General Discussion

General DiscussionI really wanted to say my piece of that previously locked flame fest.

I really wanted to say my piece of that previously locked flame fest. in General Discussion

    I know it was locked for a good reason, it was degenerating into filth, however, I really wanted to say my piece. I personally get quite annoyed by the level of none-dota stuff we have on this forum.

    I am well aware of the argument made (primarily by Melody) that says this is a 'General Discussion' however this is a Dota related forum and the majority of his posts are not 'General' they are anime inclined and frankly annoying (sorry to pick on you atm Melody, I will point out the things I think you do that are good too - however I also find it annoying when he refers to himself in the third person with a name that clearly isn't his real name, Melody - but as a side note that's almost irrelevant).

    However, that being said, some of his content is useful to the forums, the guide for example. Heck, even the post a picture of yourself was a fun way to keep the dotabuff community nattering and relative to itself.

    Back to the relevance of the General Discussion idea, I accept that everyone has their own likes and dislikes but the one thing we all have in common here is our like of Dota. Therefore, this forum should be more or less strictly only about Dota. I personally HATE Anime and the meme's actually annoy me (well aware this is opening myself up to trolling here, but as I'm remaining mature I'd hope the same could be said about the posts that will follow). I am also 100% sure that as a sports fan I could fill these forums with my sports related opinions that would frankly annoy people who have no interest in sport, this is why I don't do it. Nor do I post images, memes, or anything like that except in the very occasional thread that is clearly labelled and intended for that purpose (Melody's what are you listening to thread as an example).

    From a much more simple point of view now, my reason for posting this is simply to ask to each of you personally, do you wish these forums were tighter regulated with Dota-related material.

    I for one say yes, please more regulation.

    The whole message of we can post what we want because this forum is a General forum is kinda dumb. I wouldn't go to a Church group website to post a request about the best dogging spots in town, or who has watched the most recent episode of Game of Thrones. So I don't see how people can try and justify their tendencies to stray here by coming back to the fact that the forum is poorly regulated.

    I suggest sub-categories or more regulation on content. I love this website but the forums are becoming more and more frustrating.

    Тази тема била редактирана
    Jay Ashborne

      Yet you are making another thread, in which to discuss it...

      #Logic at 11am.

      Miku Plays

        idk what should be done as long as i can see stats im good

        waku waku

          how about you show examples of negative behaviour when you complain about it?


            Im not making a dicussion Melody. Im asking only if people want a change.

            #logic of someone who clearly TL;DR'd

            Manny Mammoth


              Just because its a website about dota stats doesnt mean every single topic has to be about dota.

              They may add some kind of sub-forums in the future until then deal with shitposting


                Im not talking about negative behaviour, im talking about forum relevance



                  If you want to talk about anything why not go to a relevant forum? Thats why im here con DOTAbuff

                  Jay Ashborne

                    I haven't even had my coffee yet. Don't expect me to read anything. So I just read it, all I see is I dislike anime and I wanna post sports. Go ahead I'll be the first to start.

                    Jay Ashborne

                      Forums > General


                        No. The message is I like dota and i want to post dota and see dota

                        But ty on proving why i dislike what some people do here

                        King of Low Prio


                          waku waku

                            i don't know about you but i only see like 5 threads not related to dota on the last 5 pages, that seems reasonable to me


                              By title yes, but so many of them have random posts that take them completely off topic. Such as Melody's meme above which has already taken mine off topic.

                              But thank you for at least replying to what I'm talking about.

                              Jay Ashborne

                                Well here's what I'm getting at.

                                Guiri3 minutes ago

                                If you want to talk about anything why not go to a relevant forum? Thats why im here con DOTAbuff

                                >Guiri3 minutes ago

                                Half of the community has anime avatars. To be honest I don't really even watch anime anymore, I don't have the time. A lot of the images are really cute. Shits just so adorable. It's a ez way to convey thoughts without directly posting them, however for the motherfucking record for as many times as it was posted yesterday. Tagging something with text doesn't make it a meme. There are no anime memes I've posted besides yuno. If they were memes, you wouldn't know because it's not your joke to get. (You don't know from what it stemmed ect.)

                                Sure it's a dota forum, HOWEVER even people that play dota eat sleep drink and shit like you and I. There are other things that happen beside dota. If all you have going on in your life is DOTA, then you should most likely grab a new hobby. I myself really like the factor I can post what lunch I ate today here instead of dealing with the fucking flood of kids saying "MY MMR SUCKS ITS ALL MY TEAM". I am sick and tired of seeing those threads, however I don't make threads and personally insult each and every fucking person that complains about losing a game.

