General Discussion

General DiscussionI increased my MMR from X to Y during period Z

I increased my MMR from X to Y during period Z in General Discussion

    Can i have some opinions on how much u players improved ur mmr ? and how much time did it take u ?


      i started at 3.5k mmr am now 4.6k mmr about a month


        I started at 3.1 and am now at 3.3 over the past few months.

        Dont play AP. No matter how well you play, you never know when you are going to get a foreigner who picks BS, spends half the laning phase disconnected, and feeds. CM games drastically reduces your chances of contracting AIDS from these neanderthals.

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        game is bad

          I went from 4065 to 5414 in 2 weeks.

          ☛ ƊƦ.ӍѺƝֆƬ€Ʀ

            ^ WOW impressive, any tactics or heroes u played ?

            King of Low Prio

              3k to 4k in a week or so (I calibrated low so I didnt actually improve at all....)


                :) :) :)

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                ☛ ƊƦ.ӍѺƝֆƬ€Ʀ

                  i personally started playing ranked 2 days ago, i won 9/10 games with only one hero ( ogre magi) so i thought its easy to increase ur mmr fast , thats why im asking

                  King of Low Prio

                    my MM goes down when I grind out practicing heroes

                    King of Low Prio

                      might have to do with insta locking mediocore heroes then spamming

                      'I mid, cyka'


                        3800 to 4.4 in two weeks

                        alot of pudges in other team so autowin

                        ☛ ƊƦ.ӍѺƝֆƬ€Ʀ

                          hahahah actually i will spam ogre now till the point where i cant carry my team with ogre, i will search for other op heroes, maybe ember slark and dp

                          ☛ ƊƦ.ӍѺƝֆƬ€Ʀ

                            ^ @Darkness with which hero are u punishing pudge pickers ?

                            Low Expectations

                              Calibrated at 3,2 went to 4,0 in a couple of months. Started picking zaport

                              Bone Chilling

                                Calibration was strange form me. First I got the party rating of 4.6k after calibration matches and my mates with whom i've been playing with thos matches all got around 3-3.5k. Then I got my solo rating at 3.9k improved it to 4.5k in less than a week.



                                  there are currently 106 heroes that are better than pudge in good hands. even void/pa can win mid vs pudge if you know how to shit on his whole skillset

                                  kanye went to uni

                                    3406 to 3431 solo in two months #roadtoti

                                    Yeezy duz it

                                      Calibrated at 1800 after winning 9/10 calibrating matches, improved to 2300 in 2 weeks then improved to 1400 in 4 days


                                        From 3.7 to 4 in a month ( 1-2 game a day ish)

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                                          From 4.6k to 5k than to 4.1k and now I m 4.4k


                                            3.3k to 3.7k in 1 month 3.7k to 3.5k 2 months later and now 3.5k to 3.9k/4k- solo only

                                            Trust me, you'll move up in no time if you play well


                                              trust me if u move up so much u meet good team mates

                                              kanye went to uni

                                                Funnily enough I find it impossible to win solo on my main @3k flat but seem to do okay on this one.

                                                We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                                                  I started at 2.2k or 2.3k mmr and highest I gotten was 3.4kmmr (well idk how long it took me but started 5 months ago it seems o-o) so hoping to get 4k this month! I'm sitting at 3.3k mmr right now. Right now I'm working on my last hits and just having fun. Not raging at anyone and being positive if I know we can make a come back has helped a lot too. :d

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                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                    I rage at my team even be4 the first blood and my MM is going up.....


                                                      ^ A damned Wisp pick.

                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                        ^ never again


                                                          From 4,2k, to 5230. Ez


                                                            in last 9 days:
                                                            +300 solo
                                                            -200 party

                                                            casual gamer

                                                              3.3k to 3.9k in ~ a month. I don't feel like I did anything particular, just winning slightly more than losing.


                                                                i have a friend named xvrogue who went from 3.5k to 5.5k in a month by playing over 150 terrorblade and LC games.

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                                                                  99 to 100


                                                                    3,1k to 4,4k in 2 months i guess


                                                                      2k to 3k in 2 months


                                                                        4300 To 5100 in 4-5 days playing support and offlane.


                                                                          I used to play a lot with friends them being brand new to the game, then get calibrated around 3,8k.
                                                                          Played a bit while being static on 3.8k while my friends grinded their way to be able to do ranked.

                                                                          Now I'm sitting at 3.2k group, and barely 3k solo. I should really play something with a bigger impact, maybe a carry to start climbing again, but it just bugs me to see every game no courier and no wards if I don't stick to play a support hero.

                                                                          All in all, I am not too concerned.
                                                                          I'm more focused on the group rating considering that I find it quite silly to meet groups in the solo queue.
                                                                          I'm sure ill climb up again tho.

                                                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                            Started at 3.2k, dropped to 2.9k, now about to reach 3.8k. Focusing on playing a select choice of carries made my MMR go up


                                                                              4600 to 5100 in 1 month and another month to get to 5400 smth like that


                                                                                Started from 3900 and now sitting at 4500 +- 200.


                                                                                  i play 15-16 games a day
                                                                                  and i can boost 200 point everyday
                                                                                  my rating is 5600
                                                                                  4 days from 5k to 5600


                                                                                    "Now I'm sitting at 3.2k group, and barely 3k solo. I should really play something with a bigger impact, maybe a carry to start climbing again, but it just bugs me to see every game no courier and no wards if I don't stick to play a support hero."
                                                                                    Remember, if you don't have wards, chances are the enemy team doesn't either. And if you don't have wards normally, chances are your team wouldn't use the vision if you did.


                                                                                      4300 -> 4700 -> 4300


                                                                                        Started at about 3300 and now I'm 3395 after 61 games :D

                                                                                        I find it harder to get a ranked match than a normal match in a reasonable time though (< 2 mins). So I don't play ranked exclusively.


                                                                                          "Remember, if you don't have wards, chances are the enemy team doesn't either. And if you don't have wards normally, chances are your team wouldn't use the vision if you did."

                                                                                          In my 3,5k bracket I have warding/dewarding war with enemy team supports in every second match.

                                                                                          P.S. And I cum every time I see Nyx got killed near my sentry ward. =)


                                                                                            ~3700 solo and party to 4.5k solo 4.7k party, took ~2 months.

                                                                                            Cant really say i used any method in particular


                                                                                              Dude honestly dont bother playing OP heroes only to bring up your mmr....might as well play the game properly and improve in reality rather than being delusional thinking you've improved so much when in reality only just spammed op hero...thats how i think of it

                                                                                              Thread related
                                                                                              Calibrated at 4003
                                                                                              Played 100 or so matches making my mmr range from 3900 to 4200
                                                                                              Now im back at 4000 exactly lol




                                                                                                  i sometimes go up and down 500 in a matter of days.. i even lost 800 solo que in 3 days =P


                                                                                                    "In my 3,5k bracket I have warding/dewarding war with enemy team supports in every second match."
                                                                                                    If you're having deward wars with supports then the TEAM isn't using the vision.


                                                                                                      decreased from 6.2 to 5.5 lal

                                                                                                      Vanity  ツ

                                                                                                        3.8k to 4.1 and down to 3.9 and now I'm at 4.4k solo and 4.6 party. My party mmr has only been increasing since I first started playing ranked. In contrary, my solo mmr has been more unstable.

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