General Discussion

General DiscussionUK Team Seeking 5th position

UK Team Seeking 5th position in General Discussion

    We are a UK based team named Vertility (This will most likely change) who wish to enter into the professional side of Dota 2 and compete in tournaments and possibly travel to LAN events. For this reason we would much prefer players based in the UK who are willing to commit their time and efforts to the team and form bonds as a friend and grow together as a team.

    About Us
    We are currently four good friends who are seeking a fifth player to play in the 5th position for our team. Our team as it stands is
    1. BaDLucKYboYLau -
    2. BlueDiabloXIII -
    3. Scranner -
    4. Vasquea -
    5. Vacant

    As a team we have very outgoing personalities and are all very competitive. Like any team we like to joke and have a good laugh but we know when we need to be serious and do so. The youngest of our group is 18 and we range up to 20, due to us wanting to go to LAN tournaments we would prefer 18 and over but if you are under 18 and know you can attend these tournaments and travel abroad for these matches we won't rule you out as a player.
    We as a team also have hopes of moving into a gaming house when it is financially suitable and all living together as a team so this is another must. We use teamspeak as our primary voice communication so this is a must if you wish to play with us as communication is key when playing dota. We have set training times which can be found here and a single day dedicated to reviewing our gameplay and setting team and personal goals for players.

    We have competed in small tournaments but recently lost a friend due to the stress from the intensity level of amateur tournaments and the dedication required and this is the reason for us currently searching for a new player to join our roster and form strong bonds with.

    What we expect from you
    We expect you to be dedicated to this team as a whole. To go into the details of this we will have set times we will practice and we aim to practice 7 days a week, if you can’t make this commitment then this is not the team for you. We as a team have the drive and dedication to go professional and full well intend to. We will be competing in all possible weekly tournaments and intend to scrim upwards of 4 times a day when possible. If this sounds like the intensity and commitment level you are looking for in a team then we are for you. This post may come off as very harsh but we wish to find this player as fast as possible and waste as little of our and your time as possible as we intend to enter tournaments as soon as possible.

    Our end goal
    Our end goal as a team is simple, we want to be the best. We want to make a living from what we enjoy most and that is playing games and we hope to share that dream with one more person.

    Contact and Information
    If you want to contact us and are intrested in joining our team please contact scranner ( ) to get the teamspeak information for a small interview and trails to play with us.


      Good luck dude. Might be good for you to place an MMR range so both you and your applicants will know what can be expected of them (As it is technically the only "reliable" way of measuring one's skill)

      Този коментар е бил редактиран
      Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

        They're 3k-ish players.


          hmm, i might be intrested.
          still thinking about it

          Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

            Worst troll EU^


              Judging from your player profiles , I highly don't recommend you guys to go pro yet... You need to increase your individual skill levels and have a better knowledge base at the game

              I'm not trying to crush your dream or anything , you guys would be wasting a lot of time playing as a team etc and then come to realize u guys are no where near being able to make to legit torunaments


                5th, LAD




                    I think actually being able to stomp the 3k bracket should be the first goal.

                    kanye went to uni

                      Forum posters here live off crushing other people's pride, I swear....


                        Well I have played in a few open qualifier-style competitions, which are full of 3k+ rated teams who have the same aspirations. But the games are fairly ridiculous - so far in every match I've played the higher MMR team stomps the lower MMR team flat. The last 3k+ rated team I played Razor went mid without adding Static Link and lost his lane to my Dragon Knight. I had no idea what was going on. It's only when both teams are around 5k MMR and above that rating doesn't matter anymore... at lower brackets individual skill affects the game far too much. Even between low 4k and low 5k the difference is ridiculous.

                        Not to burst your bubble or anything but looking as far as to set up a gaming house at this stage is probably too ambitious. Perhaps work on improving individual aspects of play first...

                        Този коментар е бил редактиран
                        Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                          I was making an assumption based on player profiles. Just saying.


                            7 days a week? Wow


                              Good luck guys, Id like to do the same thing on a much less intense level. No gaming house and such it would be all internet based at first but a dedicated roster of players and roles to practice each week would be awesome.


                                Don't go pro league, join amateur league first :D
                                Something like SCL Double Dash Tournament that is going on right now or upcoming amateur tournament


                                  Necroing threads pointlessly should be a punishable offense.

                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!