                                I took so many personal attacks yesterday, and I just roll it off my shoulder. [color=red]But ty on proving why i dislike what some people do here[/color] [color=green]Honestly, I don't give a fuck what you or anyone thinks of me. Love me, hate me. Who cares?[/color] because at the end of the day, if it wasn't for my breaks in posts or someone else like so and so making lunch threads... you would be back to that same number that I quoted in my stuck thread, that 44% of posts were complaint threads. If you don't like what you're reading man, scroll down. You have control of the mouse. I'm not sitting here forcing you to look at anime. If you don't like it, scroll away.


                                  cmmon guys this is general Discussions!.

                                  the only way is to make seperate places to chat/derp/troll/rage and a different place to talk about the game.

                                  and honestly?this chatting/derping/trollin/raging is a part of every forum.Grow up and accept that people have tastes which have to be respected in any ANY circumstance.

                                  what is melody likes anime and night core?

                                  People may not like the fact that you rub your ass with a grater to feel good.(just saying though)


                                    The thing is nobody actually bothers to ask politely for someone to stop doing something here.

                                    It's all ban petitions and name calling and since most people here are from teenagers to young adults, not many are going to answer nicely or follow any petition after being insulted. Kudos to you for having some decency though.

                                    Now go drink your coffee Melody. Posting while sleepy, hungry or angry is always a bad idea.

                                    Jay Ashborne

                                      No cream or sugar, see you in ten.


                                        yeah. #havesomecoffee

                                        i have a crate of cafe Cuba by my side 24*7.


                                          Melody, I just don't understand if you really wanted a chat or something of that nature why you don't go to a website designed for that sort of purpose.

                                          I'm sorry but this website was not designed to house such off topic debates.

                                          Also, I don't love nor hate you Melody, I have no opinions towards you as a person because I don't know you. I would rather read 80% dota related complaints than 30% and 30% anime or whatever none related content. If I want to see anime I'll search anime, if I want to see porn I'll search porn, if I want to see sports I'll search sports etc.

                                          @ Sir, I don't care who likes what, I just don't want to read about it on a dota related forum.

                                          waku waku

                                            we have no official rules about using the forum, so techinicially it's about anything

                                            now please don't restart the flames

                                            Jay Ashborne

                                              Because it's nice to have a break from 24/7 constant bitching about people playing dota and teammates. (Which is what your forum is, just saying)

                                              How do you know? Did you create it? I'm pretty sure if it was Dota discussion we would have no worries, however it's general discussion. I'm not going to argue this with you. We are both in a gray area. Why can't you just ignore the threads you don't want to see?

                                              You guys ever had deathwish coffee? I just got this shit in yesterday, I feel like I could chew through a tree.

                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                thank you for the respect . LOL


                                                  Reduced vertical separation minima or minimum (RVSM) is the reduction of the standard vertical separation required between aircraft flying between FL290 (29,000 ft) and FL410 (41,000 ft) inclusive, from 2,000 feet to 1,000 feet (or between 8,850 and 12,500 m from 600 m to 300 m). This therefore increases the number of aircraft that can safely fly in a particular volume of airspace.


                                                    Some Good stuff eh?

                                                    on -topic,The shit people said to melody on the closed thread is preposterous.

                                                    these fucking 20 year old big guns think that everybody is just as retarded and vile as they are.

                                                    i mean,violating your your own child?
                                                    do you have any idea what joy it brings a father when he realizes that his little child is healthy,or doing good in class,or made something out of clay.Even if we are not so good in showing our emotions to people like you dipshit-faggots,we do not consider it to be universal.Respecting someones personal tastes and lives is a thing that third world dudes like me understand so why dont you?

                                                    so the next time you go on insulting someone so gravely,think about what would you do if some one said the same to you.



                                                      ^^ Only 103 more matches for the 5k checkpoint!

                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                        @community, not looking to start to flames, just genuinely wanted to see opinion and would appreciate a bit more complexity to these forums.

                                                        @Melody, I would simply just ignore the threads I don't want to see but it spills over into threads I do want to see. What can start as a dota thread can quickly degenerate into a 'meme-off' or as Disruptive Pilot has now posted, a random fact thread. I would be fine just ignoring what I don't want to read if it was kept to threads I have no interest in, I hope you can understand that much?

                                                        I'm not insulting what you do or asking you to stop, just get it regulated!



