General Discussion

General DiscussionDeca vs. Wink Results

Deca vs. Wink Results in General Discussion

    - No bottle crowing
    - Winner is first to 5 kills or destroys both enemy mid towers


    [u]Round 1: Pudge[/u]
    Played on EU West (Deca's home server)
    Wink calls GG after third death
    Deca wins!

    Wink's Score: 1-3-0
    LH/DN: 30/11
    GPM/XPM: 222/373

    Deca's Score: 3-1-0
    LH/DN: 56/23
    GPM/XPM: 331/550

    [u]Round 2: Shadow Fiend[/u]
    Played on US East (Wink's home server)
    Deca calls GG after losing second middle tower
    Wink wins!

    Wink's Score: 4-1-0
    LH/DN: 112/8
    GPM/XPM: 438/646

    Deca's Score: 1-4-0
    LH/DN: 116/24
    GPM/XPM: 351/426


    The winner was the person playing in their home server, which is a big factor in 1v1 mid. The only real way to determine who is better would be if we were on the same part of the globe, but we literally live in opposite sides of the world.
    Game is a draw.

    Also, neither of us could land hooks for shit.

    Тази тема била редактирана

      Well played well played. Glad you guys could settle it like true gentlemen :)

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        Why would it be a bo2 wtf?


          ^Deca had to go, plus it was pretty clear that ping was the biggest factor in those games. I was throwing hooks that looked retarded because of delay, and Deca walked under my tower in the SF game for no reason.


            Whats a bo2? ^


              best of 2

              can we have me x chris pls


                Just play on a server both of u have lag on


                  I don't think chris would win since he would need his ursa companion to go lvl 1 rosh. He'd have to 2v1 satellizer to win XD


                    Why would it be first to 5 deaths? Imo should really be first kill or first to 2 at most. Whoever gets the first kill is going to be so far ahead, it would take a throw to lose.

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      So instead of doing Pudge vs Pudge then SF vs SF, why don't you do two Pudge vs Pudges?


                        Yeah I thought it was 2 pudge vs pudge best of 3. I agree should be rematched on a non-home server for both :P Everyone needs a redo.


                          pudge is boring

                          i got fb both games and i threw pudge xD


                            you should've played puck vs qop and qop vs puck since it was different servers


                              is 1v1 pudge a thing now?


                                why pudge in game 1 and sf in game 2?

                                makes no sense. Prob you'd beat him in EU WEST with SF. 110 ms isnt that big of a deal. I play on 50ms on EU WEST and sometimes I get around 110 cause of my lil bro watching ****. It's fine, nothing to cry about.

                                Grace Field

                                  esp wink, what is your mmr, don't fucking lie, prove with pic

                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                    me vs sat i rape hard 100%


                                      he wanted pudge 1v1, and i wanted sf 1v1, why not?

                                      @kyh i hover 4.1k-3.9k, im at 3912 atm

                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                        come at me bro
                                        1v1 treant

                                        Grace Field

                                          post a pic wink, with your name and account in view and solo mmr



                                              do you have like a wink fetish or something?


                                                wink is a liar, i have him in my friends i just checked his rating. if you dont believe me check my friends he is really in there.

                                                here is the screen with his real mmr


                                                  go coach him fat degu


                                                    in chris I trust


                                                      JESUS CHRIST HALF OF DOTABUFF JUST TALKS SHIT AND HAS SHIT MMR
                                                      im 0.2k btw


                                                        when is the blunt vs bogi matchup


                                                          3700 and 3900 mmr phahah


                                                            add me for 1v1 ill stomp you with my left hand on south africa server


                                                              vroksnak add me ill show you what stomp means.


                                                                meh dodging like usual Vroksnak, dissapointed.