General Discussion

General DiscussionRadiance and Copy damages ignored by Dotabuff?

Radiance and Copy damages ignored by Dotabuff? in General Discussion

    I was watching my total Hero Damage in the console with spec and naga, in dotabuff always is lower than the console dmg.
    -Console: 26k
    -Dotabuff: 15k
    -Console: 20k
    -Dotabuff: 11k
    -Console: 66k
    -Dotabuff: 36k


      And whith phantom lancer in dotabuff is always low HD

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        I guess that's more about illusions. You have any other game where you went Radiance on a non-illusion hero?


          @sam yes, but i dont remember the total damage

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            Well, I don't know. Dotabuff counts even the lifesteal you get from Open Wounds as "hero healing" so they should count this as well.


              From what I have noticed, console shows Damage Dealt, and I think that includes creep damage. While Dotabuff shows Hero Damage. Just a thought, don't know if I am correct

              Low Expectations

                @sam by that logic All spectras should have waay lower dmg output aswell