                                                          100% agree with you. I had some agreement with them on their points about the forums but their attitude is vile and the cretins don't know what they're even talking about. I hope sincerely from that regard that Melody really does just let it roll off because they clearly are just being disgusting creatures and need regulating too.


                                                            Anyway guys, I'm gonna love and leave you. Got a festival to attend for the weekend.

                                                            I just missed out on that last thread so I wanted to say my piece. I'm happy to let it die here.


                                                              I always thought it was nice to see someone with the same interests as I, though I haven't seen anyone who is a fan of Ichigo 100% and likes Dota 2 at the same time. As long as someone isn't breaking forum rules it should be fine and left that way. Some people here just complain about the most irrelevant things such as the guy who posted that thread the other day.

                                                              Jay Ashborne

                                                                @ Guiri
                                                                I already said yesterday that I was going to *attempt* to stay on dota topics more or at least post less catgirl weeaboo shit. You really seem to be like one of ten people complaining on at least multi-thousand user site. The same argument is being made today as it was yesterday. It's just really really redundant.


                                                                  Melody, then that's fine. I'm trying not to complain quite like the others did as they are pretty pathetic. But I know for a fact there are many more passive members of this community that dislike what you post too. I'd like to think I'm more of a representative voice of that group, not of the hate filled people from yesterday.


                                                                    I would like to see a sub forum on specifically the game. From what i have gathered here, there are some really good players, and I would love to see theorycrafting and mechanics discussions with opinions from those good players.

                                                                    I'm not touching the other comments in this thread with a 100 ft. pole.

                                                                    I guess I feel like the kind of person who makes an account here is the kind of person that wants to see their stats, and also to get an above average perspective of the game. I am a terrible player, but I want to be better...I know that I need to just "get better" but I would also like to be able to come to the people of this forum with a serious question and get an intellectual response.

                                                                    Despite all the flaming, trolling, etc., I believe this community can be a large boon to players looking to get better.

                                                                    Jay Ashborne

                                                                      *sips coffee*

                                                                      If so many people dislike what I post maybe I should just join the crowd. I abandoned two games ranked yesterday intentionally. It was my team mates fault.

                                                                      ... Yeah I could never say that. I did it just to even out my winrate. I'm still .01 off.

                                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                        ^ Melody ♥'s Yuno Gas...

                                                                        Don't you love it when DB can't copy your whole nickname? :D

                                                                        What was the complete nickname anyway?


                                                                          yeah there are plenty of hentai weaboo forums, i dont get why there are so many of them here

                                                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                            can we just ban melody alrdy

                                                                            Jay Ashborne

                                                                              @ CaptainRampage79

                                                                              Well, I think we should just make this an anime forum. It's clear over half the userbase likes anime. Majority rules right?

                                                                              Just leave the forum the way it is, it's fine. Also stop trying to make points on 100 game accounts, we all know we're smurfs.

                                                                              Jay Ashborne


                                                                                Melody ♥'s Yuno Gasai


                                                                                  ^ Sorry if I offended with my words. This wasn't my intent. I LOVE ANIME btw. I just want a sub forum for dota stuff.


                                                                                    i had a friend who watched anime, so he got me to watch death note, i actually watched every episode and it was pretty good, but i still don't understand why people get obsessed with it? maybe since child porn is illegal they look at little anime girls instead

                                                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                    Jay Ashborne

                                                                                      That's a whole different discussion, Keep this thread on topic. ^


                                                                                        just stop with catgirls threads and spam "mm is shit thanks gaben" threads

                                                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                                                          and ban those dark skinned Brazilians


                                                                                            it's completely on topic, your profile pic is a 10 year old cartoon girl, do you think that's appropriate?

                                                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                            Jay Ashborne

                                                                                              @ Satiellizer

                                                                                              Clearly, that's what everyone wants. To be back to 44% average bitching density.

                                                                                              Yuno gasai's character is in high school. She's like 18.

                                                                                              Full image here. What 10 year old wears suggestive stockings. Stay on topic. You're wrong, sorry.

                                                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                              Miku Plays

                                                                                                @GIPA child porn and lolis dont mix.... its a different idea.... bzzzzt


                                                                                                @GIPA Yuno isnt 10 yr old btw

                                                                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                                                  plz protect the children from those godless people



                                                                                                    how about some kfc

                                                                                                    Jay Ashborne

                                                                                                        what fucking weirdos to be obsessed with anime girls that look like 10 and wear stockings, whatever i guess it's your life, just don't rape any children