General Discussion

General DiscussionLol, Dendi just got his longest losing streak. 12.

Lol, Dendi just got his longest losing streak. 12. in General Discussion

    Longest Losing Streak
    Queen of Pain (1:00:56)
    Lost 6 hours ago, Ranked, All Pick

    Dotes be down :(

    casual gamer

      He didn't go rapier what a pussy

      Retard Security Detail

        Maybe all the helicopters getting shot down around him messed with his concentration. Ukraine getting alittle Wild West these days, dunno what parts those NaVi guys are from.


          He said all that stuff is happening farther away and nothing is anything like that near him.
          Well that was when the Free to play video came out.


            May the god wih u dendi


              I don't normally get a chance to watch his streams but he was talking about some random stuff but seemed kinda stressed at the same time. Then again I wasn't really listening or watching anyway lol


                no wonder, that fucking retard played like trash so its obvious that he losses.


                  he might get conscripted

                  Sugar Show

                    >Game is hard when russia is trying to invade your town.


                      > game is hard if you dive base when the t2 tower still stands
                      > game is hard if you dont pop your bkb in clashes
                      > game is hard if you dont join teamfights but emo in the jungle


                        He is dumping games to get lower mmr.


                          Or maybe he is under lot of stress because there were news that Army of Ukraine is in full emergency and all men under 25 must recruit. That would be fucked up if he misses IT4 because of it.


                            Shadow Demon saves the day.