General Discussion

General DiscussionSnowball heroes ...

Snowball heroes ... in General Discussion

    I would like a list of solo mid snowball heroes that I can master in order to break through the barriers of non-existent elo hell ... My solo mmr is 3732 for now and I can't find myself crossing 4000 because as soon as I get close to that I start falling back ...
    I'm considering sf, ta but would like an insight from more high leveled and experienced players. Thanks...

    It will be highly appreciated if you recommend a player who is quite decent on the hero you mentioned as well (for learning purpose).

    Quick maffs

      TA is really good, OD too if the enemy does not have roamers, i like necro a lot and i guess ember too.

      If you want to learn TA check Wagamama


        AXE hacks.


          Tusk literally snowballs.


            In case you missed it I will say it again I'm looking for "solo mid" snowball heroes and also Axe worked below 3000 Doesn't work anymore...

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              I'm pretty sure you know which heroes can snowball and works well in mid...


                Ember Spirit
                Shadow Fiend
                Storm Spirit
                Queen of Pain



                  ^ Thanks but I wasn't asking about all possible solo mid heroes... and I'm looking for something that helped some much experienced players here to actually improve their MMR (I know what works below 3500 and that is why I'm stuck at 3.7K) I'm actually looking for something that you can insta pick and still do a great deal with it ... e.g Arteezy morph really inspired me.


                    ember spirit


                      Just play imba spirit and Puck then.

                      ...Despite sad games like these:




                        storm/ta/sf/imba spirit/puck/slark/invoker

                        (all my most played heroes :D)


                          QoP, Slark (a guy went from 3k to 6k playing slark every single match), SF and TA
                          those are relatively easy to play, with a very strong mid game dominance

                          its not hard at all to snow ball out of control with those guys, mainly slark cause he is hard as fuck to shut down, and he scales better than the others i guess

                          ember is not hard aswell (atleast in low tier games) and snowballs out of control, he really does

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                          Quick maffs

                            Dude you know those heroes, Ember always works, TA if you are really good will work even if they counter pick you ( see wagamama ) naga mid is another good choice i guess ( but she is more of a farmer not a snowball hero )


                              but i think every hero can snowball, centaur for example.. if you're paired with someone with a stun you can easily dominate your lane by lvl3


                                ^ my 65% win rate centaur agrees with burn up in your atmosphere...

                                Guarantee stun w/a centaur is beefy. Yes every hero can snowball agreed.


                                  Ok ember tops the list soo far as I have seen that hero often get out of control even when I watch higher level streams followed by ta and sf my personal favs ... Heard alot about slark but for some reason I can't play him so aside from EE storm and Wagamama Ta can you guys recommend some good players for sf, slark and especially ember, it will be highly appreciated thanks.

                                  King of Low Prio



                                      Check my hero list - I play only mid on this account




                                          amnesia, ur a smurf, amiright?
                                          just by making a new account doesn't make you any different from the last account you had (skill wise)

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                                            QW INVOKER ez life ez mmr


                                              @brain your nick is brain but you clearly don't seem to have one, this account is worst than my main account because I only play on it when I stack with my IRL new to dota friends doing stupid stuff and running hard carries mid also I never even try hard on this account... I play regularly on my main with try hard ranked games solo only and I have no intentions whatsoever on creating a smurf account or smurfing in general because to me smurfing won't do any good, if I improve my skill then I can break the MMR barrier on my main(instead of wasting time on a smurf just to realize that I belong to my current bracket).

                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                just play ta dude, pretty dope


                                                  Pick Crystal maiden, feed, create space and win.

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    I wouldn't play puck. He is an amazing mid and disabler but he won't carry late. Even if you gank other lanes the opposing team will out farm you and win if your carries are bad.

                                                    what about viper?


                                                      ZEUS/BS has been my picks lately. Both seem to do really well against most heros. I typically do this build for zeus:

                                                      1. Bottle
                                                      2. Force staff
                                                      3. Euls
                                                      4. Ags scepter
                                                      5. Refresher.
                                                      6. Veil of discord.

                                                      Its ez mode enabled... except against OD or silencer, they are tough. I typically ban those anyways if I'm in CD or CM.

                                                      Bloodseeker mid:

                                                      1. Quelling blade/tangos/stout shield
                                                      2. power treads switched to STR.
                                                      3. Sange
                                                      4. Blade mail
                                                      5. Basher
                                                      6. Yasha to combine with sange/yasha OR BKB if other team has a lot of stun lock potential THEN yasha.
                                                      7. Heart

                                                      Been really successful. I typically ban VIPER and Kunka if I plan on picking BS mid.

                                                      It's been working for me lately idk...results may vary:



                                                      I do not ban Death prophet any longer due to the fact that BS is a real good CTR to her mid.... grabbing lvl 6 and ulting her mid is big since she is so fast, doesn't have good right click and silence is kind of not going to do anything. Only worry is crypt swarm and dodging that.

                                                      Yes Puck doesn't carry late. Its good to get those early/middle kills with him but drops off fast.

                                                      I appreciate sir's 1412 games of invoker but 53% QW invoker wins doesn't indicate a sky rocketing potential and has broken even with the auto invoker pick. I feel invoker/pudge auto picks are.................................................................................... not ideal.................. and the mid or feed mentality is there.... pudge/invoker pickers make me sad. :(


                                                        Snowball heroes means that you have to rely on your team. Good luck with that in your bracket.


                                                          Snowball mids is the opposite of that


                                                            Dude, he wants to know how he will be able to carry 4 random players to win all by himself. It doesn't matter if you play snowball char mid or lane or wombo combo. He still lose his effectiveness late game, not to mention that you don't stand a chance versus the rival hardcarry if your carry is focused in teamfights and you have been getting the kills all game long. Only few guys here understand that you have to be extremely good to carry a 5-man team alone and especially if they don't feel like "snowballing" with you after one or two unsuccessful ganks. On top of that, if the opponents are consisted of a good stack/stacks they won't fall for that easily. I mean, it's ok for me if you believe that i am saying shit but i am just gonna tell you that it always leaves me with a bitter taste when my favourite char is the king of snowballers, Pudge, and i lose even if i won mid and early-mid game too. It just feels so fucking bad and unfair but it's also the balance between the different roles of Dota that must and should exist.


                                                                Night Stalker | Bloodseeker | Weaver | Luna

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                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                Ember is really good if you want to have early impact and carrying late game.


                                                                  you can "snowball" with e-blade on luna


                                                                    @burn up in your atmosphere
                                                                    there's no way someone went from 3k to 6k by playing slark, if someone did though show me their dotabuff, or some sort of proof you little liar :p


                                                                      sniper. is. a. very. good. solo. mid. snowball.