General Discussion

General Discussiondoes anyone have those friends that

does anyone have those friends that in General Discussion

    point fingers at everyone else and questions everyone but himself/herself

    or is it just moi


      Everyone will do this at one point or another, it's entirely part of being of being in a competitive environment.

      Miku Plays

        is it normal that i blame myself everytime i do something stupid in game?


          ye but this is all the time like excessive lol

          i mean he refuses to listen to anything or anyone despite what's being said, he plays the same way he did in dota 1 and is always frustrated when he loses.. he wonders why his jungling battle dazzle with midas who doesn't help because "no one signaled" (ironically we did but he said i didn't ask him for help over mic).

          always goin dagon on almost every single hero but seriously convinced that everyone else is crazy :/