General Discussion

General DiscussionThis forum is so intense and epic

This forum is so intense and epic in General Discussion

    Fire extinguishers aint gonna help shit over here and I love the whole idea of iam-better-then-u atmosphere its almost like watching wwe/ufc in here and I hope it will be maintained this way


      Welcome to DOTABUFF

      Quick maffs

        This forum just needs a ignore buttom and everyone will be happy


          ^^ "YOU SUCK" ?


            Ban wave and hael then everyone will be happy


              ^and bogi

              King of Low Prio


                Ignore buttons on a public forum is counter productive. Everyone's view should be heard and if you do not accept that you should stay within your private domain. Obviously proper moderation should be used to facilitate discussion.

                nebunu la jokuri 77777
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                  Quick maffs


                    Ignore buttom is like the mute buttom in the game, if i dont want to hear bullshit from some people is the best option.

                    Ignoring some people is better

                    King of Low Prio

                      you are not suppose to be having discussions in game chat..........they are completely different

                      Quick maffs



                          The "ignore" button on a forum like this is simple: don't read the person's posts.


                            I think the most intense iam-better-then-u piece of **** in here is Sampson
                            any challenger?


                              on the dev forums there is an ignore option and it really helps keep out the trolls.

                              Quick maffs


                                Blunt or wave

                                On playdota there is a ignore option too

                                King of Low Prio

                                  why not just ban the trolls? ignoring them does not help the forums it only is a band aid

                                  Quick maffs

                                    Well that requires more moderation and more time from the mods

                                    King of Low Prio

                                      like I said it is a band aid for lazy moderation. Every new person to the forums has to learn each troll and then ignore each of them one at a time



                                        Plz mods, ban bogi, wave, and hael

                                        Quick maffs

                                          Still some trolls might not get banned even when they deserve it, so a ignore buttom will still be ok

                                          Ban the trolls and give a ignore buttom

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                                          King of Low Prio

                                            Dorkly I see exactly what you are trying to do, you are not fooling anyone. You want to ignore people you do not like. If they are trolling and there is proper moderation they will be banned.

                                            Quick maffs


                                              No, i am just asking for a ignore button, and that shit exists in a lot of forums and it usually works.

                                              I ignore people i dont like by not reading their shit, a ignore button would make it easier.

                                              but i guess you would be n1 in the ignore list, probably the reason you dont want that

                                              oh well

                                              Edit: Well actually with a proper moderation you would get banned so i guess you are right :)

                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                              King of Low Prio

                                                'I ignore people i dont like by not reading their shit, a ignore button would make it easier.'

                                                yes but you are using the guise of 'to help against trolls'. This does nothing against trolls it just limits discussion. Discussion is a two way street and while you might not like their view ignoring it does not facilitate real discussions. To stop trolls you need to ban trolls.

                                                saying well 'X forums has Y and it works' is like saying 'well LoL doesnt have a denies and it works might as well bring that to Dota 2' -_-


                                                  i want to see a thumbs up/down beside every post so we can see what people actually think of every input (ty to anonimity).


                                                    if all these are indeed implemented I think Sampson will get ignored and t-down a lot. by a lot I literally mean ALOT

                                                    Quick maffs

                                                      Well its not like this forum is going to get a true moderation soon, ignore buttom is cheaper and easier, it might not fix totally the problem but at least it would be something to start with

                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                        I would actually support a thumbs up/down function to deal with people making QQ threads about how 'their team is keeping them in the 2k bracket'

                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                          You bring up what other websites do but guess what they all have? Moderation

                                                          Quick maffs

                                                            Yep moderation and ignore buttom

                                                            and everyone happy :)

                                                            a thumbs up/down function would be great too

                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                              my only issue was with it was people saying 'bring the ignore function to deal with trolls' which it does not accomplish and the mods might do it to appease some people and not actually have to do work (moderation)

                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                Dude just dont flame them again ffs :D

                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                  I think a little flame gets them to not feel complacent :P


                                                                    Sam, if denying is in dota 2 and it works, bring it to lol. it works the other way around.
                                                                    Ignoring works in dev.dota2, but they also have mods that ACTUALLY DO STUFF. we should bring both of those things here.

                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                      I have no issue bringing them over (while I do not agree with ignore in public forums I am not against having them). As stated I just dont want ignore function to be brought over as a band aid fix for trolls when they really should be focusing on the moderation issue

                                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                        we seriously need new mods that actually use the forum (sam, melody, me)

                                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                                          ^before anyone loses their shit sam /= Sampson


                                                                            yes it does o.O
                                                                            what else would it be? sam = hael? rofl

                                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                                              because I am not a nice person I assumed to meant sam #2


                                                                                im not either, but at least we would actively moderate the forum...


                                                                                  I cant help but agree with the "Ignore" feature.
                                                                                  would help filter the forums discussions and to stay away from the useless trolls
                                                                                  If that is considered a bad idea form the mods, then a more active removal of toxic people from the mods should be considered at least.
                                                                                  or as someone else says, why have one when you can have both? :)

                                                                                  +1 on that Dorkly

                                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                                    I think Dotabuff needs to take a stance on things. For example is it toxic to the forums to allow QQ threads about elo hell and have them spam every match they lose or is it toxic to call them retarded when they post it?


                                                                                      Yes to qq threads. No to flaming qq thread-makers.


                                                                                        It's more toxic to clog a forum with crappy threads than to flame the cloggers.

                                                                                        Which is worse, the shit in the pipes, or the plunger?

                                                                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран


                                                                                          both is toxic. an ignore function wold solve both problems.

                                                                                          1. It would keep the forum threads list clean
                                                                                          2. It would prevent reading flame garbage

                                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                                            Personally I believe just pick whatever you want the QQ or the flame so people can choose if they want to be a active member of these forums or not OR at least force things into sub forums.

                                                                                            King of Low Prio


                                                                                              Every day there is a new person creating a 'god my teammates suck valve plz fix' thread. Having to ignore each person every day is annoying and is why all web forums have some form of moderation. Also the ignore function does nothing for new people who come to the forums because they have to read all the QQ threads to ignore each person individually


                                                                                                @people considering flame as toxic
                                                                                                define flame


                                                                                                  While i agree with you the forum needs moderation, it just a click (if implemented properly) to ignore those newly created threads or their creators. So far it's not like I'm seeing 100 people on a daily basis posting that. It's right, there are, but not as many.

                                                                                                  What i mean is, flaming is not constructing and doesnt bring anything to a discussion.
                                                                                                  That's a personal opinion ofcourse. Still I believe that ignoring the post would do much more than flaming.
                                                                                                  Or if you have to post (happens to me too) just avoid being the flamer

                                                                                                  Personal opinion here, feel free to share yours

                                                                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                                  King of Low Prio


                                                                                                    read my first comment

                                                                                                    People consider that 'flaming'

                                                                                                    GG | dudutsai

                                                                                                      I didn't start reading these forums until recently, and I like what I see as well :)


                                                                                                        sam is showing exactly what i mean by "define flaming", everybody has a different opinion about it. I say way worse things than sam but never get called out on it, but sam is always called out on his constructive criticism. QQ threads should be blocked from this site, then there will be nothing to flame