General Discussion

General DiscussionThis is why you dont do CM in PUBs

This is why you dont do CM in PUBs in General Discussion

    poor timbersaw


      uhh biggest problem was your timbersaw. I don't see a problem here otherwise the facepalming roflstomp you guys received.

      I don't really get the visage/treant pick though I mean it looks like you guys did a half assed tri lane with two slows and a brief stun from luna barf.

      Who did the captaining on that? Should've done the captain build that melody and I got roflstomped with Drow/luna/venge/dazzle/shadow shaman so dirty :(


        last pick drow...

        mel visage...


          this is why you pick cm in pubs. feed but still win.

          Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

            Lol. I play badly. Check my doto logs. I am the tireds.

            King of Low Prio


              The draft was greedy which is why I took the tree to cover the lanes(The guy gave me 3 options on which heroes he could play), the problem is that he never used his heal for the block portion and only used it as a heal AFTER the fight. Timber was 0-5 in like 4mins refused to listen to me that a magc stick might be a good idea vs a BB trilane. I will never pick a pushing line up to win a pub, that is just desperation. The trilane was set around giving luna farm NOT going for kills.

              Melody bugged me to play CM and against my better judgement I went in and joined a bunch of TI4 wannabes, ugh.


                best timbersaw i've ever seen


                  It's not like in AP there are no feeders. This guy could random timbersaw just as well.

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                  King of Low Prio

                    My issue has nothing to do with feeders (well maybe a little) it has to do with the arrogant mentality that goes along with people who play it in pubs.


                      Tell me about it... The three ability draft games that I played recently, my teammates were always flaming someone (including me) that they picked bad abilities right after the draft. I ended up winning all three games :3


                        @ Sampson

                        Well sounds like you know what happened here!

                        IDK captains mode/draft is good shit in pubs, better than all pick man. I have not played Captains mode as much lately and have been doing all pick and have been suffering to stupid shit like jungle batrider, or other tard movies.

                        Can't really help your timber fed offlane, didn't get a wand against bb......... you can't say that doesn't happen in all pick Sampson :P


                          CM is a horrible mode to play. 20 minute picking phase leads to a game that's done in 10 minutes. Also, in CM you need to know your teams tendencies. Wouldn't really play CM unless I was in a 5 stack.

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