General Discussion

General Discussionyour opinion on dazzle's skill build in a defensive tri vs aggro tri?

your opinion on dazzle's skill build in a defensive tri vs aggro tri? in General Discussion

    idk, i prefer leveling grave/heal over touch, and i believe only 1 level required, can interrupt tps?

    anyhow, thoughts about this?


      for the most part all you need is level 1 but it would depend on what your situational plays are

      If you are being hella aggressive skill evenly, if you are massively defensive max heal dunno because I never have a preset build with him I just go with whatever warrants it.


        if the other team has a lot of slows/dot you don't get grave if they have a lot of burst get grave so they have to force themselves into a shitty spot by not using their burst to get a kill.

        interrupting tps isn't the biggest deal in trilanes as you dont just teleport out in tri vs tri clash for a host of reasons

        keep track of manapool though as its kind of mana intensive


          dazzle's Q is one of the strongest disables in game, why wouldn't you max it lel.
          3/1/1 skillbuild for lvl 5.


            u rarely need more slow over heal / dmg imo

            Jorges Sanz

              Dazzle's healing scales more towards CD/targets. Generally isnt necessary to get more than 1 lvl in heal depending on how badly you're being zoned out.


                i just find the 15 sec cd on grave + better heal to be more effective when the enemies are diving past towers