do whatever. Just gotta hit them arrows!


                Depends on what your team needs. The first comment is exactly right, it just missed out on support. Mirana is a great support, capable of being 4 or 5 role, and can easily gank mid, or any lane, or just sit and babysit/stack+pull. As a carry, Mirana should gank when an opportunity arises, and farm otherwise, same applies for mid and offlane.


                  Roamer, from the level one. Max arrow and leap, get ultimate at 6. Make aquila ( if your mid dont buy bottle, get it ) go brown boots then get force stuff / vlads / mekansam. Later in the game, you can go orchid / necro 3 / hex or shiva. Never play mirana as a carry, her immense ganking potentional is wasted. And never skip ulti, it is too good to skip it.

                  Edit : you can stay in lane during day, and gank at night, way easier to hit arrow. Also, for love of God, buy smoke and wards. Ward uphill on middle lane, for some easy arrows.

                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                    ^i hate when people max arrow first, its a single target stun no matter what level it is. if you max your Q first, it does more damage and its aoe. the arrow is used for stunning, and Q is used for nuking everything and does more damage overall.

                    I prefer maxing Q and leap, with only the 1 point into arrow.


                      I've had most fun roaming with this hero, for sure. Lone wolf roamer, shooting arrows from the radiant ancient camp into the back of the enemy mid's skull, good times.
                      I think she's pretty poor for a full carry as her skillset more fits that of a support or ganker. She can still make any items that she wants by taking creep waves or camps with Starfall, so why spend the game right clicking creeps when someone else can do that while you kill people?


                        yea i love playing her roaming
                        i usually pick her when i know there is going to be a jungler in their team, so from lvl1 i start hunting them

                        its great because it doesnt let the other team create space and you put then constantly under pressure
                        usually arrow is the last one that i max because the way i play mirana the arrow is more for the stun than for the dmg

                        but sometimes you'd wish you had maxed arrow, like when you picked an invisible rune, so you don't have to shoot the arrow from distance, just get close to the enemy, stun, Q and it's done


                          @wink, i know that the stun is the same duration, but the dmg is a huge difference, especially if you're going for pick-offs

                          every person ive seen that goes starfall over arrow or leap ends up dying way too often, and they try to make leaps that they could've done succesfully w/ a higher lvl

                          just last game, mirana was tryin to leap off a cliff but it was only lvl 1 so she couldnt make it

                          but w/e works for you i guess
                          im ok w/ my mirana lol


                            Hit Arrow from longest distance!


                              @wink , the problem with roaming mira, is that you need to hit low range arrows. If you skip starfall, you lose leap, which is far more superior, for roaming. Simply couse, you cant come near them to hit double starfall


                                avoid position 1 and 2 , best is 3.



                                  This is how I build, basher is usually joke, but yeah.
                                  Though this is 4,5k mmr dunno how high you are.


                                    just roaming